【October 25 Market Research Report - Accurate Timing for the Week, Let's See How Many Brothers in the Comments Made Profits】


1. $BTC

BTC has had enough from 6.95 to 6.53, from 6.53 to the current level, with 6.75 and 6.85-6.89 small levels of 1000 points in between, that's enough.

In the market, as long as you settle down for a while, you will realize a reality: sell buy tp sl strategies without opinions and skills are over 90% likely to lose money.

Listen to Old Ai's advice, make sure to separate your positions for spot and contracts.

If you only trade contracts, then you need to learn more. It's okay to learn slowly; just follow the ideas and the points I provide. If you make a mistake, feel free to criticize me. As of now, no one has criticized in our discussions. 【Some teachers are VIPs who are only muted, there’s no communication at all, or they only dare to share their thoughts privately. Think about it, what are they afraid of?】


Intraday Opinion:

6.85-6.89 Short position, deduct the fees, move the stop loss to enter 【This is based on the profit and loss ratio in the document】

Yesterday's resistance and support switched, and the starting point is 6.75-6.73, 6.68, so these two points are for reducing positions. A drop below 6.68 ends the rebound.

Cycle Opinion:

Recently, 6.89 can't go up and if 6.68 breaks, we will expect to enter around 6.48 again.

This is the position to enter in the cycle.

In Chart 2, last video's opinion still holds; currently, it's a pullback at 6.95, above 6.25, meaning the upward structure hasn't been broken. So the pullback range is quite large.

Positions within the range.

2. $ETH

Ethereum is very standard: enter at 2450, resistance at 2555.

This will definitely start the next wave of the market, determined by these two positions.

In the video, there are opportunities below 2350 and 2300, still viable for trading.

No need to mention spot trading; no matter how weak it is, you should have spot around 2300, no matter how bad it is, be bold and enter in batches.

3. $BNB

580 550, get some. Binance has events at the end of this month and next month.

Take a chance, expecting new listings.