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Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 3 - final. (Market cap isn’t made of foil)Now that we understand what money is, what inflation does, and how much 1 BTC is worth, it’s time to focus on something simple yet often overlooked: how the market cap of a coin defines its price. Everything in this universe operates on supply and demand. Even galaxies follow this principle: what isn’t useful is pushed away by gravity. Things need to serve a purpose to continue existing; otherwise, they vanish. A perfect example is body hair. Have you noticed people losing body hair over time? That’s evolution happening right before your eyes. We no longer need thick chest hair for survival, so it’s fading away. I frequently come across price predictions from so-called “famous specialists” and everyday believers. It’s not uncommon to hear people claim that Bitcoin will hit $1,000,000, but is that even possible? Like stocks, cryptocurrencies are tied to their market capitalization. Bitcoin currently has around 19.5 million tokens in circulation. For #BTC to reach $100,000, its market cap would need to grow to $1.95 trillion USD—almost double its current size. To achieve this, Bitcoin would need to regain the market dominance it’s lost to coins like Ethereum and Binance Coin (BNB). And that gets increasingly difficult as new players, such as #Solana and #XRP, continue to emerge. Speaking of #XRP, it’s another frequent target for wild price predictions. Some claim #XRP could hit $1,000. But let’s break it down. Unlike Bitcoin’s 19.5 million tokens, XRP has a circulating supply of 53 billion tokens. This sheer abundance naturally reduces its value compared to Bitcoin. For XRP to reach $1,000, its market cap would have to balloon to $53 trillion USD. To put that into perspective: ‱ The world’s GDP in 2023 is $105 trillion USD. ‱ The U.S. national debt is around $33 trillion USD. ‱ Apple, one of the most valuable companies on Earth, has a market cap of only $2.7 trillion USD. ‱ The entire U.S. stock market is valued at approximately $45 trillion USD. As you can see, it’s virtually impossible—at least within natural economic limits—for coins to achieve such astronomical prices. There simply isn’t enough wealth in the world to support these valuations. So the next time someone throws around bold price predictions, ask them, “Where the heck is all that money supposed to come from, Mr. Guru?” Understanding how market cap works should be enough to keep you out of meme coins. These are often schemes designed to take your money. When you see price predictions for meme coins, remember: they are all lies. Meme coins have no inherent value or real use. There’s no reason smart money would flow into a meme coin unless the goal is to take money from retail investors chasing the dream of easy profits. The same logic applies to “play-to-earn” games. In order to pay you, the money must come from somewhere. You need to ask yourself: “If I put my money into this game, someone else will profit from my investment. So for me to profit, new people must keep joining. Isn’t that exactly how pyramid schemes operate?” Let’s take a look at $NEIRO : ‱ Unrealistic Returns: The promised returns don’t make sense. With no real utility, the coin has no intrinsic value. ‱ Ponzi-Like Structure: For some people to profit, others have to buy in. If no new buyers come, the whole thing collapses. ‱ Lack of Transparency: There is no available information on who is behind #NEIRO—no team, no administration, and no clarity on how the investments are managed. ‱ Withdrawal Issues: There are already reports of people being unable to withdraw their money. ‱ No Regulation: #NEIRO operates without any regulatory oversight, leaving investors exposed to significant risk. ‱ Aggressive Marketing: They push a sense of urgency—“buy now or miss out on huge returns.” This is typical of schemes on the verge of collapse. Some early investors may profit, but they are used as bait to lure new buyers. If they don’t cash out quickly, they will lose too. {spot}(NEIROUSDT) In our next article, we’ll dive into a topic you’re sure to find intriguing: crypto market manipulation. I’ll explain how whales and institutional investors manipulate the market to cheat you out of your money. Don’t miss it—be sure to follow and share my posts. By building a more informed community, we can foster greater stability and trustworthiness in the crypto space.

Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 3 - final. (Market cap isn’t made of foil)

Now that we understand what money is, what inflation does, and how much 1 BTC is worth, it’s time to focus on something simple yet often overlooked: how the market cap of a coin defines its price.
Everything in this universe operates on supply and demand. Even galaxies follow this principle: what isn’t useful is pushed away by gravity. Things need to serve a purpose to continue existing; otherwise, they vanish. A perfect example is body hair. Have you noticed people losing body hair over time? That’s evolution happening right before your eyes. We no longer need thick chest hair for survival, so it’s fading away.
I frequently come across price predictions from so-called “famous specialists” and everyday believers. It’s not uncommon to hear people claim that Bitcoin will hit $1,000,000, but is that even possible?
Like stocks, cryptocurrencies are tied to their market capitalization. Bitcoin currently has around 19.5 million tokens in circulation. For #BTC to reach $100,000, its market cap would need to grow to $1.95 trillion USD—almost double its current size. To achieve this, Bitcoin would need to regain the market dominance it’s lost to coins like Ethereum and Binance Coin (BNB). And that gets increasingly difficult as new players, such as #Solana and #XRP, continue to emerge.
Speaking of #XRP, it’s another frequent target for wild price predictions. Some claim #XRP could hit $1,000. But let’s break it down. Unlike Bitcoin’s 19.5 million tokens, XRP has a circulating supply of 53 billion tokens. This sheer abundance naturally reduces its value compared to Bitcoin. For XRP to reach $1,000, its market cap would have to balloon to $53 trillion USD.
To put that into perspective:
‱ The world’s GDP in 2023 is $105 trillion USD.
‱ The U.S. national debt is around $33 trillion USD.
‱ Apple, one of the most valuable companies on Earth, has a market cap of only $2.7 trillion USD.
‱ The entire U.S. stock market is valued at approximately $45 trillion USD.
As you can see, it’s virtually impossible—at least within natural economic limits—for coins to achieve such astronomical prices. There simply isn’t enough wealth in the world to support these valuations.
So the next time someone throws around bold price predictions, ask them, “Where the heck is all that money supposed to come from, Mr. Guru?”
Understanding how market cap works should be enough to keep you out of meme coins. These are often schemes designed to take your money. When you see price predictions for meme coins, remember: they are all lies. Meme coins have no inherent value or real use. There’s no reason smart money would flow into a meme coin unless the goal is to take money from retail investors chasing the dream of easy profits.
The same logic applies to “play-to-earn” games. In order to pay you, the money must come from somewhere. You need to ask yourself: “If I put my money into this game, someone else will profit from my investment. So for me to profit, new people must keep joining. Isn’t that exactly how pyramid schemes operate?”
Let’s take a look at $NEIRO :
‱ Unrealistic Returns: The promised returns don’t make sense. With no real utility, the coin has no intrinsic value.
‱ Ponzi-Like Structure: For some people to profit, others have to buy in. If no new buyers come, the whole thing collapses.
‱ Lack of Transparency: There is no available information on who is behind #NEIRO—no team, no administration, and no clarity on how the investments are managed.
‱ Withdrawal Issues: There are already reports of people being unable to withdraw their money.
‱ No Regulation: #NEIRO operates without any regulatory oversight, leaving investors exposed to significant risk.
‱ Aggressive Marketing: They push a sense of urgency—“buy now or miss out on huge returns.” This is typical of schemes on the verge of collapse. Some early investors may profit, but they are used as bait to lure new buyers. If they don’t cash out quickly, they will lose too.
In our next article, we’ll dive into a topic you’re sure to find intriguing: crypto market manipulation. I’ll explain how whales and institutional investors manipulate the market to cheat you out of your money. Don’t miss it—be sure to follow and share my posts. By building a more informed community, we can foster greater stability and trustworthiness in the crypto space.
Did you buy $NEIRO ? Tell me what you think of it.
Did you buy $NEIRO ?
Tell me what you think of it.
Yes, market is a bit low. It will pick up later. Meanwhile, close the app, go outside. If you have money, buy. Don’t sell, don’t lose.
Yes, market is a bit low.
It will pick up later. Meanwhile, close the app, go outside.
If you have money, buy.
Don’t sell, don’t lose.
Im gonna take you for a ride
(continues) Like if you know what happens when the mirrors goes like this.
Im gonna take you for a ride

Like if you know what happens when the mirrors goes like this.
DO NOT REALIZE PROFIT ON $XRP Hold that shit until your hands fall, then hold with your feet. DO NOT SELL THE FUTURE. {spot}(XRPUSDT)
Hold that shit until your hands fall, then hold with your feet.
Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 2 (All that glitters is not gold)I hope you took the time to read the first part, or you will be kinda lost
 At the end of the day, 1 BTC is worth 1 BTC, but that value is still tied to its price in USD—right now, around $58k. The key to stabilizing both the economy and Bitcoin’s price is to move away from the gold standard entirely. If the gold market weren’t so tightly controlled to prevent inflation (since it’s where the 1% store their wealth), we’d see a flood of gold, and its value would crash. But what if governments switched to a Bitcoin standard instead? Rather than Bitcoin being worth $58k, governments would have to produce $58k worth of goods and services to afford 1 BTC before printing more money. And here’s were btc has the edge over gold: gold is mintable. You can dig up more of it from the ground. And if we overmine gold, it would flood the market and collapse the global economy. That’s why we have to look at alternatives like Bitcoin, which is capped in supply and can’t just be “dug up” to infinity. Take Venezuela, for example. It holds the largest untapped gold reserves in the world and more oil than the entire Middle East, yet its people are starving, and there’s little resource exploration happening. Why? You may call me crazy, but the reason is the same as why Pollock’s paintings are worth millions. It’s all about controlling the narrative and the market. Venezuela poses a threat to the global economy because if it were to flood the market with its resources, it would destabilize the value systems that protect the wealthy. Relaying on gold is too much trouble. For decades, the U.S. has maintained its economic dominance by strategically outmaneuvering (or outright eliminating) its competitors. Germany made great cars, Japan excelled in electronics, Saudi Arabia had oil, Iraq had oil
 and then they got a few F-22's sending them democracy. Someone should warn Hong Kong—they’re sitting on valuable microchip technology, and history is just about to repeat itself. If not even gold can be trusted, wtf should I do with my money, you say? Make sure to like this post and hit follow. I’ll be posting the third part soon, where I dive into one of the key things that move markets: price predictions—and why they’re always wrong. And if you still doubt me, check out #xrp price. $ {spot}(XRPUSDT)

Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 2 (All that glitters is not gold)

I hope you took the time to read the first part, or you will be kinda lost

At the end of the day, 1 BTC is worth 1 BTC, but that value is still tied to its price in USD—right now, around $58k. The key to stabilizing both the economy and Bitcoin’s price is to move away from the gold standard entirely. If the gold market weren’t so tightly controlled to prevent inflation (since it’s where the 1% store their wealth), we’d see a flood of gold, and its value would crash. But what if governments switched to a Bitcoin standard instead? Rather than Bitcoin being worth $58k, governments would have to produce $58k worth of goods and services to afford 1 BTC before printing more money.
And here’s were btc has the edge over gold: gold is mintable. You can dig up more of it from the ground. And if we overmine gold, it would flood the market and collapse the global economy. That’s why we have to look at alternatives like Bitcoin, which is capped in supply and can’t just be “dug up” to infinity.
Take Venezuela, for example. It holds the largest untapped gold reserves in the world and more oil than the entire Middle East, yet its people are starving, and there’s little resource exploration happening. Why? You may call me crazy, but the reason is the same as why Pollock’s paintings are worth millions. It’s all about controlling the narrative and the market. Venezuela poses a threat to the global economy because if it were to flood the market with its resources, it would destabilize the value systems that protect the wealthy. Relaying on gold is too much trouble.
For decades, the U.S. has maintained its economic dominance by strategically outmaneuvering (or outright eliminating) its competitors. Germany made great cars, Japan excelled in electronics, Saudi Arabia had oil, Iraq had oil
 and then they got a few F-22's sending them democracy. Someone should warn Hong Kong—they’re sitting on valuable microchip technology, and history is just about to repeat itself.
If not even gold can be trusted, wtf should I do with my money, you say? Make sure to like this post and hit follow. I’ll be posting the third part soon, where I dive into one of the key things that move markets: price predictions—and why they’re always wrong.
And if you still doubt me, check out #xrp price.
Please listen to me. Do not sell, DO NOT TRADE, your #xrp. There will be a time when it will go up, non-stop. You will think “it’s the top, it can’t go up again”, and you gonna sell for 1 then buy for 2. Take a look on $XRP and $ETH correlation. You gonna see the pattern. {spot}(XRPUSDT)
Please listen to me.
Do not sell, DO NOT TRADE, your #xrp. There will be a time when it will go up, non-stop. You will think “it’s the top, it can’t go up again”, and you gonna sell for 1 then buy for 2.

Take a look on $XRP and $ETH correlation. You gonna see the pattern.
Whats the stupidest coin you hold today? Mine:
Whats the stupidest coin you hold today?

Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 1 - how much is 1 #btc worth? (wtf does it buy?)In my last article, we talked about how money itself doesn’t have any real value—it’s just a piece of colored paper. Much like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, what gives money value is perception—it’s the belief in it that matters. In the case of fiat currency, it’s our faith in the government that backs it. Now, let’s talk about value versus price. Take, for example, the infamous Jackson Pollock paintings. Why is a splatter of paint on canvas worth millions? Well, it wasn’t always seen that way. It’s a lesser-known fact that the CIA, during the Cold War, played a role in promoting Pollock and other abstract expressionists as symbols of free expression and American cultural superiority. By manipulating cultural perception, they inflated the "value" of these works, even though their intrinsic worth—paint on canvas—remained the same. This brings us back to Bitcoin. Right now, 1 #BTC is worth around $58,000 USD. But why? Much like Pollock’s paintings, its price is determined by what people believe it’s worth. As long as people have faith in its potential, it holds value. But if tomorrow that belief wavers, the price could plummet. Now imagine if the U.S. government printed $3 trillion and bought up Bitcoin. At first, the price would skyrocket due to demand. But then, inflation would take hold, and the value of the dollar would collapse. The price tag on Bitcoin might still read $58,000, but its real-world value would be diminished, much like how a piece of art's price doesn’t always reflect its true worth. After Bitcoin’s price surges due to the influx of $3 trillion, hyperinflation kicks in. You’ll see price tags changing several times a day as the dollar loses value rapidly. While Bitcoin’s price might still be $58,000, the purchasing power behind that value plummets—it can no longer buy what it once could. This is where the key problem lies: Bitcoin, or any currency for that matter, cannot be truly independent as long as it’s tethered to fiat currencies like the dollar. To break free, Bitcoin needs to be tied directly to production, similar to how gold was once linked to the value of money. For any currency to hold real value, it must be backed—or at least indexed—by some tangible system. The U.S. dollar, for example, is backed by the government’s ability to generate revenue from taxes. The government essentially takes a portion of the country’s production (in the form of taxes) and redistributes it into the economy. But when too much of the economy is taxed, production slows down, leading to public and private debt. People and governments take out loans to stay afloat, and without proper capital management, that debt snowballs out of control, creating the very inflation Bitcoin aims to escape from. Here’s the real issue with loaned money: most of it isn’t even real. Banks use a system called fractional reserve banking, which means they only have to keep a small portion of deposits on hand. Back in the day, that could be as low as 10%. So, if a bank had $300,000 in reserves, it could lend out up to $3 million. The money they loan It’s basically created out of thin air. The problem is, this loaned money isn’t tied to anything real—there’s no actual production behind it. It’s just numbers in a system, which lead to inflation because there’s more money chasing the same goods. When the money supply increases without a corresponding increase in production, prices go up, and your purchasing power goes down. This wasn’t always the case. Before the 20th century, currencies were backed by the gold standard. If the government wanted to print money, they had to back it with gold, which acted as a natural limit on how much money could circulate. This system kept inflation in check because governments couldn’t just print money whenever they wanted—they had to buy gold first. It was like a safeguard. But in the 1920s, things started to change. Governments realized that using tax money to buy gold was slowing down their ability to spend on things like public projects or services. It was easier to print money without worrying about having gold to back it up. So, they moved away from the gold standard, and by 1929, things came to a head. The stock market crash wasn’t just about printing money—it was a combination of factors like over-speculation and credit—but abandoning the gold standard allowed more unchecked money to flow, which ignited the chaos. Once the gold standard was gone for good, there was no stopping governments from printing more and more money. And that’s when inflation became a bigger problem, one we’re still dealing with today. Do you wanna know the main difference between gold and bitcoin? Follow me and get a notification for when the second part of this article is released!

Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 2 - part 1 - how much is 1 #btc worth? (wtf does it buy?)

In my last article, we talked about how money itself doesn’t have any real value—it’s just a piece of colored paper. Much like Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, what gives money value is perception—it’s the belief in it that matters. In the case of fiat currency, it’s our faith in the government that backs it.
Now, let’s talk about value versus price. Take, for example, the infamous Jackson Pollock paintings. Why is a splatter of paint on canvas worth millions? Well, it wasn’t always seen that way. It’s a lesser-known fact that the CIA, during the Cold War, played a role in promoting Pollock and other abstract expressionists as symbols of free expression and American cultural superiority. By manipulating cultural perception, they inflated the "value" of these works, even though their intrinsic worth—paint on canvas—remained the same.
This brings us back to Bitcoin. Right now, 1 #BTC is worth around $58,000 USD. But why? Much like Pollock’s paintings, its price is determined by what people believe it’s worth. As long as people have faith in its potential, it holds value. But if tomorrow that belief wavers, the price could plummet.
Now imagine if the U.S. government printed $3 trillion and bought up Bitcoin. At first, the price would skyrocket due to demand. But then, inflation would take hold, and the value of the dollar would collapse. The price tag on Bitcoin might still read $58,000, but its real-world value would be diminished, much like how a piece of art's price doesn’t always reflect its true worth.
After Bitcoin’s price surges due to the influx of $3 trillion, hyperinflation kicks in. You’ll see price tags changing several times a day as the dollar loses value rapidly. While Bitcoin’s price might still be $58,000, the purchasing power behind that value plummets—it can no longer buy what it once could.
This is where the key problem lies: Bitcoin, or any currency for that matter, cannot be truly independent as long as it’s tethered to fiat currencies like the dollar. To break free, Bitcoin needs to be tied directly to production, similar to how gold was once linked to the value of money. For any currency to hold real value, it must be backed—or at least indexed—by some tangible system.
The U.S. dollar, for example, is backed by the government’s ability to generate revenue from taxes. The government essentially takes a portion of the country’s production (in the form of taxes) and redistributes it into the economy. But when too much of the economy is taxed, production slows down, leading to public and private debt. People and governments take out loans to stay afloat, and without proper capital management, that debt snowballs out of control, creating the very inflation Bitcoin aims to escape from.
Here’s the real issue with loaned money: most of it isn’t even real. Banks use a system called fractional reserve banking, which means they only have to keep a small portion of deposits on hand. Back in the day, that could be as low as 10%. So, if a bank had $300,000 in reserves, it could lend out up to $3 million. The money they loan It’s basically created out of thin air.
The problem is, this loaned money isn’t tied to anything real—there’s no actual production behind it. It’s just numbers in a system, which lead to inflation because there’s more money chasing the same goods. When the money supply increases without a corresponding increase in production, prices go up, and your purchasing power goes down.
This wasn’t always the case. Before the 20th century, currencies were backed by the gold standard. If the government wanted to print money, they had to back it with gold, which acted as a natural limit on how much money could circulate. This system kept inflation in check because governments couldn’t just print money whenever they wanted—they had to buy gold first. It was like a safeguard.
But in the 1920s, things started to change. Governments realized that using tax money to buy gold was slowing down their ability to spend on things like public projects or services. It was easier to print money without worrying about having gold to back it up. So, they moved away from the gold standard, and by 1929, things came to a head. The stock market crash wasn’t just about printing money—it was a combination of factors like over-speculation and credit—but abandoning the gold standard allowed more unchecked money to flow, which ignited the chaos.
Once the gold standard was gone for good, there was no stopping governments from printing more and more money. And that’s when inflation became a bigger problem, one we’re still dealing with today.
Do you wanna know the main difference between gold and bitcoin? Follow me and get a notification for when the second part of this article is released!
I don’t believe in price prediction. But if you wanna make money, buy #xrp. I can’t tell you many details, but Blackrock, Vitalin, Bank of America, and every other corporation sending money cross border will be doing it in the next months. Remember, I told you first.
I don’t believe in price prediction. But if you wanna make money, buy #xrp.

I can’t tell you many details, but Blackrock, Vitalin, Bank of America, and every other corporation sending money cross border will be doing it in the next months.

Remember, I told you first.
I think the best part on the #kamala #trump #Debate2024 was when trump said, and I quote: “ So I don't know. I don't know. I mean, all I can say is, I read where she was not black that she put out, and I'll say that” She should have said “your momma put out”.
I think the best part on the #kamala #trump #Debate2024 was when trump said, and I quote:

“ So I don't know. I don't know. I mean, all I can say is, I read where she was not black that she put out, and I'll say that”

She should have said “your momma put out”.
0 votes ‱ Voting closed
Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 1 - Money (It’s a Gas) Before we can even talk crypto, we need to get something straight: what the hell is money? Those colorful bills or numbers in your bank account aren’t valuable on their own—they’re just placeholders for something bigger: the value you create. Money didn’t always exist. People used to barter—trade one good for another. But what happens when you produce something like pencils? You can’t eat pencils, right? So now you’re stuck wandering around, looking for someone who has rice but also wants pencils. Not exactly convenient. That’s where money steps in. It’s a tool to simplify things, a stand-in for the value you’ve produced. Instead of finding the perfect bartering partner, you’re handed this universal promise: a note that says, "Hey, you made something valuable. You can exchange this for whatever you need." The Real Value of Money Here’s the deal though: money only works because it’s tied to production. If no one’s making anything, money loses value—and fast. That’s where inflation comes in. Picture this: you work in a pencil factory, making one solid pencil. It’s worth something. Now imagine the government comes along, snaps your pencil in half, and declares each half is now a full pencil. Suddenly, there are twice as many pencils, but they’re worth less. Everyone has pencils, but no one wants them anymore. That’s inflation—more money or goods floating around, but less value behind them. Tying This to Crypto This is why people are drawn to crypto. Bitcoin, for example, has a fixed supply. No one can "snap it in half" to make more of it. That built-in scarcity makes it resistant to inflation, which is something traditional currencies can’t always promise. So, considering all this, how much is btc really worth? Ready for the next step? Let’s dive into how much 1 #BTC is worth in the next lesson.

Crypto Econ. 101 - Lesson 1 - Money (It’s a Gas)

Before we can even talk crypto, we need to get something straight: what the hell is money? Those colorful bills or numbers in your bank account aren’t valuable on their own—they’re just placeholders for something bigger: the value you create.
Money didn’t always exist. People used to barter—trade one good for another. But what happens when you produce something like pencils? You can’t eat pencils, right? So now you’re stuck wandering around, looking for someone who has rice but also wants pencils. Not exactly convenient.
That’s where money steps in. It’s a tool to simplify things, a stand-in for the value you’ve produced. Instead of finding the perfect bartering partner, you’re handed this universal promise: a note that says, "Hey, you made something valuable. You can exchange this for whatever you need."
The Real Value of Money
Here’s the deal though: money only works because it’s tied to production. If no one’s making anything, money loses value—and fast. That’s where inflation comes in.
Picture this: you work in a pencil factory, making one solid pencil. It’s worth something. Now imagine the government comes along, snaps your pencil in half, and declares each half is now a full pencil. Suddenly, there are twice as many pencils, but they’re worth less. Everyone has pencils, but no one wants them anymore. That’s inflation—more money or goods floating around, but less value behind them.
Tying This to Crypto
This is why people are drawn to crypto. Bitcoin, for example, has a fixed supply. No one can "snap it in half" to make more of it. That built-in scarcity makes it resistant to inflation, which is something traditional currencies can’t always promise.
So, considering all this, how much is btc really worth?
Ready for the next step? Let’s dive into how much 1 #BTC is worth in the next lesson.
Come on Kamala, don’t touch your nose during the debate. Remember your training 😂 This debate is so bad #btc is already responding. $BTC
Come on Kamala, don’t touch your nose during the debate. Remember your training 😂

This debate is so bad #btc is already responding.

Do you wanna be a millionaire by trading crypto? I will teach you the secret whales have been applying. First, accept you are not smart enough. Second, trying to predict market movements it’s impossible outside major moments, like rate cuts. Third, you only lose if you sell. But your coin, and keep it. The secret of wealth is accumulation, not trading volume. Fourth, Don't listen to anyone. Social media is a manipulation tool (you are a manipulation tool). Ppl hype their faith, not their intel. If you buy what others tell you, you are giving your money to them. On my next post I will explain how Whales manipulate the market to take your money. Follow me! #btc #eth and my favorite, #xrp
Do you wanna be a millionaire by trading crypto? I will teach you the secret whales have been applying.

First, accept you are not smart enough.

Second, trying to predict market movements it’s impossible outside major moments, like rate cuts.

Third, you only lose if you sell. But your coin, and keep it. The secret of wealth is accumulation, not trading volume.

Fourth, Don't listen to anyone. Social media is a manipulation tool (you are a manipulation tool). Ppl hype their faith, not their intel. If you buy what others tell you, you are giving your money to them.

On my next post I will explain how Whales manipulate the market to take your money. Follow me!

#btc #eth and my favorite, #xrp
So, papa Trump is trying to bully other countries to back USD. Let’s take a look on the economic fallout? 1. Global Trade Disruptions: These tariffs will prompt retaliatory measures from major trading partners like China, India, and Brazil, leading to a steep decline in global trade volumes. For instance, U.S. trade with China alone amounted to over $250 billion in 2023, and a 100% tariff would likely devastate these economic ties. Of the US don't sell, someone will. 2. Rising Inflation and Consumer Costs: If the tariffs were applied, many goods currently imported from nations abandoning the dollar would see drastic price increases, leading to heightened inflation. This is especially concerning given the U.S. economy's reliance on imported goods. Higher production costs for businesses could also result in layoffs and reduced consumer spending. 3. Accelerating De-Dollarization: Rather than securing the U.S. dollar's dominance, these tariffs could hasten the trend of de-dollarization, as nations might aggressively seek alternatives to avoid punitive measures. Countries like China and Russia have already begun to establish alternative financial systems, and Trump's proposal may only push others in this direction faster. 4. Economic Slowdown: In the long run, tariffs of this magnitude could reduce U.S. GDP growth by up to 0.8%, according to economic projections, exacerbating an already fragile global economic recovery. Domestically, this could lead to higher unemployment rates and a slowdown in industrial output as companies face higher input costs and reduced international demand. While Trump's tariff proposal is dreams of protecting U.S. economic interests, it risks triggering a series of retaliations, inflationary pressures, and a further erosion of the dollar's global dominance, potentially leading to significant economic challenges for the U.S. in the next decade. Since his speech is purely emotional. He is trying to pray on the average American violence, xenophobia and ignorance to get elected. $BTC $ETH $XRP
So, papa Trump is trying to bully other countries to back USD.

Let’s take a look on the economic fallout?

1. Global Trade Disruptions: These tariffs will prompt retaliatory measures from major trading partners like China, India, and Brazil, leading to a steep decline in global trade volumes. For instance, U.S. trade with China alone amounted to over $250 billion in 2023, and a 100% tariff would likely devastate these economic ties. Of the US don't sell, someone will.

2. Rising Inflation and Consumer Costs: If the tariffs were applied, many goods currently imported from nations abandoning the dollar would see drastic price increases, leading to heightened inflation. This is especially concerning given the U.S. economy's reliance on imported goods. Higher production costs for businesses could also result in layoffs and reduced consumer spending.

3. Accelerating De-Dollarization: Rather than securing the U.S. dollar's dominance, these tariffs could hasten the trend of de-dollarization, as nations might aggressively seek alternatives to avoid punitive measures. Countries like China and Russia have already begun to establish alternative financial systems, and Trump's proposal may only push others in this direction faster.

4. Economic Slowdown: In the long run, tariffs of this magnitude could reduce U.S. GDP growth by up to 0.8%, according to economic projections, exacerbating an already fragile global economic recovery. Domestically, this could lead to higher unemployment rates and a slowdown in industrial output as companies face higher input costs and reduced international demand.

While Trump's tariff proposal is dreams of protecting U.S. economic interests, it risks triggering a series of retaliations, inflationary pressures, and a further erosion of the dollar's global dominance, potentially leading to significant economic challenges for the U.S. in the next decade.

Since his speech is purely emotional. He is trying to pray on the average American violence, xenophobia and ignorance to get elected.

After 7 years, and a 42k loss, I finally understood how crypto works. What’s you ride? Show me your lambo. $XRP $ETH
After 7 years, and a 42k loss, I finally understood how crypto works.

What’s you ride? Show me your lambo.
Is Vitalik Buterin Dumping Ethereum? Or Just Keeping Us on Our Toes? Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been stirring the pot again, and not just by tinkering with blockchain protocols. Recently, Vitalik unloaded a cool 5,000 $ETH in August 2024, sending a ripple (pun intended) through the crypto community. The reason? According to Buterin, it’s all for the greater good—charity and supporting projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. He claims he hasn’t sold any $ETH for personal gains since 2018. So, is this just a noble move or something else entirely? Of course, Buterin isn't the only one making waves. The Ethereum Foundation has also been unloading $ETH. Since the start of 2024, they’ve sold 2,616 $ETH, raking in around $7.64 million. And let's not forget that massive 35,000 $ETH transaction back in August. It makes you wonder—are they just playing it safe with some “routine treasury management,” or do they know something we don’t? Despite all these sales, both Buterin and the Foundation insist it's all about funding operations and not signaling doom for Ethereum. But with $ETH prices dipping, some investors might be left scratching their heads. Are these big moves by the Foundation and its mastermind strategic planning, or are they just trying to cash out before the next market hiccup? Who’s really holding the bag here? Let me know what you think in the comments!
Is Vitalik Buterin Dumping Ethereum? Or Just Keeping Us on Our Toes?

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been stirring the pot again, and not just by tinkering with blockchain protocols. Recently, Vitalik unloaded a cool 5,000 $ETH in August 2024, sending a ripple (pun intended) through the crypto community. The reason? According to Buterin, it’s all for the greater good—charity and supporting projects in the Ethereum ecosystem. He claims he hasn’t sold any $ETH for personal gains since 2018. So, is this just a noble move or something else entirely?

Of course, Buterin isn't the only one making waves. The Ethereum Foundation has also been unloading $ETH. Since the start of 2024, they’ve sold 2,616 $ETH, raking in around $7.64 million. And let's not forget that massive 35,000 $ETH transaction back in August. It makes you wonder—are they just playing it safe with some “routine treasury management,” or do they know something we don’t?

Despite all these sales, both Buterin and the Foundation insist it's all about funding operations and not signaling doom for Ethereum. But with $ETH prices dipping, some investors might be left scratching their heads. Are these big moves by the Foundation and its mastermind strategic planning, or are they just trying to cash out before the next market hiccup?

Who’s really holding the bag here? Let me know what you think in the comments!
Is it time to sell $btc ? đŸŽ¶Time is on my side. Yes it is.
Is it time to sell $btc ?

đŸŽ¶Time is on my side. Yes it is.
If you wanna succeed on crypto— well, don’t listen to me, listen to Bruce: “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves” Be patient, like water.
If you wanna succeed on crypto— well, don’t listen to me, listen to Bruce: “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves”

Be patient, like water.
This is Stanislav Petrov, today would be his birthday. Petrov, a rebel, a spy, saved, alone, the world from nuclear destruction. Happy Birthday, comrade.
This is Stanislav Petrov, today would be his birthday.
Petrov, a rebel, a spy, saved, alone, the world from nuclear destruction.

Happy Birthday, comrade.
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