Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, was detained in Paris, but his lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, predicts his release within two days. Dobrovinsky believes French authorities will struggle to press charges due to Telegram's established private rules and lack of a court decision. The lawyer suggests Durov was lured to France to be intimidated, but if he refuses to cooperate, Telegram's shares and prestige will surge. Dobrovinsky sees this as an attempt to take Durov by fright, but notes that without a court decision, suspicions alone are insufficient for charges. Will Durov's detention prove to be a mere scare tactic, or will French authorities uncover substantial evidence to hold him longer? The situation unfolds as a battle of wills between Durov and French law enforcement. $NOT $TON $DOGS #TelegramCEO #BinanceLaunchpoolDOGS #CryptoMarketMoves #BinanceBlockchainWeek #MtGoxRepayments
$IO and Chainbase Partner to Strengthen Decentralized AI and Data Networks and Chainbase Partner to Strengthen Decentralized AI and Data Networks 3 mins read News’s 25,000+ node network fuels AI/ML with scalable GPU power, cutting costs versus traditional cloud services. Chainbase’s Theia model leverages’s Internet of GPUs to enhance AI-driven blockchain applications like DeFi and Web3 games. The and Chainbase partnership preps for CBT token launch, aligning decentralized AI growth with community engagement., a decentralized computing network, has partnered with Chainbase, an omnichain data network specializing in AI technologies. The partnership intends to improve AI modeling and create a strong decentralized AI and data infrastructure. This collaboration marks a step in integrating next-generation AI and blockchain technology. #ionet
A blockchain is a distributed ledger with growing lists of records (blocks) that are securely linked together via cryptographic hashes. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data (generally represented as a Merkle tree, where data nodes are represented by leaves). Since each block contains information about the previous block, they effectively form a chain (compare linked list data structure), with each additional block linking to the ones before it. Consequently, blockchain transactions are irreversible in that, once they are recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without altering all subsequent blocks.
Blockchains are typically managed by a peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network for use as a public distributed ledger, where nodes collectively adhere to a consensus algorithm protocol to add and validate new transaction blocks. Although blockchain records are not unalterable, since blockchain forks are possible, blockchains may be considered secure by design and exemplify a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault tolerance.
A blockchain was created by a person (or group of people) using the name (or pseudonym) Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public distributed ledger for bitcoin cryptocurrency transactions, based on previous work by Stuart Haber, W. Scott Stornetta, and Dave Bayer. The implementation of the blockchain within bitcoin made it the first digital currency to solve the double-spending problem without the need for a trusted authority or central server. The bitcoin design has inspired other applications and blockchains that are readable by the public and are widely used by cryptocurrencies. The blockchain may be considered a type of payment rail
A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. It has, in a financial point of view, grown to be its own asset class. However, on the contrary to other asset classes like equities or commodities, sectors have not been officially defined as of yet though abstract version of them exist. Individual coin ownership records are stored in a digital ledger, which is a computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, control the creation of additional coins, and verify the transfer of coin ownership. Despite the term that has come to describe many of the fungible blockchain tokens that have been created, cryptocurrencies are not considered to be currencies in the traditional sense, and varying legal treatments have been applied to them in various jurisdicitons, including classification as commodities, securities, and currencies. Cryptocurrencies are generally viewed as a distinct asset class in practice. Some crypto schemes use validators to maintain the cryptocurrency. In a proof-of-stake model, owners put up their tokens as collateral. In return, they get authority over the token in proportion to the amount they stake. Generally, these token stakers get additional ownership in the token over time via network fees, newly minted tokens, or other such reward mechanisms.Trace amounts of cryptocurrency that are not worth spending because of the fee needed are called "dust".
Cryptocurrency was not intended to exist in physical form (although there have been some experiments and physical coins created as souvenirs). Also, it is typically not issued by a central authority. Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). follow for second lection and learn trading to its core
The Rising Crypto Coin and Its Potential Surge #CHESS/USDT Introduction
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, where volatility is the norm, certain coins periodically capture the attention of traders and investors alike due to sudden spikes in activity. One such digital asset is Chess Trenches, a crypto coin that has recently seen a significant uptick in trading volume. With a staggering 160% increase in trading activity within a short period, Chess Trenches is positioned for a potential price surge, sparking curiosity and optimism within the crypto community.What is Chess Trenches?Chess Trenches is a relatively new player in the crypto market, distinguishing itself with a unique value proposition. Designed as a utility token within a gamified blockchain ecosystem, Chess Trenches enables users to participate in a digital chess-based metaverse. Here, players can engage in strategic battles, earn rewards, and trade in-game assets, all underpinned by the Chess Trenches coin. The project combines elements of DeFi, NFTs, and gaming, catering to the growing trend of play-to-earn (P2E) models that have gained immense popularity in recent years.Recent Market Activity: The 160% Trading Volume SurgeThe recent 160% spike in trading volume has put Chess Trenches on the radar of many investors. #BTC☀ #Notcoinnews Coin: Revolutionizing GPU Computing and Cloud Services coin
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, few coins capture the imagination like $IO Coin. As the digital landscape rapidly evolves, $IO Coin is gaining remarkable popularity, marking its significance in the realm of GPU computing and cloud services.
Unmatched GPU Computing Power
At the heart of Coin's rise is its profound impact on GPU computing. GPU computing is essential for tasks that require substantial computational power, such as AI development, scientific research, and data analysis. Coin provides a robust, decentralized platform where users can leverage powerful GPUs at a fraction of the traditional cost. This access to high-performance computing, empowering individuals and organizations alike.
The Cheapest and Fastest Cloud Servers
What sets Coin apart is its ability to offer the cheapest and fastest cloud servers available. By utilizing a decentralized network, Coin ensures that computing resources are distributed efficiently, leading to significant cost reductions and unparalleled speed. This makes it an attractive choice for businesses seeking scalable and cost-effective cloud solutions, positioning Coin as a game-changer in the cloud services market.
A Bright Future Ahead
With its innovative approach and growing adoption, Coin is poised for a bright future. The coin's ability to disrupt traditional GPU computing and cloud service models has caught the attention of tech enthusiasts and investors alike. Speculations are rife that Coin's value could skyrocket, reflecting its potential to "go to the moon."
As more industries recognize the benefits of decentralized GPU computing and affordable cloud services, Coin's importance in the digital economy will only intensify. Investing in Coin today could very well be a ticket to participating in a groundbreaking technological revolution.
Embrace the future with Coin, where cutting-edge computing meets the decentralized power of blockchain.
The decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem is experiencing an unprecedented growth period, marked by record lending levels and an incessant quest for yield. The Aave V3 protocol is nearing $6 billion in loans, signaling the maturity of DeFi strategies.
In the vast DeFi universe, innovation reigns and the numbers speak for themselves. According to the “On-chain Insights” newsletter from IntoTheBlock, on-chain borrowings have reached an excess of $11 billion, a peak not seen in two years
This dizzying rise is propelled by major players like and Ethena, reports CoinBriefing.’s eETH crypto and Ethena’s USDe crypto dominate with respective amounts of $6.4 billion and $3.2 billion.
Note that eETH, a key component of the EigenLayer ecosystem, now reaches 1.7 million tokens, while Ethena’s USDe crypto ranks among the top four stablecoins. This trend reflects a relentless search for yields and an increased sophistication in investment strategies within DeFi.
Bitcoin: Transaction Fees Skyrocket To $195! $BTC In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, transaction fees are a key indicator of network activity. Recently, the Bitcoin network recorded a significant increase in transaction fees, reaching a historic high that has sparked both concern and speculation among investors and users.
According to recent data, average Bitcoin transaction fees have skyrocketed! Surpassing the $195 mark for the first time. This sudden increase is attributed to heightened network congestion as more and more users seek to make transactions.
Furthermore, this rise in fees raises questions about the long-term viability of Bitcoin as a payment method. If fees continue to rise, it could push users toward other cryptocurrencies with lower transaction fees and faster confirmation times.
It is essential for the Bitcoin ecosystem to find a balance between transaction fees and ease of use to remain competitive. Solutions like the Lightning Network are in development to address these issues, but their widespread adoption remains to be seen.
In conclusion, while high transaction fees may indicate strong demand and increased activity on the Bitcoin network, they also present significant challenges. Developers, miners, and users must collaborate to ensure a sustainable future for Bitcoin, where it can serve as a store of value and an efficient medium of exchange for all.