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Sai x Keith
X: @KeithElliss | Fujiwara-no-Sai/千年の約束 | Opinions are my own & Not Financial Advice | Crypto Degen | 所有观点均为个人关断且非投资建议 | Crypto 爱好者 | 所发内容不要当真和较真,如有不当请指正。
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Can we create another myth of wealth? Guide to the second season of Xai Game Public Chain Odyssey EventSo far, the wealth myth of the currency circle and blockchain industry continues. However, looking back on those glorious years, we can't help but think of the excitement and challenges we once faced. Today, the next important area of ​​wealth creation is focusing on the "game track". In October 2023, I shared with you [《Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动零成本新手入门指南》]( That period was full of hardships and efforts, but after the event, XAI distributed $175 million worth of rewards to the top players on the leaderboard, which was very gratifying.

Can we create another myth of wealth? Guide to the second season of Xai Game Public Chain Odyssey Event

So far, the wealth myth of the currency circle and blockchain industry continues. However, looking back on those glorious years, we can't help but think of the excitement and challenges we once faced. Today, the next important area of ​​wealth creation is focusing on the "game track". In October 2023, I shared with you 《Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动零成本新手入门指南》. That period was full of hardships and efforts, but after the event, XAI distributed $175 million worth of rewards to the top players on the leaderboard, which was very gratifying.
游戏公链Xai:币安广场资料库这篇文章主要汇总我在广场分享的Xai项目的各类资料,方便大家查阅。 【Xai项目核心必读信息】 [理解Xai质押生态赚XAI代币]( [理解 Xai质押机制和生态发展]([深入分析XAI项目的核心逻辑]([Xai项目“代币经济”解读]([Xai游戏公链Sentry(哨兵)节点详细解读]( 【Xai项目近期必读信息】 [Gauntlet 和 Xai 基金会将合作重新设计治理结构并通过 Aera 实施国库资金管理]( [XAI项目路线图史诗级更新-后市可期]( [期待 Xai 成为以太坊游戏界的 Valve]( [Xai 在以太坊 TPS 竞赛中创下新纪录]( [Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( [Ethereum游戏网络Xai推出新手营,引入Web2开发者进入加密世界]( [2024年5月21日Xai 区块链完成首次减半]( [Xai 宣布推出质押池]( [超级利好:一文看懂XAI与MIX在币安AMA直播的核心内容]([游戏公链 Xai 或在 2024 年新增 100+ 游戏]([Xai生态系统质押全面问答]([Keith:1.5美金的XAI应该怎么玩?]( 【Xai项目关键信息】 [Hall of GOATS与Xai宣布合作,利用区块链技术革新游戏和运动员赋权]( [LayerZero与Xai基金会结盟,共同重塑区块链游戏领域]( [Arbitrum和Web3游戏:XAI项目是改变你人生轨迹的选择]( [Tobias Batton:XAI下一步将会是什么?]([XAI Arbitrum和Crypto Unicorns联合举办的AMA内容总结]( [Keith:从币安研报谈谈第43期Launchpad项目Xai]( [Keith:谈谈中文社区“赚麻”后游戏公链Xai该怎么玩]( [游戏公链XAI发布“第一季”空投申领流程]( [Xai节点代跑教程:多个钱包“A”授权钱包B]( [1.0.34版本后的Xai哨兵节点如何看到KYC按钮?]( [Xai基金会:没有人可以伤害任何一个Xai社区成员]( [Keith:0.53 ETH依旧低价?Xai的节点是否能超越Gala?]( [瞬间卖出700万美金:Xai节点公售阶段性战报]( [Xai基金会公布目前Xai区块链项目的结构和团队]( [燃爆币圈:游戏公链Xai节点公售攻略]( [游戏公链Xai:绝对不能错过的财富密码]([Xai游戏公链常见问题解答]([Keith:谈谈游戏公链Xai的节点收益情况]([Xai测试网超过6000万笔交易,成为行业最大的测试网之一]([CoinGecko以游戏公链Xai为例讲解L3技术]([Team Secret与Xai Foundation联手提升去中心化游戏生态系统]([Xai基金会宣布与Paima Studios的开创性合作]( 【Xai项目融资情况】 关于项目实体关系之间的举例:Arbitrum基金会后面是Offchain Labs;Avalanche基金会后面是Ava Labas;所以: Xai 基金会后面是Ex Populus和Offchain Labs [Ex Populus 宣布由 Animoca Brands 领导的 300 万美元种子轮融资]([在Animoca的支持下,总共筹集了850万美元](以上两笔共计1200万美金是在2021年披露的信息,经了解存在未披露的融资信息。 【Xai坚决符合美国监管】 [游戏公链Xai:我们必须符合美国监管要求并遵守OFAC相关规定]([美国Lummis-Gillibrand加密资产法案深度分析:重塑加密货币的未来]([符合美国监管的项目应该如何处理KYC]( 【Xai项目视频推介】 [Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-10-16]( [Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-10-08]([Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-17]( [Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-17]([Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-12]( [Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-20]([Final Form视频2024-08-15]([Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-13]([Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-06]( [Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-07-31]( [Final Form视频2024-07-21]( [Xai 先锋创世纪第一个月战绩]( [Final Form视频2024-07-10]( [Xai视频推介2024-07-04]( [先锋创世纪活动前3周数据]( [Final Form故事系列一]( [Xai日交易量目前业内第一]( [Final Form游戏视觉设计师]( [Xai质押系统v2在一周内的数据情况]( [Soby在GovHack ETH Denver上谈论Web 3游戏]( [MIX的创始人宣布和Xai的合作并引入100款游戏]( [XAI 质押 V2 预热视频2]( [XAI与MIX战略合作]( [XAI 质押 V2 预热视频!]( [XAI核心贡献团队CEO的视频推介]( [XAI质押系统V1的说明以及V2版本预告!]([XAI质押视频推介]( [游戏公链Xai Sentry节点销售阶段性回顾以及下一步发展计划!]( [Xai核心创始团队简介]([Sentry(哨兵)节点介绍]([一键运行Xai节点、获得Xai代币!]([Xai游戏公链测试网阶段性总结以及后续计划]([Xai上第一个卡牌游戏预览]([Xai上第一个卡牌游戏预览2]([Xai上第一个卡牌游戏预览3]([Xai上第一个卡牌游戏预览4]([Xai上第一个卡牌游戏预览5]([加密独角兽将迁移至XAI]([币安集成XAI主网]( 【Xai基金会Medium的文章】 [Xai 社区大会 — 2024年8月22日大会总结]([XAI项目路线图史诗级更新-后市可期]( [Xai 宣布推出质押池]( [在Xai生态系统中蓬勃发展的路径]([Xai测试网超过6000万笔交易,成为行业最大的测试网之一]([Xai基金会公布目前Xai区块链项目的结构和团队]( 【Xai项目社区重要活动】 [Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动零成本新手入门指南]([Xai发放奥德赛第一阶段DC角色]([游戏公链Xai完成奥德赛第一阶段NFT空投]([明确空投Xai代币!游戏公链Xai完成奥德赛第二阶段NFT发放!]([Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]([游戏公链Xai完成先锋创世纪第一阶段NFT发放]( 【Xai项目主要市场工作信息】 [Arbitrum与Offchain Lab开发和支持的Xai游戏链AMA回顾:重塑游戏与区块链的未来]([Xai项目中文社区AMA内容整理]([Team Secret与Xai Foundation联手提升去中心化游戏生态系统]([拳王泰森代言!Xai游戏公链上首个重量级游戏]([Ex Populus:Xai游戏公链首家入驻游戏公司简介]( 【Ex Populus的Medium文章】 [Ex Populus 资助 LAMO,并计划创建并发布 LAMOverse]([Ex Populus:进入 LAMOverse]([Ex Populus 角色和等级:粉丝体验]([Ex Populus: 去中心化自治 GigaUnits]([Ex Populus: 社区的全面改革与最新更新]([Ex Populus: 迈克·泰森的铁鸽]([Ex Populus 集换式卡牌(Final Form前身)]([Ex Populus:Aegis 原型]([Ex Populus:分享制作 Cryptogram 的过程]([Ex Populus:吉姆·亨森一位娱乐界的传奇]([Ex Populus:为什么选择Web3游戏]([Ex Populus:Final Form进入“早期访问”]([Ex Populus:Web3游戏工作室与Deeze和Farokh两位NFT思想领袖联手]([Ex Populus:Final Form游戏开放试玩]([Ex Populus:你能达到你的最终形态吗?]([Ex Populus:收购LAMO,聘请资深游戏总监]([Ex Populus与Offchain Labs和Xai基金会建立合作伙伴关系]( 【其他】 [社区支持者Keith解读Xai联合创始人Soby推文:错过Xai你可能会后悔]([Xai项目联合创始人Soby对Xai项目目前进展的总结]( #ARB #OffChainLabs #web3 #game #XAI


理解 Xai质押机制和生态发展深入分析XAI项目的核心逻辑Xai项目“代币经济”解读Xai游戏公链Sentry(哨兵)节点详细解读
Gauntlet 和 Xai 基金会将合作重新设计治理结构并通过 Aera 实施国库资金管理
期待 Xai 成为以太坊游戏界的 Valve
Xai 在以太坊 TPS 竞赛中创下新纪录
2024年5月21日Xai 区块链完成首次减半
Xai 宣布推出质押池
超级利好:一文看懂XAI与MIX在币安AMA直播的核心内容游戏公链 Xai 或在 2024 年新增 100+ 游戏Xai生态系统质押全面问答Keith:1.5美金的XAI应该怎么玩?
Hall of GOATS与Xai宣布合作,利用区块链技术革新游戏和运动员赋权
Tobias Batton:XAI下一步将会是什么?XAI Arbitrum和Crypto Unicorns联合举办的AMA内容总结
Keith:0.53 ETH依旧低价?Xai的节点是否能超越Gala?
游戏公链Xai:绝对不能错过的财富密码Xai游戏公链常见问题解答Keith:谈谈游戏公链Xai的节点收益情况Xai测试网超过6000万笔交易,成为行业最大的测试网之一CoinGecko以游戏公链Xai为例讲解L3技术Team Secret与Xai Foundation联手提升去中心化游戏生态系统Xai基金会宣布与Paima Studios的开创性合作
关于项目实体关系之间的举例:Arbitrum基金会后面是Offchain Labs;Avalanche基金会后面是Ava Labas;所以:
Xai 基金会后面是Ex Populus和Offchain Labs
Ex Populus 宣布由 Animoca Brands 领导的 300 万美元种子轮融资在Animoca的支持下,总共筹集了850万美元以上两笔共计1200万美金是在2021年披露的信息,经了解存在未披露的融资信息。
Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-10-16
Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-10-08Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-17
Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-17Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-09-12
Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-20Final Form视频2024-08-15Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-13Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-08-06
Xai 先锋创世纪战报2024-07-31
Final Form视频2024-07-21
Xai 先锋创世纪第一个月战绩
Final Form视频2024-07-10
Final Form故事系列一
Final Form游戏视觉设计师
Soby在GovHack ETH Denver上谈论Web 3游戏
XAI 质押 V2 预热视频2
XAI 质押 V2 预热视频!
游戏公链Xai Sentry节点销售阶段性回顾以及下一步发展计划!
Xai 社区大会 — 2024年8月22日大会总结XAI项目路线图史诗级更新-后市可期
Xai 宣布推出质押池
Arbitrum与Offchain Lab开发和支持的Xai游戏链AMA回顾:重塑游戏与区块链的未来Xai项目中文社区AMA内容整理Team Secret与Xai Foundation联手提升去中心化游戏生态系统拳王泰森代言!Xai游戏公链上首个重量级游戏Ex Populus:Xai游戏公链首家入驻游戏公司简介
【Ex Populus的Medium文章】
Ex Populus 资助 LAMO,并计划创建并发布 LAMOverseEx Populus:进入 LAMOverseEx Populus 角色和等级:粉丝体验Ex Populus: 去中心化自治 GigaUnitsEx Populus: 社区的全面改革与最新更新Ex Populus: 迈克·泰森的铁鸽Ex Populus 集换式卡牌(Final Form前身)Ex Populus:Aegis 原型Ex Populus:分享制作 Cryptogram 的过程Ex Populus:吉姆·亨森一位娱乐界的传奇Ex Populus:为什么选择Web3游戏Ex Populus:Final Form进入“早期访问”Ex Populus:Web3游戏工作室与Deeze和Farokh两位NFT思想领袖联手Ex Populus:Final Form游戏开放试玩Ex Populus:你能达到你的最终形态吗?Ex Populus:收购LAMO,聘请资深游戏总监Ex Populus与Offchain Labs和Xai基金会建立合作伙伴关系
#ARB #OffChainLabs #web3 #game #XAI
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Hello everyone, in the past week since I joined Sonana Chain Meme, I have collected more than 50 zero-based coins, traded 500 currencies, learned 100 modern subcultures, mastered the real names and pseudonyms of 30 celebrity pets, deeply studied the operating mechanisms of 200 AI robots, and read more than 50 top AI literature. Now I feel that I am terribly strong.
Hello everyone, in the past week since I joined Sonana Chain Meme, I have collected more than 50 zero-based coins, traded 500 currencies, learned 100 modern subcultures, mastered the real names and pseudonyms of 30 celebrity pets, deeply studied the operating mechanisms of 200 AI robots, and read more than 50 top AI literature. Now I feel that I am terribly strong.
See original
See original
GM, Xai! Keep doing the @XAI_GAMES mission. If you don't do it! Don't be jealous when we send out airdrops! The tutorial is as follows: [能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( $XAI
GM, Xai!

Keep doing the @XAI_GAMES mission. If you don't do it! Don't be jealous when we send out airdrops!

The tutorial is as follows:


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Sai x Keith
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You will probably finish watching this video! Then, please follow me and let's make money in web3 games together!
You will probably finish watching this video!
Then, please follow me and let's make money in web3 games together!
See original
GM, Xai! Persist in doing the @XAI_GAMES mission. If you don't do it! Don't be jealous of us when we send airdrops! [New Chapter] Chapter 19 - Riftstorm tutorial is as follows: [能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( $XAI
GM, Xai!

Persist in doing the @XAI_GAMES mission. If you don't do it! Don't be jealous of us when we send airdrops!
[New Chapter] Chapter 19 - Riftstorm tutorial is as follows:

See original
Xai I am optimistic about the 120% annualized plan achieved by stXAI launched by the Nova team. Come on!
I am optimistic about the 120% annualized plan achieved by stXAI launched by the Nova team. Come on!
Sai x Keith
With an annualized rate of return of 120%, XAI financial extensions have once again ignited the DeFi community!

How to participate? Here comes the tutorial!



理解 XAI 质押机制和生态发展




#Xai质押 #arbirtum #GameFi #web3 #Xai先锋创世纪
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GM, Xai! Keep doing the @XAI_GAMES mission, if you don't do it! Don't be jealous when we send airdrops! [Chapter Restart] Chapter 14 - The Lost Glitches Hurry up and play the game to increase your points! The tutorial is as follows: [能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( $XAI
GM, Xai!

Keep doing the @XAI_GAMES mission, if you don't do it! Don't be jealous when we send airdrops! [Chapter Restart] Chapter 14 - The Lost Glitches Hurry up and play the game to increase your points!
The tutorial is as follows:

See original
Gm Xai! I will take a rest today, please do not stop and continue to do the task.
Gm Xai!
I will take a rest today, please do not stop and continue to do the task.
See original
Xai Long-term bullish on Xai, short-term arbitrage bullish on scroll, and when airdrops come out to crash the market, it’s time to buy.
Long-term bullish on Xai, short-term arbitrage bullish on scroll, and when airdrops come out to crash the market, it’s time to buy.
See original
See original
Xai The annualized return of financial derivatives based on Xai is currently stable at 140%.
The annualized return of financial derivatives based on Xai is currently stable at 140%.
Sai x Keith
With an annualized rate of return of 120%, XAI financial extensions have once again ignited the DeFi community!

How to participate? Here comes the tutorial!



理解 XAI 质押机制和生态发展




#Xai质押 #arbirtum #GameFi #web3 #Xai先锋创世纪
See original
The world of the rich is incomprehensible? Just give $400,000 to the scammer?
The world of the rich is incomprehensible? Just give $400,000 to the scammer?
See original
GM, Xai! Persist in doing the @XAI_GAMES task and wait for the flowers to bloom! The tutorial is as follows: [能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( $XAI
GM, Xai!

Persist in doing the @XAI_GAMES task and wait for the flowers to bloom!

The tutorial is as follows:

See original
Xai Based on Xai, the DeFi project has an annualized rate of return of 120%. DeFi can raise the value of Xai to a certain level.
Based on Xai, the DeFi project has an annualized rate of return of 120%. DeFi can raise the value of Xai to a certain level.
Sai x Keith
With an annualized rate of return of 120%, XAI financial extensions have once again ignited the DeFi community!

How to participate? Here comes the tutorial!



理解 XAI 质押机制和生态发展




#Xai质押 #arbirtum #GameFi #web3 #Xai先锋创世纪
See original
GM, Xai! Persist in doing @XAI_GAMES tasks and wait for the flowers to bloom! The tutorial is as follows: [能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南]( $XAI
GM, Xai!

Persist in doing @XAI_GAMES tasks and wait for the flowers to bloom!

The tutorial is as follows: 能否再创造富神话?Xai游戏公链奥德赛活动第二季指南

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