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$How do you research crypto projects? how based your DYOR is the best you could do? There are some questions I ask before investing. Please, read again. Investing. Not gambling or leverage trading. 1. What the project of that coin actually do? What real problem solves? Here are two parts: a. the primary value of the project/coin The relevant question here is: If you had to make this coin the worst ever, what function or feature would you have to remove from it? Answer this question, and you have the primary value of the project. b. the secondary value Write down the other functions and feature and you have the secondary value of the project. 2. What makes the coin to be attractive for investors? a good project should check as many from the list bellow: a. fixed suply; b. for all of the coins/tokens to either be realesed, or on a slow and steady release schedule (to avoid token inflation); c. wide distribution of the coins/tokens; d. high trading volume; e. a large and growing base of users; f. a large total addressable market; g. the ability of earnings. More of these check, the better the project. 3. How does the project/token appeal to users? Or, what can users do with it? As an example the $RNDR network allows graphics artists to access extra compute power over the internet, so they can generate and export large 3D files, without having to buy a super computer. I hope it was helpful for you! I wanted to share this as a result fromy research on other platforms. Btw, I believe $RNDR will be huge. But DYOR. It is not investment advice. #HotTrends #write2earn
$How do you research crypto projects? how based your DYOR is the best you could do?

There are some questions I ask before investing. Please, read again. Investing. Not gambling or leverage trading.

1. What the project of that coin actually do? What real problem solves?

Here are two parts:

a. the primary value of the project/coin

The relevant question here is: If you had to make this coin the worst ever, what function or feature would you have to remove from it?

Answer this question, and you have the primary value of the project.

b. the secondary value
Write down the other functions and feature and you have the secondary value of the project.

2. What makes the coin to be attractive for investors?

a good project should check as many from the list bellow:

a. fixed suply;
b. for all of the coins/tokens to either be realesed, or on a slow and steady release schedule (to avoid token inflation);
c. wide distribution of the coins/tokens;
d. high trading volume;
e. a large and growing base of users;
f. a large total addressable market;
g. the ability of earnings.

More of these check, the better the project.

3. How does the project/token appeal to users?

Or, what can users do with it?

As an example the $RNDR network allows graphics artists to access extra compute power over the internet, so they can generate and export large 3D files, without having to buy a super computer.

I hope it was helpful for you! I wanted to share this as a result fromy research on other platforms.

Btw, I believe $RNDR will be huge. But DYOR. It is not investment advice.

#HotTrends #write2earn
What I’d Tell My Younger Self About the Mental Game of Crypto InvestingIf I could go back in time, the biggest lesson I'd share is that the mental game of crypto investing is just as crucial as understanding the technology. 1. Embrace the Volatility You’re going to experience wild price swings that feel like emotional rollercoasters. When I first started, I was overwhelmed by the constant ups and downs, often making rash decisions based on fear or excitement. The key is to accept that volatility is part of the game. Set a clear strategy, and stick to it regardless of short-term market movements. For instance, instead of selling during a dip, remind yourself of your long-term goals and stay committed. Volatility is inevitable—learn to ride it out. 2. Don’t Let FOMO Control You The fear of missing out will tempt you to make hasty investments. I remember seeing others make huge gains and feeling pressured to jump in without proper research. Instead, focus on your own strategy and conduct thorough research before making any moves. Build your confidence through knowledge, and resist the urge to act impulsively based on what others are doing. FOMO is a dangerous guide—trust your process. 3. Be Patient with Your Progress Crypto is a marathon, not a sprint, and success takes time. In the early days, I was frustrated by the slow progress and impatient with my results. Patience is key. Invest consistently, learn from your experiences, and give your investments time to grow. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey and that long-term growth often comes from sticking with it through the tough times. Patience pays off—don’t rush the process. 4. Control Your Emotions Letting emotions dictate your actions will lead to poor decisions. Early on, I often acted out of fear or greed, which led to costly mistakes. Practice emotional discipline by setting clear rules for your investments and sticking to them. This will help you avoid reacting impulsively to market swings and make more rational decisions based on logic rather than emotion. Emotions cloud judgment—stay disciplined. Looking back, mastering these mental aspects would have saved me from countless mistakes and stress. Focus on building mental resilience, and you'll navigate the crypto world with far greater confidence and success. My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ #Write2Earn! #Cryptomindset #Debate2024

What I’d Tell My Younger Self About the Mental Game of Crypto Investing

If I could go back in time, the biggest lesson I'd share is that the mental game of crypto investing is just as crucial as understanding the technology.
1. Embrace the Volatility
You’re going to experience wild price swings that feel like emotional rollercoasters.
When I first started, I was overwhelmed by the constant ups and downs, often making rash decisions based on fear or excitement. The key is to accept that volatility is part of the game. Set a clear strategy, and stick to it regardless of short-term market movements. For instance, instead of selling during a dip, remind yourself of your long-term goals and stay committed.
Volatility is inevitable—learn to ride it out.
2. Don’t Let FOMO Control You
The fear of missing out will tempt you to make hasty investments.
I remember seeing others make huge gains and feeling pressured to jump in without proper research. Instead, focus on your own strategy and conduct thorough research before making any moves. Build your confidence through knowledge, and resist the urge to act impulsively based on what others are doing.
FOMO is a dangerous guide—trust your process.
3. Be Patient with Your Progress
Crypto is a marathon, not a sprint, and success takes time.
In the early days, I was frustrated by the slow progress and impatient with my results. Patience is key. Invest consistently, learn from your experiences, and give your investments time to grow. Understand that setbacks are part of the journey and that long-term growth often comes from sticking with it through the tough times.
Patience pays off—don’t rush the process.
4. Control Your Emotions
Letting emotions dictate your actions will lead to poor decisions.
Early on, I often acted out of fear or greed, which led to costly mistakes. Practice emotional discipline by setting clear rules for your investments and sticking to them. This will help you avoid reacting impulsively to market swings and make more rational decisions based on logic rather than emotion.
Emotions cloud judgment—stay disciplined.
Looking back, mastering these mental aspects would have saved me from countless mistakes and stress. Focus on building mental resilience, and you'll navigate the crypto world with far greater confidence and success.
My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ
#Write2Earn! #Cryptomindset #Debate2024
Breaking News: Bhutan, a small South Asian country, has emerged as the fourth largest government holder of Bitcoin, with an impressive stash of 13,011 Bitcoins valued at around $780.49 million. Unlike many governments, Bhutan’s Bitcoin wealth isn't from asset seizures but is the result of its own Bitcoin mining operations.
Breaking News:
Bhutan, a small South Asian country, has emerged as the fourth largest government holder of Bitcoin, with an impressive stash of 13,011 Bitcoins valued at around $780.49 million. Unlike many governments, Bhutan’s Bitcoin wealth isn't from asset seizures but is the result of its own Bitcoin mining operations.
5 Must-Read Books and Podcasts to Sharpen Your Crypto Investment MindsetExpand your knowledge and strengthen your mental game with these essential resources. Having the right mindset is critical to navigating the ups and downs of crypto investing. These five books and podcasts will help you stay focused, think long-term, and make smarter decisions. 1. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel This book explores how emotions impact financial decisions. Morgan Housel explains the often irrational ways we approach money, highlighting how psychology plays a huge role in investing. For crypto investors, understanding these biases can help you avoid emotional pitfalls and stay committed to your strategy. Master your emotions, and you’ll master the market. 2. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Learn how to recognize and counteract cognitive biases. Daniel Kahneman’s groundbreaking work shows how our brain operates in two modes: one fast and emotional, the other slow and deliberate. Crypto investors often fall victim to fast thinking, reacting emotionally to market shifts. This book teaches you to slow down and think rationally. Slower, deliberate thinking leads to better choices. 3. The Investor's Podcast Network This podcast offers expert insights for all levels of investors. The Investor’s Podcast Network covers everything from market psychology to risk management, often through the lens of crypto and new technologies. With guests from all walks of investing, it’s a go-to resource for sharpening your mental approach. Tune in and transform your thinking. 4. The Tim Ferriss Show Learn from experts who’ve mastered high-stakes decision-making. While not crypto-specific, Tim Ferriss interviews world-class performers who excel in high-pressure environments. These lessons on decision-making, discipline, and mindset translate directly to crypto investing, helping you strengthen your mental game. Success in any field begins with a mindset. 5. Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos (Audiobook) Get a deep understanding of the technology behind crypto. Although it’s a technical book, Mastering Bitcoin equips you with the foundational knowledge needed to understand crypto beyond its price movements. This helps build the confidence to navigate volatile markets without being swayed by fear. Knowledge is power—and stability in the crypto space. Each of these resources offers powerful lessons to sharpen your mindset and elevate your crypto investing strategy. My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ #Write2Earn! #MindsetMatters #EmotionalControl

5 Must-Read Books and Podcasts to Sharpen Your Crypto Investment Mindset

Expand your knowledge and strengthen your mental game with these essential resources.

Having the right mindset is critical to navigating the ups and downs of crypto investing. These five books and podcasts will help you stay focused, think long-term, and make smarter decisions.
1. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
This book explores how emotions impact financial decisions.
Morgan Housel explains the often irrational ways we approach money, highlighting how psychology plays a huge role in investing. For crypto investors, understanding these biases can help you avoid emotional pitfalls and stay committed to your strategy.
Master your emotions, and you’ll master the market.
2. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Learn how to recognize and counteract cognitive biases.
Daniel Kahneman’s groundbreaking work shows how our brain operates in two modes: one fast and emotional, the other slow and deliberate. Crypto investors often fall victim to fast thinking, reacting emotionally to market shifts. This book teaches you to slow down and think rationally.
Slower, deliberate thinking leads to better choices.
3. The Investor's Podcast Network
This podcast offers expert insights for all levels of investors.
The Investor’s Podcast Network covers everything from market psychology to risk management, often through the lens of crypto and new technologies. With guests from all walks of investing, it’s a go-to resource for sharpening your mental approach.
Tune in and transform your thinking.
4. The Tim Ferriss Show
Learn from experts who’ve mastered high-stakes decision-making.
While not crypto-specific, Tim Ferriss interviews world-class performers who excel in high-pressure environments. These lessons on decision-making, discipline, and mindset translate directly to crypto investing, helping you strengthen your mental game.
Success in any field begins with a mindset.
5. Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos (Audiobook)
Get a deep understanding of the technology behind crypto.
Although it’s a technical book, Mastering Bitcoin equips you with the foundational knowledge needed to understand crypto beyond its price movements. This helps build the confidence to navigate volatile markets without being swayed by fear.
Knowledge is power—and stability in the crypto space.
Each of these resources offers powerful lessons to sharpen your mindset and elevate your crypto investing strategy.
My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ
#Write2Earn! #MindsetMatters #EmotionalControl
Advice for New Crypto Investors: Focus on Mental Strength Over Market NoiseBuilding mental resilience is the key to navigating crypto volatility. The most valuable asset for new crypto investors isn’t a hot tip—it’s mental strength. 1. The Market is Designed to Distract You Crypto markets are volatile by nature, and the constant fluctuations can lead to impulsive decisions. If you let the daily noise of price swings and media hype dictate your choices, you'll be constantly chasing short-term wins. Instead, commit to a long-term strategy, and stay grounded in your research. Mental strength allows you to ignore the noise and make decisions based on logic, not emotion. The less you react to the noise, the better your results. 2. Emotional Discipline Is Key Emotional reactions lead to poor investment decisions. When prices dip, fear can push you to sell at a loss, while a sudden surge can cause you to buy too high out of excitement. By practicing emotional discipline, you avoid making rash moves. Stay calm and trust the process, knowing that market ups and downs are part of the journey. Control your emotions, and you’ll control your success. 3. Focus on Your Own Strategy Comparing yourself to others only leads to doubt and second-guessing. In crypto, everyone’s journey is different. Instead of getting caught up in how others are investing, focus on your own goals and strategy. Stay consistent, block out external pressures, and measure your progress over time. Your success comes from your plan, not others’ opinions. Strengthen your mental resolve, and the market noise will no longer affect your decisions. Stay focused, and you’ll achieve long-term success. My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ #Write2Earn! #mindest #Cryptomindset

Advice for New Crypto Investors: Focus on Mental Strength Over Market Noise

Building mental resilience is the key to navigating crypto volatility.

The most valuable asset for new crypto investors isn’t a hot tip—it’s mental strength.
1. The Market is Designed to Distract You
Crypto markets are volatile by nature, and the constant fluctuations can lead to impulsive decisions.
If you let the daily noise of price swings and media hype dictate your choices, you'll be constantly chasing short-term wins. Instead, commit to a long-term strategy, and stay grounded in your research. Mental strength allows you to ignore the noise and make decisions based on logic, not emotion.
The less you react to the noise, the better your results.
2. Emotional Discipline Is Key
Emotional reactions lead to poor investment decisions.
When prices dip, fear can push you to sell at a loss, while a sudden surge can cause you to buy too high out of excitement. By practicing emotional discipline, you avoid making rash moves. Stay calm and trust the process, knowing that market ups and downs are part of the journey.
Control your emotions, and you’ll control your success.
3. Focus on Your Own Strategy
Comparing yourself to others only leads to doubt and second-guessing.
In crypto, everyone’s journey is different. Instead of getting caught up in how others are investing, focus on your own goals and strategy. Stay consistent, block out external pressures, and measure your progress over time.
Your success comes from your plan, not others’ opinions.
Strengthen your mental resolve, and the market noise will no longer affect your decisions. Stay focused, and you’ll achieve long-term success.

My favorites:
#Write2Earn! #mindest #Cryptomindset
Keep your money safe, guys!
Keep your money safe, guys!
Why You Need to Master Your Mindset (As A Beginner)? 3 Struggles Of Emotional InvestingEmotional investing will sabotage your success unless you master your mindset. 1. Emotions Trigger Panic Selling When markets dip, emotions can drive you to make rash decisions. You might feel the urge to sell when prices drop, locking in losses instead of waiting for a rebound. The better strategy is to stay calm, stick to your plan, and accept market volatility as part of the journey. Reacting emotionally only solidifies your losses. Panic selling will never work in your favor. 2. FOMO Clouds Your Judgment The fear of missing out leads to impulsive and risky investments. When you see others making quick profits, you may feel pressured to jump into the hype, often buying at the peak. Instead of reacting out of fear, take a step back and evaluate whether the investment fits your long-term strategy. Acting out of FOMO usually leads to regret. Don’t let FOMO guide your decisions. 3. Greed Blinds You to Risk Greed makes it tempting to chase fast profits without considering the risks. You might ignore warning signs in favor of a potential windfall. But the best investors know that steady, calculated decisions win in the long run. Stay patient and weigh the risks before making big moves. Chasing quick money rarely leads to long-term success. Greed distorts your view of reality. By mastering your mindset and controlling your emotions, you can make smarter, more confident decisions in your investing journey. #Write2Earn! #EmotionalControl #Cryptomindset My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ

Why You Need to Master Your Mindset (As A Beginner)? 3 Struggles Of Emotional Investing

Emotional investing will sabotage your success unless you master your mindset.
1. Emotions Trigger Panic Selling
When markets dip, emotions can drive you to make rash decisions.
You might feel the urge to sell when prices drop, locking in losses instead of waiting for a rebound. The better strategy is to stay calm, stick to your plan, and accept market volatility as part of the journey. Reacting emotionally only solidifies your losses.
Panic selling will never work in your favor.
2. FOMO Clouds Your Judgment
The fear of missing out leads to impulsive and risky investments.
When you see others making quick profits, you may feel pressured to jump into the hype, often buying at the peak. Instead of reacting out of fear, take a step back and evaluate whether the investment fits your long-term strategy. Acting out of FOMO usually leads to regret.
Don’t let FOMO guide your decisions.
3. Greed Blinds You to Risk
Greed makes it tempting to chase fast profits without considering the risks.
You might ignore warning signs in favor of a potential windfall. But the best investors know that steady, calculated decisions win in the long run. Stay patient and weigh the risks before making big moves. Chasing quick money rarely leads to long-term success.
Greed distorts your view of reality.
By mastering your mindset and controlling your emotions, you can make smarter, more confident decisions in your investing journey.

#Write2Earn! #EmotionalControl #Cryptomindset

My favorites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ
Why Fear Is the Biggest Barrier to Success for New Crypto Investors Fear is the single most destructive emotion that holds new crypto investors back from making smart decisions and growing their portfolios. 1. Fear Leads to Emotional Decisions New investors often panic when markets dip. Instead of sticking to their long-term strategies, fear makes them sell at a loss, locking in failure. A better approach is to embrace volatility, using dips to buy and hold. If you sell out of fear, you’re losing opportunities for long-term gains. Emotional decisions sabotage your success. 2. Fear Prevents Learning Fear of failure keeps many beginners from experimenting and trying new strategies. Crypto is a rapidly evolving space. Those who hesitate to take small risks miss out on valuable learning experiences. Start small, test different approaches, and allow room for mistakes. Learning from action is the only way to get better. Inaction is the real failure. 3. Fear Amplifies the Noise When you're afraid, every headline feels like a disaster. New investors often obsess over news, reacting to every negative story. Instead of focusing on long-term goals, they’re pulled in multiple directions, unsure of what to believe. Learn to filter the noise and focus on your own strategy. Letting fear control your focus will keep you from seeing the bigger picture. Fear may feel protective, but it only blocks your growth. Push past it, and your potential for success increases. So, what do you fear the most? My favoites: $BTC $EGLD $REZ #Write2Earn! #MindsetMatters #InvestSmartly
Why Fear Is the Biggest Barrier to Success for New Crypto Investors

Fear is the single most destructive emotion that holds new crypto investors back from making smart decisions and growing their portfolios.

1. Fear Leads to Emotional Decisions

New investors often panic when markets dip.

Instead of sticking to their long-term strategies, fear makes them sell at a loss, locking in failure. A better approach is to embrace volatility, using dips to buy and hold. If you sell out of fear, you’re losing opportunities for long-term gains.

Emotional decisions sabotage your success.

2. Fear Prevents Learning

Fear of failure keeps many beginners from experimenting and trying new strategies.

Crypto is a rapidly evolving space. Those who hesitate to take small risks miss out on valuable learning experiences. Start small, test different approaches, and allow room for mistakes. Learning from action is the only way to get better.

Inaction is the real failure.

3. Fear Amplifies the Noise

When you're afraid, every headline feels like a disaster.

New investors often obsess over news, reacting to every negative story. Instead of focusing on long-term goals, they’re pulled in multiple directions, unsure of what to believe. Learn to filter the noise and focus on your own strategy.

Letting fear control your focus will keep you from seeing the bigger picture.

Fear may feel protective, but it only blocks your growth. Push past it, and your potential for success increases.

So, what do you fear the most?

My favoites:


#Write2Earn! #MindsetMatters #InvestSmartly
good luck with it!
good luck with it!
An important update on the airdrop website!

As I told my earlier post, I had to defer the launch date for our airdrop website as our dev team are Dubai based and I had to gave them a vacation due to weather changes.

Most of them were sick. But now all of them are well. I permitted them to work remotely from home. Looks like everything is fine now.

So I’m announcing, I’ll disclose the project name, airdrop website and white paper on 18 May.

As I previously declared, people who tipped me 1$ or more in any post of mine, will receive airdrop. However, this only applies to people who will tip me before 18 May (Monaco time).

But for the people who gave any amount to any well known Palestinian relief fund, upon submitting evidence on website, will be eligible for airdrop. This option will be available till end of the year. For now, we are focusing on Palestinian victims, but later we will add other options as there are many war victims.

As war and conflict creates bullish market on crypto and commodity markets and we all enjoy the profit it’s our responsibility to at least give some of our earnings to victims of the war.

For the people, who cannot tip, now have options to aid Palestinians civilians. Also, for the people who don’t see tip button below my post, will still find the option while reading my post on mobile browser. Just hit share button and copy the link and open in browser.

For the people, who has no option to aid Palestinian relief funds in his country, may just search “un palestine relief fund” and look for a url with domain. This will work in any country as none can block United Nations.

Still you cannot tip or aid? No worries, there are some airdrops reserved for my active supporters. That will be announced later.
How to go broke? Smart man edition Funny me! Chose one of these three ways: 1. Liquor 2. Ladies 3. Leverage Charlie Munger said that, but also he added that "leverage is the only one that matters". So, choose wise: your addictions, your wife (support) and how you trade/invest. No leverage at all! Take care of your money, guys! #write2earn🌐đŸ’č #BitcoinHalvingDrama #financialeducation $BTC $ETH $DOT
How to go broke?

Smart man edition

Funny me!

Chose one of these three ways:

1. Liquor
2. Ladies
3. Leverage

Charlie Munger said that, but also he added that "leverage is the only one that matters".

So, choose wise: your addictions, your wife (support) and how you trade/invest.

No leverage at all!

Take care of your money, guys!

#write2earn🌐đŸ’č #BitcoinHalvingDrama #financialeducation

I don't know if this is real or fake, but if it is real, it shows how important is to have financial education, discipline and real expectation when you trade/invest. Take care of your money, guys! You earned them by hard working. Don't lose them by stupidity.
I don't know if this is real or fake, but if it is real, it shows how important is to have financial education, discipline and real expectation when you trade/invest.

Take care of your money, guys! You earned them by hard working. Don't lose them by stupidity.
📉📉 Crypto Crash: As BTC Drops to $62k, Man Loses N1.3bn Trading PEPE on Binance, He Cries.

As BTC Drops to $62k, Man Loses N1.3bn Trading PEPE on Binance, A young man lost all his fortune to crypto as BTC price went below $62,000 (N74,431,000) on Saturday, April 13 Hoping that BTC would never crash, the man bet on PEPE altcoin with a 3x leverage to maximise his profit.

A crypto trader faced his worst nightmare trading futures without risk management, losing $1.14m (N1,368,570,000) on Binance.

With the hope that BTC may go higher, considering its halving in less than a week, a man put all his net worth into trading an altcoin called PEPE. BTC price dump liquidated position.

The photo of the man in this collage is for illustration purposes only and has no connection to the story.


#BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving #BEARISH📉 #bearflag #BearMarke
Movies can be made based on BTC scenarios, haha!
Movies can be made based on BTC scenarios, haha!
Quoted content has been removed
Is chart a trap? interesting point of view. One of my favorites writers on this platform.
Is chart a trap? interesting point of view. One of my favorites writers on this platform.
What is the feature of $BTC? 150k or 50k?

In crypto space sometimes we cannot predict the future. We cannot clearly say either a crypto will go up or down. We are currently at this situation.

I know you will see some people will show a chart and say this is a bullish signal. You will find another person showing exact same chart and saying it’s a bearish signal.

Whom you believe?

The first point I want to make is, you cannot predict the far future by seeing the chart. In fact chart is a trap, that leads you to think you know everything.

Chart is a trap

In fact, anything that stops you from thinking or leads you to take decisions so quickly, is a trap.

The best way to trade is using old school method. Remember, how your dad used to trade? You may find him calling the broker and saying buy 100 shares of Apple.

Ever heard him asking what was the price of Apple Stock yesterday, last week and last month? Probably not. But you must have seen before investing on something you dad read minimum 100 news articles on it.

He always checked what innovation gonna happen with Apple. Then he checked if similar innovation happened in past and what was the impact. He maybe also went through the competitors. He also doubled checked if big players invested on this stock or not. Then maybe he invested money in 5-10 companies.

And you
 his son
 taking investment decisions within few minutes
 looking at some random line
that is not even realistic in most of the cases

If you noticed, recently I’m only posting about our own crypto project and the AirDrop I’m going to host for you guys, or you seen me posting about genocide in Palestine, or you seen me posting about geopolitics and its impact on crypto market.

But all the other creators are posting about bitcoin, shitcoins, coolcoins, hotcoins etc. This is because in the backend, I’m still doing my analysis. I know Bitcoin will pass 100k, but I am trying to be sure about when, why and how. Because I want to deliver some real information rather than gushing and believing the analysis done by others.
Oh, it seems Crypto space can bring some valuable life stories. Lovely!
Oh, it seems Crypto space can bring some valuable life stories. Lovely!
📉 **Trader Loses $1 Million due to Market Crash But Receives $1,79,574 From His Followers** 🚀

In the recent crypto market turmoil, fortunes were made and lost in the blink of an eye. One trader, leveraging between 5X and 10X on $PEPE & $BTC, found himself staring down a staggering $1 million loss as prices nosedived. đŸ˜±

But in the midst of despair, a glimmer of hope emerged. Today, this resilient trader, with the courage to share his story, received an outpouring of support from his 31.5k followers, proving that in the crypto community, no one stands alone. đŸ’Ș

Despite the initial setback, the trader's faith in his strategy and the unwavering support of his community turned the tide. With $100,000 in contributions from his followers, he was able to bounce back, reclaiming $1,79,574 of his losses. 🚀

This saga highlights the rollercoaster ride of crypto trading and the power of solidarity within the community. While the market may be volatile, the bonds forged in the face of adversity are stronger than ever. ❀

Remember, the journey to financial success is not without its bumps, but together, we can weather any storm. Like, follow, and reshare to spread the message of resilience and community in the crypto world! 🌟

#Iran #BTC 🚀
more messages like this, please
more messages like this, please
Please don't login to your account daily or at least don't listen to the people who are posting negativity. As this time shall too pass.
The market will pump as there are only 3 days left for #BTC halving. Almost every coin lost its value by about 30 to 50 percent.
You can see that Bitcoin is still standing at 60 plus, it's means, that it will pump, and if it does not jump high, then the minimum value will be 80k for a single btc.
So my dear readers, you need patience, don't sell your coins in panic.
It's hype, and yes, it's very difficult to see your account going down every next day.
But remember, you must be strong in this situation and hold your coins, and if you have some more extra money, then buy to minimize your purchase value overall.
Just hold on, fasten your seat belt, and sleep for a while, as it's a long drive, and you have to trust on the driver. You will get profit in the long run.

It's my opinion, please do your research before investing in any cryptocurrencies.

If you like it, then don't forget to share and Follow.
The only reason I told you to get some IQ, is just to stop you from losing money in new coins on #NEAR Even if the coin is good, you are not supposed to buy at an over-hyped market without any professional setup. In my previous posts, I shared what you will need before trading on HVM. I do think you guys really need some IQ. Get it! And hold until you fully go out from the crypto market. A new coin will come and you will jump in, this is not how #Binance works. 90% time you will lose money if you jump in at the launch date. Please feel free to copy and spread this post and make this a #HotTrends. Yes, you can now steal my content with monetization tags like what I have used in this post and make money! Get free money and then go buy some IQ with it. Thank you, @salid for letting me know this! #HotTrends #write2earn
The only reason I told you to get some IQ, is just to stop you from losing money in new coins on #NEAR

Even if the coin is good, you are not supposed to buy at an over-hyped market without any professional setup. In my previous posts, I shared what you will need before trading on HVM.

I do think you guys really need some IQ. Get it! And hold until you fully go out from the crypto market.

A new coin will come and you will jump in, this is not how #Binance works.

90% time you will lose money if you jump in at the launch date.

Please feel free to copy and spread this post and make this a #HotTrends. Yes, you can now steal my content with monetization tags like what I have used in this post and make money!

Get free money and then go buy some IQ with it.

Thank you, @Salid for letting me know this!

#HotTrends #write2earn
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