AVAX today's market analysis:

From a short-term perspective, the 1-hour level chart clearly shows that the bulls have the upper hand, while the 2 to 4-hour levels indicate that the bears are strong.

Today's focus is on price changes around 23.512.

If the market is lower than this price, the 4-hour level will continue to maintain a bearish trend. Spot contract Junyang👉@点这里 加密乘风

On the downside, the primary observation target is 22.860, followed by 22.246 and 21.606.

When rebounding upward, the primary price points of concern are 24.451, 24.807 and 25.186. If the market rebound fails to break through any of the above prices, it indicates that the market may continue to develop in the short side.

Short-term investors are advised to pay close attention to changes in the market and operate flexibly. $AVAX #AVAX✅ #AVAX✅ #AVAX.智能策略库🥇🥇 #AVAX.每日智能策略 #AVAX.24小时交易策略