Everyone fails. Anyone you see succeeding only succeeds at the things you care about, and I guarantee you they fail at a lot of other things as well. The people I respect the most are those who fail well. I respect them more than those who succeed. This is because failure is a painful experience while success is an exhilarating experience, so failure, change, and then success require much more character than just success. People who are just succeeding should not overstep their bounds. Of course the worst are those who fail and don't admit it and don't change. #BTC
The one in the picture is Jim Cramer, the most famous economic broadcaster in America and the world... If you follow him on Twitter, you will find him to be a beautiful person in every sense of the word... always in good condition and interested in his work. Kramer's only daughter was afflicted with the malignant disease... and he was very attached to her and loved her very much... so when God healed her, her father was overflowing with joy... so he took his daughter to the American Stock Exchange hall and let her ring the bell. You might see behavior like this as normal... but for Kramer, the stock market is his whole life... and his daughter is the only queen who has the right to ring the bell.
Crocodiles do not swim here Crocodiles don't swim here . . We put a comma and it becomes the sentence Crocodiles, do not swim here Don't swim here, there are crocodiles . . The difference between life and death is just a comma
The difference between men and women is when they lose (Open the pictures to see the difference) The one on the right is “Anya” when she lost $270,000 in Gamestop stock The one on the left is “Stefan” 🤣
“A stupid man's talk of what a smart man says is never accurate, because unconsciously he translates what he hears into something he can understand.” -Bertrand Russell
Imagine that you gained and lost $270,000 in a day
Imagine that you gained and lost $270,000 in one day 🙂 😯 🙃 Today was a historic day in the life of Game Stop stock... after the “visiting cat” announced that he would make a live video during the session. Many people entered the stock hoping to make a quick profit... and one of these people was someone on Twitter named “Anya”... and when I read her message, I found that it needed to be translated! ...Because Anya earned and lost more than a quarter of a million dollars in one day!
Imagine, if you had $86,400 in your account, and someone stole $10 from you So will you be upset and spend the remaining $86,390 in hopes of recovering the stolen ten dollars? Or will you move on and live your life? Of course you will choose to move forward We all have 86,400 seconds every day Don't let 10 seconds wasted with a negative person ruin the remaining 86,390 Don't sweat the small stuff, life is bigger than that
Minutes later, at nine o'clock Egypt time, the US Federal Reserve will announce its decision regarding the interest rate on the dollar... Are we about to fix the interest rate for the eighth time in a row? ...or is there a change coming? $BTC