You may think your strategy is the problem.

you may think losing is the problem.

you may think missing trades is the problem,

it's neither, it's actually how you 'think' about it after

that's the main cause of your psychological distress.

it's what I call 'LOOP' mode

Which stands for 'Locked on oneself persistently.'

you go over and over the event creating

more anxiety, stress and fear which ends up creating a

negative domino affect for your next trade.

To learn how to stop it you need to learn detachment.

Divergent Trader


Peak Performance Trading: Unlocking Your Mental Edge

Buy for £29.97

"Mastering the Inner Game of Trading: Achieving Peak Performance"

In this course you will learn how to control your emotions and thinking so that you can prevent self-sabotage and triggers. You will learn how move from ''LOOP'' mode (Locked Obsessively On Oneself) the state were so many traders end up, the excessive inward state were they end up relating and engaging with negative thoughts which then creates a negative domino effect of self sabotage. Instead you will learn how to think and trade with clarity.

What is Mental Edge? 🧠🧠

Mental edge in trading is fundamentally about understanding and controlling one's mental and emotional processes to avoid being triggered or sabotaging one's own success.

It's where traders become acutely aware of their emotional states and thought patterns in response to events that can possibly trigger them.

This heightened awareness allows traders to recognize when they are about to make decisions based on fear, greed, or other emotions, thereby preventing knee-jerk reactions that could deviate from their well-thought-out trading plans.

By not engaging with every thought or emotion, traders maintain control over their actions, ensuring they respond to the market with strategy and reason rather than impulsivity.

This self-regulation helps in creating a buffer against the psychological pitfalls of trading, enabling traders to stay focused on their process, manage risk effectively, and ultimately make decisions that align with their trading strategy, not their transient emotional states.

Through mental edge, traders create discipline, patience, and a clearer mind, which are essential for sustained success in the world of trading.

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