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PI Announcement
Pi is a Network of tens of Millions of humans mining. Pi Cryptocurrency to use and build the Web3 app economy
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FARM,SSV,COMPO These coins are increased 3x or 4x 2024-2025.
FARM,SSV,COMPO These coins are increased 3x or 4x 2024-2025.
sol,Life changing coin time period 2024-2025. $ERN,TRB,VGX,POWER
sol,Life changing coin time period 2024-2025.
Every First Friday of February, we celebrate our Moderator Appreciation Day! Watch our special appreciation video where both the Core Team and Pioneers offer heartfelt thanks to Pi moderators. #PiNetwork #PIANNOUNCEMENT
Every First Friday of February, we celebrate our Moderator Appreciation Day! Watch our special appreciation video where both the Core Team and Pioneers offer heartfelt thanks to Pi moderators.

Since KYC is an important metric in the Open Network plan, we are providing a detailed update on its progress since last November. Great strides were made to unblock applications stuck in the KYC process, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Pioneers being able to move on in their KYC journey and a smoother experience for new applicants #PiNetwork #PIANNOUNCEMENT
Since KYC is an important metric in the Open Network plan, we are providing a detailed update on its progress since last November. Great strides were made to unblock applications stuck in the KYC process, resulting in hundreds of thousands of Pioneers being able to move on in their KYC journey and a smoother experience for new applicants

KYC Process Update for Pioneers In our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Pi NetworksearchMenuKYC Process Update for Pioneers Share3Home » Blog » KYC Process Update for PioneersIn our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Identifying and Addressing A Core ProblemOne major hurdle in our KYC process has been with applications that are missing or have incorrectly entered information. This issue, while sometimes appearing minor, significantly slows down the processing efficiency. The “missing” status might be caused by various reasons: the wide range and vast diversity of ID document layouts and designs, scattered data on the front and back sides of ID, unclear ID images, human errors in filling in the application form, etc. Small errors, such as omitted details or data mismatches, lead to verification delays and create system bottlenecks.To verify you quickly and securely, we need all your KYC documentation to be exact. Not getting KYC’d because of these tiny hiccups can be frustrating, and we’re doing everything we can to solve these problems, both individually and at scale.Ultimately, the most efficient way to improve our KYC system is to implement new changes that enhance the process. In the Pi KYC application, we’re asking you to help deliver accurate data entry––but we’re also stepping up to help, with manual fixes, a more intuitive system design, and better algorithms and designs to extract correct data as we work to streamline the KYC process and onboard new applicants.Solutions and Recent EffectivenessIn response to the specific challenge of missing and mismatching data in KYC applications, we’ve implemented and released a comprehensive set of measures, each designed to target specific issues and finally reduce the cases stuck by this cause in the KYC process significantly. These measures, along with specific metrics since a recent update in mid-December 2023, are as follows:Comprehensive Application Reprocessing: Before November 2023, there were about 1.5 million applications in total that were stuck in the KYC process due to missing data in their applications. We improved the code to extract the data from the ID documents, applied the new improvements to all 1.5 million cases in November, unblocked about 200,000 applications to move on in the KYC process and resulted in 1.3 million remaining cases having this issue by the end of November 2023. Improved algorithm to resolve sub-issues: With further analysis on the remaining applications, we identified sub-issues and implemented the second iteration of the code that extracts necessary data from the ID document. In mid-December, we undertook another comprehensive reprocessing effort, revisiting a total of 1.3 million applications. This second comprehensive reprocessing let about 532,000 applications get unstuck and move on in their KYC journey, and significantly reduced the number of applications blocked by missing data in the KYC process. Pi NetworksearchMenuKYC Process Update for Pioneers Share3Home » Blog » KYC Process Update for PioneersIn our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Identifying and Addressing A Core ProblemOne major hurdle in our KYC process has been with applications that are missing or have incorrectly entered information. This issue, while sometimes appearing minor, significantly slows down the processing efficiency. The “missing” status might be caused by various reasons: the wide range and vast diversity of ID document layouts and designs, scattered data on the front and back sides of ID, unclear ID images, human errors in filling in the application form, etc. Small errors, such as omitted details or data mismatches, lead to verification delays and create system bottlenecks.To verify you quickly and securely, we need all your KYC documentation to be exact. Not getting KYC’d because of these tiny hiccups can be frustrating, and we’re doing everything we can to solve these problems, both individually and at scale.Ultimately, the most efficient way to improve our KYC system is to implement new changes that enhance the process. In the Pi KYC application, we’re asking you to help deliver accurate data entry––but we’re also stepping up to help, with manual fixes, a more intuitive system design, and better algorithms and designs to extract correct data as we work to streamline the KYC process and onboard new applicants.Solutions and Recent EffectivenessIn response to the specific challenge of missing and mismatching data in KYC applications, we’ve implemented and released a comprehensive set of measures, each designed to target specific issues and finally reduce the cases stuck by this cause in the KYC process significantly. These measures, along with specific metrics since a recent update in mid-December 2023, are as follows:Comprehensive Application Reprocessing: Before November 2023, there were about 1.5 million applications in total that were stuck in the KYC process due to missing data in their applications. We improved the code to extract the data from the ID documents, applied the new improvements to all 1.5 million cases in November, unblocked about 200,000 applications to move on in the KYC process and resulted in 1.3 million remaining cases having this issue by the end of November 2023. Improved algorithm to resolve sub-issues: With further analysis on the remaining applications, we identified sub-issues and implemented the second iteration of the code that extracts necessary data from the ID document. In mid-December, we undertook another comprehensive reprocessing effort, revisiting a total of 1.3 million applications. This second comprehensive reprocessing let about 532,000 applications get unstuck and move on in their KYC journey, and significantly reduced the number of applications blocked by missing data in the KYC process. Resubmission Opportunities for Pioneers: In the remaining cases stuck by the same issue, we identified that resubmission by Pioneers can help resolve it. For example, unclear images of the ID documents can’t be resolved purely by algorithmic improvements. Just uploading another clear image can do. Human errors in the application form were caused by the applicants themselves in the first submission, so they have to fix such errors themselves. Thus, we allowed about 768,000 remaining applicants blocked by this issue to have one more chance to resubmit their applications. This move deployed in late December was not only about giving a second chance but also about educating users on the importance of clear, accurate and complete information. The resubmission measure allowed another 123,000 applications to be successfully unblocked from the missing data issue in the KYC process, and this number has been continuing to increase as more applicants act on the resubmission opportunity.Validators Review as the Solution: The next strategy to tackle the missing data issue for the remaining affected cases will rely on KYC Validators. Currently, a new design and tutorials for this task for Validators have been developed and tested, and will be soon slowly rolled out to Validators based on their prior performance to help address this issue and unblock more applications affected by missing data that cannot be resolved algorithmically or via resubmissions. The above were updates on resolving one major blocker in the KYC process and will have ongoing effects on future applications as well (future applications will have a lower chance of being stuck or will be delayed for a shorter amount of time by similar issues due to such improvements). As they show, each measure or strategy involves a lot of data analysis, identification of specific causes, development of solution, testing, deployment and iterations. With such similar efforts in each step, sometimes a measure can lead to bigger results while at other times one measure unblocks fewer applicants. However, the challenge of the KYC process is that each corner case matters because each Pioneer going through KYC matters even if the measure to resolve that one corner case takes as much time and effort as others. The above list was only for one blocker—albeit a major one—and there are other KYC blockers the Core Team has been working on and providing solutions to unblock applications in similar manner. Some of the other KYC updates and progress include:Improved Liveness Video Processing: There were about 153,000 KYC applications before November 2023 that were stuck in the KYC process due to failures of processing their video in their initial submission. After examinations of the issue, a tailored measure was implemented to reprocess the video submissions of these applications and deployed in November 2023, effectively reducing the backlog to just 19,000 Pioneers needing further measures. Unblocking Applications with Watermark Issue: In December 2023, a specialized measure was implemented to rectify some failures in adding watermarks to images that prevented some applications from going through. This solution resulted in the successful unblocking of 1,367 Pioneers to continue their KYC process.Name Comparisons and Appeals: The complexity in verifying that all names (KYC ID name, Pi account name, appealed names) associated with an account refer to the same person in the KYC process also prevents many applications from moving forward. While most name comparisons were done by the machines, there are cases that ultimately cannot be resolved algorithmically. New tutorials and designs were implemented and are released to trusted Validators to resolve such name comparison difficulties and resolve many name appeal requests. This feature was released around the time of this blog release, so no metrics are available at the moment. Tips for Pioneers for a Smoother KYC processDrawing from what we learned when helping to resolve different stuck cases, we also want to share with Pioneers some tips to reduce your own chance of being stuck in the KYC process and help the network to make faster progress in the KYC goal. Complete Information: Ensure all data, especially crucial details like Date of Birth or ID document Expiration Date, are filled in accurately.High-Quality Document Images: Submit clear, well-lit images of your ID and a clear liveness video.Correct Country of ID Submission: The ID document’s country of issuance should match the country selected in the dropdown at the beginning of the KYC application.Consistent ID Document Submission: Ensure the type of ID you submit matches the one you’ve selected in your application form.Consistent Language in Data Entry: Enter your details in the application form in the exact language as they appear on your ID. If the names on your ID document are in your native language, please fill in the form with your native names. Moving ForwardAs stated, the network KYC progress depends on Pioneers to apply, fix their applications, resubmit, invite their teams to go through KYC, and KYC validators to help resolve difficult cases that machines cannot resolve. The Core Team is also committed to provide the necessary technology, designs and support for the community to make progress in this metric we all share towards the Open Network. We thank our community for their ongoing participation and feedback, which are invaluable in this journey towards a more efficient and user-friendly KYC process. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements.#PiNetwork #PIANNOUNCEMENT

KYC Process Update for Pioneers

In our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Pi NetworksearchMenuKYC Process Update for Pioneers Share3Home » Blog » KYC Process Update for PioneersIn our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Identifying and Addressing A Core ProblemOne major hurdle in our KYC process has been with applications that are missing or have incorrectly entered information. This issue, while sometimes appearing minor, significantly slows down the processing efficiency. The “missing” status might be caused by various reasons: the wide range and vast diversity of ID document layouts and designs, scattered data on the front and back sides of ID, unclear ID images, human errors in filling in the application form, etc. Small errors, such as omitted details or data mismatches, lead to verification delays and create system bottlenecks.To verify you quickly and securely, we need all your KYC documentation to be exact. Not getting KYC’d because of these tiny hiccups can be frustrating, and we’re doing everything we can to solve these problems, both individually and at scale.Ultimately, the most efficient way to improve our KYC system is to implement new changes that enhance the process. In the Pi KYC application, we’re asking you to help deliver accurate data entry––but we’re also stepping up to help, with manual fixes, a more intuitive system design, and better algorithms and designs to extract correct data as we work to streamline the KYC process and onboard new applicants.Solutions and Recent EffectivenessIn response to the specific challenge of missing and mismatching data in KYC applications, we’ve implemented and released a comprehensive set of measures, each designed to target specific issues and finally reduce the cases stuck by this cause in the KYC process significantly. These measures, along with specific metrics since a recent update in mid-December 2023, are as follows:Comprehensive Application Reprocessing: Before November 2023, there were about 1.5 million applications in total that were stuck in the KYC process due to missing data in their applications. We improved the code to extract the data from the ID documents, applied the new improvements to all 1.5 million cases in November, unblocked about 200,000 applications to move on in the KYC process and resulted in 1.3 million remaining cases having this issue by the end of November 2023. Improved algorithm to resolve sub-issues: With further analysis on the remaining applications, we identified sub-issues and implemented the second iteration of the code that extracts necessary data from the ID document. In mid-December, we undertook another comprehensive reprocessing effort, revisiting a total of 1.3 million applications. This second comprehensive reprocessing let about 532,000 applications get unstuck and move on in their KYC journey, and significantly reduced the number of applications blocked by missing data in the KYC process. Pi NetworksearchMenuKYC Process Update for Pioneers Share3Home » Blog » KYC Process Update for PioneersIn our recent Open Network plan announcement on December 27, 2023, we shared our intention to enter the Open Network period of the Mainnet in the year 2024 and its important three conditions. Especially, the milestones in Condition 1 & 2 depend on the decentralized efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team. Today, we want to provide an update on recent progress in one of the critical metrics: the KYC process. The KYC milestone is paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and authentic online experience, fueled by Pi. As stated in the Open Network plan announcement, the KYC milestone will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. This KYC piece today specifically provides an update on the Core Team’s recent progress in unblocking Pioneers’ applications stuck in the KYC process and supporting the community to achieve its KYC goals to get prepared for the Open Network. Identifying and Addressing A Core ProblemOne major hurdle in our KYC process has been with applications that are missing or have incorrectly entered information. This issue, while sometimes appearing minor, significantly slows down the processing efficiency. The “missing” status might be caused by various reasons: the wide range and vast diversity of ID document layouts and designs, scattered data on the front and back sides of ID, unclear ID images, human errors in filling in the application form, etc. Small errors, such as omitted details or data mismatches, lead to verification delays and create system bottlenecks.To verify you quickly and securely, we need all your KYC documentation to be exact. Not getting KYC’d because of these tiny hiccups can be frustrating, and we’re doing everything we can to solve these problems, both individually and at scale.Ultimately, the most efficient way to improve our KYC system is to implement new changes that enhance the process. In the Pi KYC application, we’re asking you to help deliver accurate data entry––but we’re also stepping up to help, with manual fixes, a more intuitive system design, and better algorithms and designs to extract correct data as we work to streamline the KYC process and onboard new applicants.Solutions and Recent EffectivenessIn response to the specific challenge of missing and mismatching data in KYC applications, we’ve implemented and released a comprehensive set of measures, each designed to target specific issues and finally reduce the cases stuck by this cause in the KYC process significantly. These measures, along with specific metrics since a recent update in mid-December 2023, are as follows:Comprehensive Application Reprocessing: Before November 2023, there were about 1.5 million applications in total that were stuck in the KYC process due to missing data in their applications. We improved the code to extract the data from the ID documents, applied the new improvements to all 1.5 million cases in November, unblocked about 200,000 applications to move on in the KYC process and resulted in 1.3 million remaining cases having this issue by the end of November 2023. Improved algorithm to resolve sub-issues: With further analysis on the remaining applications, we identified sub-issues and implemented the second iteration of the code that extracts necessary data from the ID document. In mid-December, we undertook another comprehensive reprocessing effort, revisiting a total of 1.3 million applications. This second comprehensive reprocessing let about 532,000 applications get unstuck and move on in their KYC journey, and significantly reduced the number of applications blocked by missing data in the KYC process. Resubmission Opportunities for Pioneers: In the remaining cases stuck by the same issue, we identified that resubmission by Pioneers can help resolve it. For example, unclear images of the ID documents can’t be resolved purely by algorithmic improvements. Just uploading another clear image can do. Human errors in the application form were caused by the applicants themselves in the first submission, so they have to fix such errors themselves. Thus, we allowed about 768,000 remaining applicants blocked by this issue to have one more chance to resubmit their applications. This move deployed in late December was not only about giving a second chance but also about educating users on the importance of clear, accurate and complete information. The resubmission measure allowed another 123,000 applications to be successfully unblocked from the missing data issue in the KYC process, and this number has been continuing to increase as more applicants act on the resubmission opportunity.Validators Review as the Solution: The next strategy to tackle the missing data issue for the remaining affected cases will rely on KYC Validators. Currently, a new design and tutorials for this task for Validators have been developed and tested, and will be soon slowly rolled out to Validators based on their prior performance to help address this issue and unblock more applications affected by missing data that cannot be resolved algorithmically or via resubmissions. The above were updates on resolving one major blocker in the KYC process and will have ongoing effects on future applications as well (future applications will have a lower chance of being stuck or will be delayed for a shorter amount of time by similar issues due to such improvements). As they show, each measure or strategy involves a lot of data analysis, identification of specific causes, development of solution, testing, deployment and iterations. With such similar efforts in each step, sometimes a measure can lead to bigger results while at other times one measure unblocks fewer applicants. However, the challenge of the KYC process is that each corner case matters because each Pioneer going through KYC matters even if the measure to resolve that one corner case takes as much time and effort as others. The above list was only for one blocker—albeit a major one—and there are other KYC blockers the Core Team has been working on and providing solutions to unblock applications in similar manner. Some of the other KYC updates and progress include:Improved Liveness Video Processing: There were about 153,000 KYC applications before November 2023 that were stuck in the KYC process due to failures of processing their video in their initial submission. After examinations of the issue, a tailored measure was implemented to reprocess the video submissions of these applications and deployed in November 2023, effectively reducing the backlog to just 19,000 Pioneers needing further measures. Unblocking Applications with Watermark Issue: In December 2023, a specialized measure was implemented to rectify some failures in adding watermarks to images that prevented some applications from going through. This solution resulted in the successful unblocking of 1,367 Pioneers to continue their KYC process.Name Comparisons and Appeals: The complexity in verifying that all names (KYC ID name, Pi account name, appealed names) associated with an account refer to the same person in the KYC process also prevents many applications from moving forward. While most name comparisons were done by the machines, there are cases that ultimately cannot be resolved algorithmically. New tutorials and designs were implemented and are released to trusted Validators to resolve such name comparison difficulties and resolve many name appeal requests. This feature was released around the time of this blog release, so no metrics are available at the moment. Tips for Pioneers for a Smoother KYC processDrawing from what we learned when helping to resolve different stuck cases, we also want to share with Pioneers some tips to reduce your own chance of being stuck in the KYC process and help the network to make faster progress in the KYC goal. Complete Information: Ensure all data, especially crucial details like Date of Birth or ID document Expiration Date, are filled in accurately.High-Quality Document Images: Submit clear, well-lit images of your ID and a clear liveness video.Correct Country of ID Submission: The ID document’s country of issuance should match the country selected in the dropdown at the beginning of the KYC application.Consistent ID Document Submission: Ensure the type of ID you submit matches the one you’ve selected in your application form.Consistent Language in Data Entry: Enter your details in the application form in the exact language as they appear on your ID. If the names on your ID document are in your native language, please fill in the form with your native names. Moving ForwardAs stated, the network KYC progress depends on Pioneers to apply, fix their applications, resubmit, invite their teams to go through KYC, and KYC validators to help resolve difficult cases that machines cannot resolve. The Core Team is also committed to provide the necessary technology, designs and support for the community to make progress in this metric we all share towards the Open Network. We thank our community for their ongoing participation and feedback, which are invaluable in this journey towards a more efficient and user-friendly KYC process. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements.#PiNetwork #PIANNOUNCEMENT
The First Friday of February (Feb 2) marks Moderator Appreciation Day. Contribute to this year’s tribute video by sharing gratitude or stories in text about how Pi Chat moderators have helped you in the past. Tap “Thank the Moderators!” to share in the comments, and mention specific mods or offer a general shoutout. Let’s honor the incredible impact of our mods #PiNetwork #PIANNOUNCEMENT
The First Friday of February (Feb 2) marks Moderator Appreciation Day. Contribute to this year’s tribute video by sharing gratitude or stories in text about how Pi Chat moderators have helped you in the past. Tap “Thank the Moderators!” to share in the comments, and mention specific mods or offer a general shoutout. Let’s honor the incredible impact of our mods
Do you know how much Pi you mined in 2023? See your 2023 mining summary on the Pi mining app home screen through the new feature that highlights your milestones within the network and celebrates your achievements in 2023. #PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT
Do you know how much Pi you mined in 2023? See your 2023 mining summary on the Pi mining app home screen through the new feature that highlights your milestones within the network and celebrates your achievements in 2023.

The #PiHackathon continues with TWO new winners announced! Congratulations to these developers for their hard work and contributions to our Open Network utilities milestone! Go to the Pi home screen to learn more. #PIANNOUNCEMENT #PINETWORK
The #PiHackathon continues with TWO new winners announced! Congratulations to these developers for their hard work and contributions to our Open Network utilities milestone! Go to the Pi home screen to learn more.

Developer Ambassador ProgramPi Network has always been driven by the decentralized efforts from Pioneers, the Core Team, and community developers alike. This collaborative spirit continues through the Developer Ambassador Program, an initiative that enables the community to mobilize their utilities-building efforts by enrolling new developers onto Pi Network, and support its vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely distributed cryptocurrency. This program is for everyone. Whether or not you are a developer yourself, any Pioneer can be proactive in identifying, engaging and enabling developers in their personal and professional networks to build new Pi apps (or repurpose existing apps into Pi apps) for our large 47+ million strong community. Your efforts in this Developer Ambassador Program can help create new Pi Apps and further diversify the utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency, bringing us closer to Open Mainnet, all the while bringing you Pi rewards! Developer Ambassador RewardCreating utilities and advancing to the next phase of the Pi roadmap is an essential network goal. To incentivize and reward this mass effort, Developer Ambassadors will receive 1000 Pi for every new Pioneer developer they onboard who builds and deploys an unverified Mainnet Pi app that is listed on the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser. This program is meant to only reward sincere efforts that advance the network’s goals. Therefore, the reward will only be given when your invited developers build and deploy real apps. Program DetailsIn this initial program, Developer Ambassadors have until March 31, 2024 to invite developers to create and list an unverified Mainnet app on the Pi Browser's Ecosystem UI. Developer Ambassadors can manage invitations and track the progress of onboarded developers in the Developer Ambassador interface, found in the main Pi app's menu bar under the "Roles" tab. The Developer Ambassador can obtain the Pi rewards only if the invited new developer successfully builds a Pi app. EligibilitySpecifically, for the Developer Ambassador to be eligible to receive the reward of 1000 Pi, the new Pioneer developer needs to:Join Pi Network using the Developer Ambassador’s general Pi Network referral code (the same one to invite new Pioneers).Register an app on the Developer Portal within 30 days of becoming a Pioneer.Have their unverified Mainnet app meet the listing criteria of, and be successfully listed on, the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser for at least 30 continuous days. Details on the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser and the requirements to be listed on it as an unverified Mainnet App will be provided later. Getting startedFollow these simple steps to get started as a Developer Ambassador:In the Pi mining app, tap the side menu icon ☰ in the top left corner.Tap on the “Roles” button. Here, you will see a list of various roles that Pioneers can perform.Tap on the “Developer Ambassador” role.You will now see your Developer Ambassador dashboard. This is where you will be able to view the apps and progress of the developers onboarded by you. When a developer signs up to Pi Network using your code and registers an app in the Developer Portal, they will appear here.Populate your dashboard by inviting external developers to join Pi through the existing referral mechanism – simply send them an invitation to join Pi, or otherwise make sure they use your general Pi Network referral code when signing up. Participate today and help spread the word and power of Pi Network to individuals, groups, and organizations who are interested in seeing their app come to life on Pi. Find, Pitch, Onboard and Support DevelopersThere are four key components to being a successful Developer Ambassador: finding great developers, pitching the Pi platform and community to them, onboarding them onto the platform, and supporting them to build strong apps. In this section, we will provide you with resources on how to complete all of these steps!1. Find DevelopersAs a Developer Ambassador, you have the freedom to invite developers and businesses from any background to Pi. Here are some suggestions for how to get started:Reach out to friends, family, colleagues and peers with a background in software development, software engineering, product design or entrepreneurshipConnect with startups and companies who have an app or are interested in building an app or an online presenceTap into your university, workplace, or professional networks Look out for both existing apps with a proven model, as well as developers who may want to build a Pi app from scratch If you have access to a network of developers, you could host gatherings or even your own local hackathon to get multiple parties to start building Pi Apps! No matter where you find developers, remember to prioritize one-on-one conversations as you are able to directly respond to the developers’ potential questions or concerns. 2. Pitch to DevelopersIt is important to provide prospective developers with an informative and compelling introduction to Pi. The key attractions of the Pi platform and community for developers are explained in this Why Build on Pi webpage.It is best to also be able to provide a summary of the benefits of building a Pi App yourself. Some of the main benefits of developing a Pi App include: Access to over 47 million potential users Simple Web3 onboarding without need for any blockchain or cryptocurrency-specific programming language or experience Quick start with built-in developer tools and community contributionsMultiple revenue options allowing for diverse business modelsLimitless development – build anything the developer wantsOpportunities for support, mentorship, and Pi cryptocurrency rewardsLow transaction fees and high throughput on this environmentally friendly blockchainWith PiNet—Pi Apps on the Open InterNet—Developer Ambassadors have an excellent toolkit and proof point to use in your pitch to developers you want to onboard onto Pi Network. PiNet is an easy way to view and share Pi Apps on any regular web browser such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on any device without needing to sign in with the Pi account. It allows the developer to explore parts of the Pi App ecosystem even before they have a Pi account. For example, sharing Fireside Forum via PiNet can give a developer a sense of a useful Pi App as well as the level of Pioneer engagement on the platform, helping motivate the developer to build a Pi App of their own.To share links, simply copy the PiNet URL directly from your browser and share with the developer. 3. Onboard DevelopersSend interested developers your general Pi Network referral code (the same one to invite new Pioneers) to create their Pi account. This way, you are identified as their Developer Ambassador. You also can send them an invite link directly through the Developer Ambassador Portal. This is found in the Pi mining app by accessing the side menu icon ☰, then tapping on the “Roles” button, then tapping on the “Developer Ambassador Program”, and then tapping on “Add from Contacts”.4. Support DevelopersIt is easy to get started and build on Pi. Unlike on other blockchains, a software developer does not need prior blockchain experience or knowledge of any blockchain-specific programming language. As the developer invited by you starts building a Pi App, you can share the following developer resources to support their building of a Pi App along the way. Guides and ResourcesDeveloper Onboarding Guide: This guide details the steps needed to get set up as a new developer in the Pi Ecosystem.Getting Started Checklist: This checklist is a part of the onboarding guide, which quickly previews at a high level all the steps needed to start building on Pi.Pi Platform Github Repository: This is our detailed developer documentation that has all the information and code examples needed to integrate with the Pi SDK and make API calls.Blueprints and Templates; Pi Developer CommunityPi Demo App Repository: The platform demo application comes with the Pi SDK already integrated. Therefore, a Pi App developer can review or clone this demo application code as a blueprint to build on top of. PiOS: Learn here about the Pi Open Source software license and how to use it. With a collaborative spirit, a developer can build atop other Pi developers’ code. Further, if the developer chooses to make their own code available to the Pi community via the PiOS license, the community can make further contributions to the code base. Pi Developer Community: Once the new developer is on their way to building a Pi App, they are able to be a part of a robust community of Pi App developers on Discord who are helping each other. Instructions on joining this Discord server will be available to the developer on the Brainstorm app, which can be found on the Pi Browser. Starter Developer Workshop VideosProduct Workshop: This video introduces the Pi platform and explains some helpful product and design approaches to a Pi App developer.SDK Workshop: This video is a technical presentation on how to integrate and use the Pi SDK.Your efforts in this Developer Ambassador Program can help contribute to the creation of various Pi Apps and the expansion of diverse utilities for the Pi cryptocurrency. Helping bring talented developers to the ecosystem helps bring Pi Network closer to Open Mainnet. If you are a developer yourself considering building a Pi App, refer to the main Developer webpage. Here, you will find 47 million reasons to be on the Pi platform!#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT

Developer Ambassador Program

Pi Network has always been driven by the decentralized efforts from Pioneers, the Core Team, and community developers alike. This collaborative spirit continues through the Developer Ambassador Program, an initiative that enables the community to mobilize their utilities-building efforts by enrolling new developers onto Pi Network, and support its vision: Build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely distributed cryptocurrency. This program is for everyone. Whether or not you are a developer yourself, any Pioneer can be proactive in identifying, engaging and enabling developers in their personal and professional networks to build new Pi apps (or repurpose existing apps into Pi apps) for our large 47+ million strong community. Your efforts in this Developer Ambassador Program can help create new Pi Apps and further diversify the utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency, bringing us closer to Open Mainnet, all the while bringing you Pi rewards! Developer Ambassador RewardCreating utilities and advancing to the next phase of the Pi roadmap is an essential network goal. To incentivize and reward this mass effort, Developer Ambassadors will receive 1000 Pi for every new Pioneer developer they onboard who builds and deploys an unverified Mainnet Pi app that is listed on the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser. This program is meant to only reward sincere efforts that advance the network’s goals. Therefore, the reward will only be given when your invited developers build and deploy real apps. Program DetailsIn this initial program, Developer Ambassadors have until March 31, 2024 to invite developers to create and list an unverified Mainnet app on the Pi Browser's Ecosystem UI. Developer Ambassadors can manage invitations and track the progress of onboarded developers in the Developer Ambassador interface, found in the main Pi app's menu bar under the "Roles" tab. The Developer Ambassador can obtain the Pi rewards only if the invited new developer successfully builds a Pi app. EligibilitySpecifically, for the Developer Ambassador to be eligible to receive the reward of 1000 Pi, the new Pioneer developer needs to:Join Pi Network using the Developer Ambassador’s general Pi Network referral code (the same one to invite new Pioneers).Register an app on the Developer Portal within 30 days of becoming a Pioneer.Have their unverified Mainnet app meet the listing criteria of, and be successfully listed on, the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser for at least 30 continuous days. Details on the Ecosystem UI of the Pi Browser and the requirements to be listed on it as an unverified Mainnet App will be provided later. Getting startedFollow these simple steps to get started as a Developer Ambassador:In the Pi mining app, tap the side menu icon ☰ in the top left corner.Tap on the “Roles” button. Here, you will see a list of various roles that Pioneers can perform.Tap on the “Developer Ambassador” role.You will now see your Developer Ambassador dashboard. This is where you will be able to view the apps and progress of the developers onboarded by you. When a developer signs up to Pi Network using your code and registers an app in the Developer Portal, they will appear here.Populate your dashboard by inviting external developers to join Pi through the existing referral mechanism – simply send them an invitation to join Pi, or otherwise make sure they use your general Pi Network referral code when signing up. Participate today and help spread the word and power of Pi Network to individuals, groups, and organizations who are interested in seeing their app come to life on Pi. Find, Pitch, Onboard and Support DevelopersThere are four key components to being a successful Developer Ambassador: finding great developers, pitching the Pi platform and community to them, onboarding them onto the platform, and supporting them to build strong apps. In this section, we will provide you with resources on how to complete all of these steps!1. Find DevelopersAs a Developer Ambassador, you have the freedom to invite developers and businesses from any background to Pi. Here are some suggestions for how to get started:Reach out to friends, family, colleagues and peers with a background in software development, software engineering, product design or entrepreneurshipConnect with startups and companies who have an app or are interested in building an app or an online presenceTap into your university, workplace, or professional networks Look out for both existing apps with a proven model, as well as developers who may want to build a Pi app from scratch If you have access to a network of developers, you could host gatherings or even your own local hackathon to get multiple parties to start building Pi Apps! No matter where you find developers, remember to prioritize one-on-one conversations as you are able to directly respond to the developers’ potential questions or concerns. 2. Pitch to DevelopersIt is important to provide prospective developers with an informative and compelling introduction to Pi. The key attractions of the Pi platform and community for developers are explained in this Why Build on Pi webpage.It is best to also be able to provide a summary of the benefits of building a Pi App yourself. Some of the main benefits of developing a Pi App include: Access to over 47 million potential users Simple Web3 onboarding without need for any blockchain or cryptocurrency-specific programming language or experience Quick start with built-in developer tools and community contributionsMultiple revenue options allowing for diverse business modelsLimitless development – build anything the developer wantsOpportunities for support, mentorship, and Pi cryptocurrency rewardsLow transaction fees and high throughput on this environmentally friendly blockchainWith PiNet—Pi Apps on the Open InterNet—Developer Ambassadors have an excellent toolkit and proof point to use in your pitch to developers you want to onboard onto Pi Network. PiNet is an easy way to view and share Pi Apps on any regular web browser such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on any device without needing to sign in with the Pi account. It allows the developer to explore parts of the Pi App ecosystem even before they have a Pi account. For example, sharing Fireside Forum via PiNet can give a developer a sense of a useful Pi App as well as the level of Pioneer engagement on the platform, helping motivate the developer to build a Pi App of their own.To share links, simply copy the PiNet URL directly from your browser and share with the developer. 3. Onboard DevelopersSend interested developers your general Pi Network referral code (the same one to invite new Pioneers) to create their Pi account. This way, you are identified as their Developer Ambassador. You also can send them an invite link directly through the Developer Ambassador Portal. This is found in the Pi mining app by accessing the side menu icon ☰, then tapping on the “Roles” button, then tapping on the “Developer Ambassador Program”, and then tapping on “Add from Contacts”.4. Support DevelopersIt is easy to get started and build on Pi. Unlike on other blockchains, a software developer does not need prior blockchain experience or knowledge of any blockchain-specific programming language. As the developer invited by you starts building a Pi App, you can share the following developer resources to support their building of a Pi App along the way. Guides and ResourcesDeveloper Onboarding Guide: This guide details the steps needed to get set up as a new developer in the Pi Ecosystem.Getting Started Checklist: This checklist is a part of the onboarding guide, which quickly previews at a high level all the steps needed to start building on Pi.Pi Platform Github Repository: This is our detailed developer documentation that has all the information and code examples needed to integrate with the Pi SDK and make API calls.Blueprints and Templates; Pi Developer CommunityPi Demo App Repository: The platform demo application comes with the Pi SDK already integrated. Therefore, a Pi App developer can review or clone this demo application code as a blueprint to build on top of. PiOS: Learn here about the Pi Open Source software license and how to use it. With a collaborative spirit, a developer can build atop other Pi developers’ code. Further, if the developer chooses to make their own code available to the Pi community via the PiOS license, the community can make further contributions to the code base. Pi Developer Community: Once the new developer is on their way to building a Pi App, they are able to be a part of a robust community of Pi App developers on Discord who are helping each other. Instructions on joining this Discord server will be available to the developer on the Brainstorm app, which can be found on the Pi Browser. Starter Developer Workshop VideosProduct Workshop: This video introduces the Pi platform and explains some helpful product and design approaches to a Pi App developer.SDK Workshop: This video is a technical presentation on how to integrate and use the Pi SDK.Your efforts in this Developer Ambassador Program can help contribute to the creation of various Pi Apps and the expansion of diverse utilities for the Pi cryptocurrency. Helping bring talented developers to the ecosystem helps bring Pi Network closer to Open Mainnet. If you are a developer yourself considering building a Pi App, refer to the main Developer webpage. Here, you will find 47 million reasons to be on the Pi platform!#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT
Do you know anyone who can create websites or apps? Simply invite such developers to join Pi using your username as the referral code, as usual. When they build a qualified Mainnet Pi app, you will receive a 1000 Pi reward! Track your developer referrals in the Developer Ambassador Dashboard. Let’s achieve the utility goal for Open Network together. #PIANNOUNCEMENT #PINETWORK
Do you know anyone who can create websites or apps? Simply invite such developers to join Pi using your username as the referral code, as usual. When they build a qualified Mainnet Pi app, you will receive a 1000 Pi reward! Track your developer referrals in the Developer Ambassador Dashboard. Let’s achieve the utility goal for Open Network together.
Network Announcement: Pi’s Open Network PlanWe are pleased to announce that we intend to go to the Open Network period of Mainnet in the year of 2024, if the following three conditions are met! There is no specific date set. These three essential conditions depend on the collective efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team, in addition to uncontrollable external factors. Such conditions are based on Pi Network’s long-term objectives and strategies, and take into consideration the feasibility of their accomplishments within the year of 2024.Conditions for having Open Network in 2024Condition 1: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.Most technical and product milestones of such preparation work are listed under different projects in the V2 Roadmap also released today, except for work in the business and legal side. The V2 Roadmap also excludes some technical and product milestones due to security reasons or because they relate to stealth projects that are meant to be published later. The V2 Roadmap released today will be further supplemented and polished later, and the status of milestones (i.e., whether they are in History, In Progress or in Future Pipeline) will also continuously be updated throughout the year. The work to achieve this condition will be primarily done by the Core Team. As of now, we are on track to fulfill Condition 1. Condition 2: Achieve the following goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.This condition is consistent with the Enclosed Network objectives from the updated Roadmap chapter of the Pi Whitepaper published in December 2021, such as reaching critical mass of KYC identity-verified Pioneers on the Mainnet blockchain and having diverse utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency in the Pi ecosystem. These objectives are paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi. The targeted milestones below help specify what these Enclosed Network goals mean in concrete terms (per our community’s request), while considering the feasibility for the community to achieve them within the year of 2024. The specific targets for meeting this Open Network condition are as follows:KYC and Migration15 million Pioneers have passed KYC including fully and tentatively KYC’ed; and10 million Pioneers have migrated to the Mainnet.Utility 100 real Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application (i.e., not simply an unmodified clone of the demo app or another Pi app).As reference, the current data about the above variables are 8 million KYC’ed Pioneers including fully and tentatively KYC’ed, 3.9 million migrated, and about 40 real Pi apps that we preliminarily deemed as meeting the standards above, although there are many more Pi apps on the Testnet or fulfilling a subset of the standards above which can be improved to qualify during the year.This condition will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. While the Core Team will continue to provide technical and product support, to meet the KYC and migration goals will require the community to mobilize itself through decentralized efforts to have more Pioneers join, re-engage, apply, validate and pass in the KYC process, and complete their Mainnet Checklist to migrate. The utility goals rely on community developers to build and launch Pi apps following the Pi policies with the technical, product, design, program and mentorship support of the Core team.Condition 3: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.In short, world events affect currencies, and Pi is no different. While we do not control what happens in the world, we do control our launch and will not jeopardize the community’s hard work and dedication with a reckless move to Open Network. The timing of Open Network will need to incorporate these global factors that are beyond the control of the Core Team or the Pioneer community. These factors include macroeconomic crises, unfavorable legal or regulatory developments, industry uncertainties, pandemics, wars, or any number of unpredictable, uncontrollable, and/or unforeseeable external factors inhospitable to the launch of Open Network.These three conditions will help determine the timing of the Open Network. We hope the network can achieve them in the year of 2024, with our decentralized efforts and with the absence of unfavorable uncontrollable external factors. If such conditions are not met, then Open Network may be delayed to ensure a more successful transition for all Pioneers. All in all, the decision on Open Network’s launch and its timing will be made to best serve Pi’s vision, the community and the network.We know that this announcement will be met with jubilation and excitement within the Pi community, and we hope that each Pioneer takes it upon themselves to help achieve the above goals. We wish that all Pioneers enjoy a wonderful end of the year holiday season, and use this information to truly engage with Pi and our community to work towards the Open Network in 2024!Thanks All of Pi Announcements Members and Pi Network members#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT

Network Announcement: Pi’s Open Network Plan

We are pleased to announce that we intend to go to the Open Network period of Mainnet in the year of 2024, if the following three conditions are met! There is no specific date set. These three essential conditions depend on the collective efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team, in addition to uncontrollable external factors. Such conditions are based on Pi Network’s long-term objectives and strategies, and take into consideration the feasibility of their accomplishments within the year of 2024.Conditions for having Open Network in 2024Condition 1: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.Most technical and product milestones of such preparation work are listed under different projects in the V2 Roadmap also released today, except for work in the business and legal side. The V2 Roadmap also excludes some technical and product milestones due to security reasons or because they relate to stealth projects that are meant to be published later. The V2 Roadmap released today will be further supplemented and polished later, and the status of milestones (i.e., whether they are in History, In Progress or in Future Pipeline) will also continuously be updated throughout the year. The work to achieve this condition will be primarily done by the Core Team. As of now, we are on track to fulfill Condition 1. Condition 2: Achieve the following goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.This condition is consistent with the Enclosed Network objectives from the updated Roadmap chapter of the Pi Whitepaper published in December 2021, such as reaching critical mass of KYC identity-verified Pioneers on the Mainnet blockchain and having diverse utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency in the Pi ecosystem. These objectives are paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi. The targeted milestones below help specify what these Enclosed Network goals mean in concrete terms (per our community’s request), while considering the feasibility for the community to achieve them within the year of 2024. The specific targets for meeting this Open Network condition are as follows:KYC and Migration15 million Pioneers have passed KYC including fully and tentatively KYC’ed; and10 million Pioneers have migrated to the Mainnet.Utility 100 real Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application (i.e., not simply an unmodified clone of the demo app or another Pi app).As reference, the current data about the above variables are 8 million KYC’ed Pioneers including fully and tentatively KYC’ed, 3.9 million migrated, and about 40 real Pi apps that we preliminarily deemed as meeting the standards above, although there are many more Pi apps on the Testnet or fulfilling a subset of the standards above which can be improved to qualify during the year.This condition will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. While the Core Team will continue to provide technical and product support, to meet the KYC and migration goals will require the community to mobilize itself through decentralized efforts to have more Pioneers join, re-engage, apply, validate and pass in the KYC process, and complete their Mainnet Checklist to migrate. The utility goals rely on community developers to build and launch Pi apps following the Pi policies with the technical, product, design, program and mentorship support of the Core team.Condition 3: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.In short, world events affect currencies, and Pi is no different. While we do not control what happens in the world, we do control our launch and will not jeopardize the community’s hard work and dedication with a reckless move to Open Network. The timing of Open Network will need to incorporate these global factors that are beyond the control of the Core Team or the Pioneer community. These factors include macroeconomic crises, unfavorable legal or regulatory developments, industry uncertainties, pandemics, wars, or any number of unpredictable, uncontrollable, and/or unforeseeable external factors inhospitable to the launch of Open Network.These three conditions will help determine the timing of the Open Network. We hope the network can achieve them in the year of 2024, with our decentralized efforts and with the absence of unfavorable uncontrollable external factors. If such conditions are not met, then Open Network may be delayed to ensure a more successful transition for all Pioneers. All in all, the decision on Open Network’s launch and its timing will be made to best serve Pi’s vision, the community and the network.We know that this announcement will be met with jubilation and excitement within the Pi community, and we hope that each Pioneer takes it upon themselves to help achieve the above goals. We wish that all Pioneers enjoy a wonderful end of the year holiday season, and use this information to truly engage with Pi and our community to work towards the Open Network in 2024!Thanks All of Pi Announcements Members and Pi Network members#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT
Pi Network: The Future of Social Cryptocurrency in Web347+ Million Engaged MembersAn open community powered by a cryptocurrency delivering accessibility and a robust utilities-driven Web3 ecosystem.Free to Mine CryptocurrencyPi is always free to mine on mobile, putting power into the hands of people worldwide for a fairer, more distributed crypto35+ Core Team Members GloballyFrom Pi’s headquarters in Silicon Valley to across the United States, Europe and Asia, the Pi Core Team has global reach.Proprietary & Revolutionary TechPi uses our energy-light mining method with our crowd-scaled KYC solution to provide access and identity verification for Web3.

Pi Network: The Future of Social Cryptocurrency in Web3

47+ Million Engaged MembersAn open community powered by a cryptocurrency delivering accessibility and a robust utilities-driven Web3 ecosystem.Free to Mine CryptocurrencyPi is always free to mine on mobile, putting power into the hands of people worldwide for a fairer, more distributed crypto35+ Core Team Members GloballyFrom Pi’s headquarters in Silicon Valley to across the United States, Europe and Asia, the Pi Core Team has global reach.Proprietary & Revolutionary TechPi uses our energy-light mining method with our crowd-scaled KYC solution to provide access and identity verification for Web3.
Happy New Year Depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the KYC, this period may begin on Pi Day (March 14, 2024), Pi2 Day (June 28, 2024) . The Open Network period means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet. API calls will not be firewalled, and Pioneers will be able to run their own Pi Nodes and API services. Pioneers will have connectivity with other blockchains. Community Nodes can also run the Mainnet. #PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT #PI
Happy New Year

Depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the KYC, this period may begin on Pi Day (March 14, 2024), Pi2 Day (June 28, 2024) . The Open Network period means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet. API calls will not be firewalled, and Pioneers will be able to run their own Pi Nodes and API services. Pioneers will have connectivity with other blockchains. Community Nodes can also run the Mainnet.

PI NETWORK ROADMAPPi Network has a three-phase roadmap. Phase III is split into two parts: Enclosed Network (current) and Open Network.BetaPhase IIn December 2018, Pi publicly listed the mobile app on the major app stores as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi Whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of Pi Network.TestnetPhase IIThis phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from all over the world. Pi Testnet along with the accessible Node software not only enabled the testing of the blockchain but also initiated the decentralized building efforts by the community to create utilities using Test-Pi.Enclosed MainnetPhase III EnclosedThis period began in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain while the community builds apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet for the network.Open MainnetPhase III OpenThe Open Network period will begin depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. Open Network means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet.#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT


Pi Network has a three-phase roadmap. Phase III is split into two parts: Enclosed Network (current) and Open Network.BetaPhase IIn December 2018, Pi publicly listed the mobile app on the major app stores as an alpha prototype that onboarded the initial Pioneers. On Pi Day, March 14, 2019, the original Pi Whitepaper was published, marking the official launch of Pi Network.TestnetPhase IIThis phase started on March 14, 2020, marking another critical preparation to the transition to a decentralized blockchain—a live Testnet with distributed Nodes from all over the world. Pi Testnet along with the accessible Node software not only enabled the testing of the blockchain but also initiated the decentralized building efforts by the community to create utilities using Test-Pi.Enclosed MainnetPhase III EnclosedThis period began in December 2021. The Enclosed Network period means that the Mainnet is live but with a firewall that prevents any unwanted external connectivity. Pioneers will be able to take time to KYC and migrate their Pi to the live Mainnet blockchain while the community builds apps and utilities on the Enclosed Mainnet for the network.Open MainnetPhase III OpenThe Open Network period will begin depending on the maturity of the Enclosed Network ecosystem and the progress of the network’s KYC. Open Network means that the firewall in the Enclosed Network period will be removed, allowing any external connectivity, e.g., to other networks, wallets, and anyone who wants to connect to Pi Mainnet.#PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT
OPEN MAINNET NETWORK We are pleased to announce that we intend to go to the Open Network period of Mainnet in the year of 2024, if the following three conditions are met! There is no specific date set. These three essential conditions depend on the collective efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team, in addition to uncontrollable external factors. #OPENNETWOR #PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT Such conditions are based on Pi Network’s long-term objectives and strategies, and take into consideration the feasibility of their accomplishments within the year of 2024.Conditions for having Open Network in 2024Condition 1: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.Most technical and product milestones of such preparation work are listed under different projects in the V2 Roadmap also released today, except for work in the business and legal side. The V2 Roadmap also excludes some technical and product milestones due to security reasons or because they relate to stealth projects that are meant to be published later. The V2 Roadmap released today will be further supplemented and polished later, and the status of milestones (i.e., whether they are in History, In Progress or in Future Pipeline) will also continuously be updated throughout the year. The work to achieve this condition will be primarily done by the Core Team. As of now, we are on track to fulfill Condition 1.Condition 2: Achieve the following goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.This condition is consistent with the Enclosed Network objectives from the updated Roadmap chapter of the Pi Whitepaper published in December 2021, such as reaching critical mass of KYC identity-verified Pioneers on the Mainnet blockchain and having diverse utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency in the Pi ecosystem. These objectives are paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi. The targeted milestones below help specify what these Enclosed Network goals mean in concrete terms (per our community’s request), while considering the feasibility for the community to achieve them within the year of 2024. The specific targets for meeting this Open Network condition are as follows:KYC and Migration15 million Pioneers have passed KYC including fully and tentatively KYC’ed; and10 million Pioneers have migrated to the Mainnet.Utility 100 real Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application (i.e., not simply an unmodified clone of the demo app or another Pi app).As reference, the current data about the above variables are 8 million KYC’ed Pioneers including fully and tentatively KYC’ed, 3.9 million migrated, and about 40 real Pi apps that we preliminarily deemed as meeting the standards above, although there are many more Pi apps on the Testnet or fulfilling a subset of the standards above which can be improved to qualify during the year.This condition will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. While the Core Team will continue to provide technical and product support, to meet the KYC and migration goals will require the community to mobilize itself through decentralized efforts to have more Pioneers join, re-engage, apply, validate and pass in the KYC process, and complete their Mainnet Checklist to migrate. The utility goals rely on community developers to build and launch Pi apps following the Pi policies with the technical, product, design, program and mentorship support of the Core team.Condition 3: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.In short, world events affect currencies, and Pi is no different. While we do not control what happens in the world, we do control our launch and will not jeopardize the community’s hard work and dedication with a reckless move to Open Network. The timing of Open Network will need to incorporate these global factors that are beyond the control of the Core Team or the Pioneer community. These factors include macroeconomic crises, unfavorable legal or regulatory developments, industry uncertainties, pandemics, wars, or any number of unpredictable, uncontrollable, and/or unforeseeable external factors inhospitable to the launch of Open Network.These three conditions will help determine the timing of the Open Network. We hope the network can achieve them in the year of 2024, with our decentralized efforts and with the absence of unfavorable uncontrollable external factors. If such conditions are not met, then Open Network may be delayed to ensure a more successful transition for all Pioneers. All in all, the decision on Open Network’s launch and its timing will be made to best serve Pi’s vision, the community and the network.We know that this announcement will be met with jubilation and excitement within the Pi community, and we hope that each Pioneer takes it upon themselves to help achieve the above goals.We wish that all Pioneers enjoy a wonderful end of the year holiday season, and use this information to truly engage with Pi and our community to work towards the Open Network in 2024!


We are pleased to announce that we intend to go to the Open Network period of Mainnet in the year of 2024, if the following three conditions are met! There is no specific date set. These three essential conditions depend on the collective efforts of Pioneers, community developers, and the Core Team, in addition to uncontrollable external factors. #OPENNETWOR #PINETWORK #PIANNOUNCEMENT Such conditions are based on Pi Network’s long-term objectives and strategies, and take into consideration the feasibility of their accomplishments within the year of 2024.Conditions for having Open Network in 2024Condition 1: Finish any Open Network preparation work in technology, product, business and legal following the consistent strategies of Pi Network.Most technical and product milestones of such preparation work are listed under different projects in the V2 Roadmap also released today, except for work in the business and legal side. The V2 Roadmap also excludes some technical and product milestones due to security reasons or because they relate to stealth projects that are meant to be published later. The V2 Roadmap released today will be further supplemented and polished later, and the status of milestones (i.e., whether they are in History, In Progress or in Future Pipeline) will also continuously be updated throughout the year. The work to achieve this condition will be primarily done by the Core Team. As of now, we are on track to fulfill Condition 1.Condition 2: Achieve the following goals in network KYC, migration and utility creation.This condition is consistent with the Enclosed Network objectives from the updated Roadmap chapter of the Pi Whitepaper published in December 2021, such as reaching critical mass of KYC identity-verified Pioneers on the Mainnet blockchain and having diverse utilities of the Pi cryptocurrency in the Pi ecosystem. These objectives are paramount to the success of the Open Network and ecosystem in line with Pi’s vision to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer ecosystem and online experience, fueled by Pi. The targeted milestones below help specify what these Enclosed Network goals mean in concrete terms (per our community’s request), while considering the feasibility for the community to achieve them within the year of 2024. The specific targets for meeting this Open Network condition are as follows:KYC and Migration15 million Pioneers have passed KYC including fully and tentatively KYC’ed; and10 million Pioneers have migrated to the Mainnet.Utility 100 real Pi apps that (1) are on the Mainnet or are Mainnet-ready, (2) comply with the Pi platform policies, (3) solve a true need and bring utility to the Pi ecosystem, and (4) are a distinct application (i.e., not simply an unmodified clone of the demo app or another Pi app).As reference, the current data about the above variables are 8 million KYC’ed Pioneers including fully and tentatively KYC’ed, 3.9 million migrated, and about 40 real Pi apps that we preliminarily deemed as meeting the standards above, although there are many more Pi apps on the Testnet or fulfilling a subset of the standards above which can be improved to qualify during the year.This condition will be primarily driven by the decentralized efforts of the community with the Core Team’s support. While the Core Team will continue to provide technical and product support, to meet the KYC and migration goals will require the community to mobilize itself through decentralized efforts to have more Pioneers join, re-engage, apply, validate and pass in the KYC process, and complete their Mainnet Checklist to migrate. The utility goals rely on community developers to build and launch Pi apps following the Pi policies with the technical, product, design, program and mentorship support of the Core team.Condition 3: The absence of an unfavorable external environment which would hinder the success of Open Network.In short, world events affect currencies, and Pi is no different. While we do not control what happens in the world, we do control our launch and will not jeopardize the community’s hard work and dedication with a reckless move to Open Network. The timing of Open Network will need to incorporate these global factors that are beyond the control of the Core Team or the Pioneer community. These factors include macroeconomic crises, unfavorable legal or regulatory developments, industry uncertainties, pandemics, wars, or any number of unpredictable, uncontrollable, and/or unforeseeable external factors inhospitable to the launch of Open Network.These three conditions will help determine the timing of the Open Network. We hope the network can achieve them in the year of 2024, with our decentralized efforts and with the absence of unfavorable uncontrollable external factors. If such conditions are not met, then Open Network may be delayed to ensure a more successful transition for all Pioneers. All in all, the decision on Open Network’s launch and its timing will be made to best serve Pi’s vision, the community and the network.We know that this announcement will be met with jubilation and excitement within the Pi community, and we hope that each Pioneer takes it upon themselves to help achieve the above goals.We wish that all Pioneers enjoy a wonderful end of the year holiday season, and use this information to truly engage with Pi and our community to work towards the Open Network in 2024!
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