In the past six months, whenever Telegram's hype decreased, its owner didn't directly launch a token. Instead, a new token emerged, possibly with the owner's indirect involvement or through a partnership. This maintained Telegram's hype:
1. NotCoin 2. Dogs 3. Now, it seems like PAWS is next in line. If the price holds, it could bring significant profit.
1. Use the same wallet address on the website as you did earlier. Both addresses should match.
To members with multiple accounts: If you don't use the same wallet address on all accounts, you won't receive the airdrop on either account. Use different wallet addresses on each.
PAWS Community Update:
Out of 72 million community members, only 20 million remain active. Even among these, some will connect their wallet addresses, while others won't. If the community shrinks further, the profit chances will increase."
Go to your bot and click on the website. On the website, connect your Tonkeeper and Phantom wallets. Also, follow PAWS' X (Twitter) and Telegram for updates."
"It seems the users who didn't complete the PAWSMAS task have had their balance permanently deleted and are no longer eligible for the PAWSMAS airdrop."