Alright, let’s break it down, people. The BRICS Summit in Russia just hit the world with some major power moves. And if you missed it, pay attention — this is big league stuff

India and Iran: Deals Over Dinner 

Indian PM Modi meets with Iran’s new president. Why? To chat alliances while India’s arming up Israel. That’s a balancing act most leaders wouldn’t dare to pull off. But Modi? He’s in it to win it

Modi & Putin: The Plot Thickens 

Modi met with Putin and vowed to back Russia in ending the Ukraine Tensions. This isn’t just talk; it’s a major stance-shift with huge implications. If you’re not paying attention, you’re behind

BRICS’ Unity Shot 

BRICS leaders posed together, projecting the kind of power stance that sends chills down Wall Street’s spine. These guys mean business, and they’re looking to reshape the rules

Israel Condemned 

BRICS dropped a hard-hitting statement condemning Israel. Coordinated stances like these? Rare and powerful. This alliance just threw down a gauntlet

India-China: The Rivalry Freeze 

First India-China bilateral meeting in five years. They’re ending a border dispute, and if they keep this up, the region’s stability game could be flipped on its head

Saudi Skips the Summit 

Crown Prince MBS was a no-show, choosing instead to meet with US Secretary, Blinken. Message received: Saudi’s keeping its options open

Iran’s All In 

Putin announced Iran is now officially in BRICS. Let that sink in — this alliance just got a lot tougher

Teasing a BRICS Currency? 

Putin was handed a mock BRICS bill. Translation: they’re not done poking the dollar. If this currency thing becomes real, the global market shifts overnight

New Partners, More Power 

BRICS added 13 new partner countries — Algeria, Turkey, Nigeria, to name a few. They’re expanding fast, and they’re looking to make waves

The BRICS Grain Exchange 

Putin pitched a BRICS-based grain exchange. Imagine controlling the world’s food pricing. Game-changing? You bet

Putin Skips G20 

Putin just canceled his trip to G20. Looks like he’s got bigger plans than meeting with world leaders on Wall Street’s turf. This summit wasn’t just posturing — it was a clear message: there’s a new game in town. BRICS is here to make moves