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Hathor Network @HathorNetwork Hathor Network is a scalable and easy-to-use blockchain for digital assets. /
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Solana: Its innovative zk compression technique increases layer-1 scalability by 10,000x.

The CARV Protocol is the new standard for data ownership and user incentives.

XRP : ?


Solana just integrated ZK Compression, improving scale and performance. Helius CEO Mert Mumtaz expected “10,000x scale improvements” and 5,200x cheaper transactions. This improvement compresses Solana's blockchain, lowering hardware expenses and boosting speed.


By giving users true control of their data and recognizing their efforts and contributions, the CARV Protocol changes the way users engage with digital platforms. Decentralized privacy and security are ensured by CARV's use of blockchain technology, which allows users to completely own their own data.

Through CARV, people are able to safely store, manage, and monetize their data, turning it into a valuable asset. Through the use of this protocol, third parties are rendered unnecessary, allowing users to engage directly with digital services while retaining full control over their data. Incentives in the form of CARV tokens are available to users after they join the CARV ecosystem. These tokens have several potential uses both inside the network and on outside markets.

Apart from the self-ownership of data and incentives, there are further benefits to using CARV. It does this by creating an egalitarian internet based on a fair online economy that pays users fairly for the data they provide. In addition, this protocol has security measures already implemented to prevent data breaches and misuse, helping to keep the peace in a world where digitalization is gradually but definitely taking over.

To summarize, the CARV Protocol empowers its users to take charge of their digital identities by letting them profit from their own data.


Ripple defies cryptocurrency experts, confounding even its champions. XRP fails to break key barriers despite recent half-percent advances in recent weeks.

#CARVingTheFutureOfData #BinanceWeb3Airdrop
Hathor Network @HathorNetwork New Hash Rate ATH! We've reached a new hash rate ATH of 47 Eh/s! A huge thank you to the $HTR & $BTC miners that are securing our network through merged-mining! Check out the statistics here: #PoW #HTR #BTC
Hathor Network
New Hash Rate ATH!

We've reached a new hash rate ATH of 47 Eh/s! A huge thank you to the $HTR & $BTC miners that are securing our network through merged-mining!

Check out the statistics here: #PoW #HTR #BTC
Hathor Network the CBDC developed by the Brazilian Central Bank." EVM bridge that enables.."Hathor developed a bridge that enables compatibility with EVM and DREX, the CBDC developed by the Brazilian Central Bank." Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is a tokenized form of the money we are familiar with, such as fiat money. The concept of CBDC aims to streamline transactions and enhance financial inclusion. Brazil is one of the countries exploring the development of a CBDC called the Digital Brazilian Real. The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) has been working on developing the CBDC and has selected 14 institutions, including major local private banks, the largest public Brazilian bank, and multinational companies, to participate in the pilot of the CBDC. CBDC technology can potentially improve financial infrastructure, programmability, and encryption. It serves as a public infrastructure for exchange and contract execution, enabling the creation of new applications. Example use cases highlight the potential of CBDC technology, such as how CBDC can improve existing subsidized credit policies, how decentralized finance tools can match small and medium enterprise borrowers with foreign investors, and how to improve real assets ownership transfers. Digital currencies like CBDC can potentially reduce the use of cash and increase welfare. A sufficiently attractive digital currency reduces holdings of both cash and bank deposits. Since cash use is costly, digital currency may increase welfare. CBDCs can create greater resilience for domestic payment systems and foster more competition, which may lead to better access to money, increase payment efficiency, and lower transaction costs. CBDCs can also improve transparency in money flows and help reduce currency substitution (when a country uses a foreign currency instead of its own). The banking system in Brazil operates with three forms of money: fiat money, bank deposits, and bank reserves. These forms are convertible to each other. The central bank buys bonds from commercial banks and issues bank reserves, which go to the commercial bank's balance sheet. The commercial bank can issue bank deposits based on the amount of bank reserves. For example, when JoĂŁozinho takes a loan to buy a bakery, the bank deposit is transferred to JoĂŁozinho’s bank account and can be converted into currency at any time. The proposal for CBDC is to “tokenize” these bank reserves directly, allowing individuals to have accounts at the central bank and transact bank reserves directly. This would make it easier for the central bank to track peer-to-peer transactions and reduce the possibility of money laundering. Transactions would be fast, simple, and secure. However, it is important to note that with CBDC, the government would access individuals’ consumption patterns and assets, raising privacy concerns. CBDC technology can potentially revolutionize how we transact and interact with money. Brazil is one of the countries that have been exploring the development of a CBDC, and the potential benefits of CBDC technology in Brazil include improving financial infrastructure, programmability, and encryption. While there are concerns about privacy and government access to individuals’ consumption patterns and assets, the potential benefits of CBDC technology cannot be ignored. DREX In an exciting development, Brazil’s Central Bank (BC) has officially announced the name of its forthcoming digital currency. The virtual currency, equivalent to money in circulation, will be called DREX. The BC economist Fabio Araujo, the initiative's coordinator, confirmed the name during the monetary authority’s weekly live session on YouTube. The name “DREX” holds significant meaning, with each letter representing a key aspect of the digital currency. The “D” stands for digital, highlighting the currency’s digital nature. The “R” represents the real, official currency of Brazil. The “E” signifies electronic, emphasizing the electronic nature of the currency. Lastly, the “X” conveys the idea of modernity and connection while paying homage to Pix, Brazil’s instant transfer system launched in 2020. The introduction of DREX is expected to bring about numerous benefits for Brazilians. The BC stated that the digital currency, previously referred to as Real Digital, will provide a safe and regulated environment for the generation of new businesses. It aims to offer more democratic access to the benefits of the digitalization of the economy for both citizens and entrepreneurs. The BC has been diligently developing DREX, with plans for a scheduled launch in 2024. The digital real is designed as a wholesale form of central bank money, primarily intended for settling interbank transactions. Banks' involvement in the solution's development is a key aspect of Bacen’s strategy, ensuring that lenders play a significant role in implementing the digital currency. To facilitate the pilot version of DREX, the BC has selected 14 financial institutions to participate in the program. These institutions include major local private banks such as Bradesco, Nubank, ItaĂș Unibanco, Banco do Brasil, and the local stock exchange B3. Multinational companies like Visa and Microsoft have also been chosen to participate in the pilot program. The introduction of DREX aligns with the global trend of exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs have gained significant attention worldwide, with each project taking a unique approach. In Brazil, the BC aims to achieve what Pix did for retail payments, commoditizing financial services and providing a common infrastructure with programmability and composability. The BC envisions a future where banks’ balance sheets can be completely tokenized, offering enhanced efficiency and accessibility. As Brazil prepares to launch DREX, it joins the ranks of countries embracing the potential of CBDCs. The digital real has the potential to revolutionize the Brazilian economy, promoting financial inclusion, improving payment solutions, and fostering new business opportunities. With DREX, Brazil is taking a significant step towards a more digital and connected future. Applications Unlike cryptocurrencies, whose price is tied to demand and supply and has a lot of volatility, Drex will have the same value as the Brazilian real. Each BRL 1 will be worth 1 Drex, with the digital currency guaranteed by the Central Bank, while cryptocurrencies are not guaranteed by any monetary authority. Drex will function similarly to Pix in practice but with different purposes and value scales. While Pix is mainly used for commercial transactions and obeys security limits, Drex can buy real estate, vehicles, and even government bonds. Stablecoins, such as Drex, have the potential to rival fiat currencies as the dominant form of payment. Stablecoins’ value is relatively stable, and they can be sent instantly without the transaction fees associated with credit cards or international remittance services such as Western Union. Moreover, because stablecoins can be used by anyone with a smartphone, they represent an opportunity to bring millions of people who lack traditional bank accounts into the financial system. Next Steps The Central Bank has been diligently working towards this goal, and in March, they selected the platform that will facilitate transactions using this digital currency and is set to become available to the public by the end of 2024. Laying the groundwork for this innovation, the Central Bank has granted permission to 16 consortia to develop advanced financial tools and instruments. These innovations will be tested in a series of simulated operations starting in September. These tests are designed to assess the security and efficiency of interactions between the digital Real and tokenized deposits, which are digital representations of real assets held by financial institutions. The pilot project will encompass a range of valuable assets, including deposits from bank reserves, settlement accounts, the National Treasury’s single account, bank demand deposits, payment accounts held by payment institutions, and even federal government securities. The testing will be conducted in phases, gradually incorporating these assets into simulated transactions. Notably, the National Treasury securities simulation is slated to occur in February of the following year. This initiative marks a significant step towards a future where the digital real will enhance financial transactions, offering enhanced security and ease of use. As the tests kick-off, anticipation is building for a transformative leap in how we interact with our currency and assets. Stay Connected 🌐 Follow us on social media for more updates and content: Twitter 🐩Instagram 📾LinkedInÂ đŸ’ŒYouTube ▶ Join our community on: Discord 🎼Telegram 📱 For more insights and discussions about blockchain and technology, visit Blockful 📚🔗. Together, let’s explore and build web3 🚀 O Banco Central do Brasil confirmou que sua moeda digital se chamarĂĄ $DREX A #CBDC Ă© uma moeda digital emitida pelo banco central de um paĂ­s. É uma forma simbĂłlica do dinheiro com que estamos familiarizados, como a moeda fiduciĂĄria. O conceito de CBDC visa agilizar as transaçÔes e aumentar a inclusĂŁo financeira. O Brasil Ă© um dos paĂ­ses que tem explorado o desenvolvimento de uma CBDC chamada Real Digital Brasileiro. O Banco Central do Brasil (Bacen) tem trabalhado no desenvolvimento da CBDC e selecionou 14 instituiçÔes, incluindo os principais bancos privados locais, o maior banco pĂșblico brasileiro e empresas transnacionais, para participarem no projeto-piloto da CBDC. A tecnologia das CBDCs tem o potencial de melhorar a infraestrutura financeira, a programabilidade e a encriptação. Funciona como uma infraestrutura pĂșblica para troca e execução de contratos, permitindo a criação de novas aplicaçÔes. Exemplos de casos de uso destacam o potencial da#tecnologia CBDC, tais como a forma como a CBDC pode melhorar as polĂ­ticas de crĂ©dito subsidiado existentes, como as ferramentas financeiras #descentralizadas podem combinar mutuĂĄrios de pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas com investidores estrangeiros e como melhorar as transferĂȘncias de propriedade de ativos reais. As CDB podem criar uma maior resiliĂȘncia para os sistemas de pagamento nacionais e promover uma maior concorrĂȘncia, o que pode levar a um melhor acesso ao dinheiro, aumentar a eficiĂȘncia dos pagamentos e, por sua vez, reduzir os custos de transação. As CBDC podem tambĂ©m melhorar a transparĂȘncia dos fluxos monetĂĄrios e ajudar a reduzir a substituição de moeda (quando um paĂ­s utiliza uma moeda estrangeira em vez da sua prĂłpria moeda). O sistema bancĂĄrio no Brasil opera com trĂȘs formas de moeda: moeda fiduciĂĄria, depĂłsitos bancĂĄrios e reservas bancĂĄrias. Essas formas sĂŁo conversĂ­veis entre si. O banco central compra obrigaçÔes dos bancos comerciais e emite reservas bancĂĄrias, que vĂŁo para o balanço do banco comercial. Com base no montante das reservas bancĂĄrias, o banco comercial pode emitir depĂłsitos bancĂĄrios. Por exemplo, quando o JoĂŁozinho contrai um emprĂ©stimo para comprar uma padaria, o depĂłsito bancĂĄrio Ă© transferido para a conta bancĂĄria do JoĂŁozinho e pode ser convertido em moeda em qualquer altura. A proposta da CBDC Ă© #tokenizar diretamente estas reservas bancĂĄrias, permitindo que os indivĂ­duos tenham contas no Banco Central e transacionem diretamente as reservas bancĂĄrias. Desta forma, seria mais fĂĄcil para o #Bacen acompanhar as transaçÔes entre pares e reduzir a possibilidade de branqueamento de capitais. As transaçÔes seriam rĂĄpidas, simples e seguras. No entanto, Ă© importante notar que, com a CBDC, o governo teria acesso aos padrĂ”es de consumo e aos ativos dos indivĂ­duos, o que suscita preocupaçÔes em matĂ©ria de privacidade. A tecnologia CBDC tem o potencial de revolucionar a forma como transacionamos e interagimos com o dinheiro. O Brasil Ă© um dos paĂ­ses que tem vindo a explorar o desenvolvimento de uma CBDC, e os potenciais benefĂ­cios da tecnologia CBDC no Brasil incluem a melhoria da infraestrutura financeira, a programabilidade e a encriptação. Embora existam preocupaçÔes sobre a privacidade e o acesso do governo aos padrĂ”es de consumo e ativos dos indivĂ­duos, os potenciais benefĂ­cios da tecnologia CBDC nĂŁo podem ser ignorados. DREX O Banco Central do Brasil anunciou oficialmente o nome da sua futura moeda digital. A moeda virtual, que deverĂĄ ser equivalente ao dinheiro em circulação, chamar-se-ĂĄ #DREX. O economista do Bacen, Fabio Araujo, coordenador da iniciativa, confirmou o nome durante a sessĂŁo semanal ao vivo da autoridade monetĂĄria no YouTube. O nome “DREX” tem um significado importante, com cada letra a representar um aspeto fundamental da moeda digital. O “D” significa digital, destacando a natureza digital da moeda. O “R” representa o real, a moeda oficial do Brasil. O “E” significa electronic, enfatizando a natureza eletrĂłnica da moeda. Por fim, o “X” transmite a ideia de modernidade e conexĂŁo, alĂ©m de homenagear o Pix, sistema de transferĂȘncias instantĂąneas lançado no Brasil em 2020. Espera-se que a introdução do DREX traga inĂșmeros benefĂ­cios para os brasileiros. O Bacen afirmou que a moeda digital, antes chamada de Real Digital, proporcionarĂĄ um ambiente seguro e regulado para a geração de novos negĂłcios. O objetivo Ă© oferecer um acesso mais democrĂĄtico aos benefĂ­cios da digitalização da economia, tanto para os cidadĂŁos quanto para os empreendedores. O Bacen tem trabalhado diligentemente no desenvolvimento da DREX, com planos para um lançamento previsto para 2024. O real digital serĂĄ concebido como uma forma de moeda do banco central por grosso, destinada principalmente Ă  liquidação de transaçÔes interbancĂĄrias. O envolvimento dos bancos no desenvolvimento da solução Ă© um aspeto fundamental da estratĂ©gia do Bacen, garantindo que os credores desempenhem um papel significativo na implementação da moeda digital. Para facilitar a versĂŁo #piloto da DREX, o Bacen selecionou 14 instituiçÔes financeiras para participar do programa. Essas instituiçÔes incluem grandes bancos privados locais, como Bradesco, Nubank e ItaĂș Unibanco, bem como o Banco do Brasil e a bolsa de valores local B3. Empresas multinacionais como Visa e Microsoft tambĂ©m foram escolhidas para participar do programa piloto. A introdução da DREX estĂĄ alinhada com a tendĂȘncia global de explorar as moedas digitais do banco central (CBDCs). As CBDCs ganharam uma atenção significativa em todo o mundo, com cada projeto adotando uma abordagem Ășnica. No Brasil, o Bacen pretende alcançar o que o #Pix fez para os pagamentos de varejo, comoditizando os serviços financeiros e fornecendo uma infraestrutura comum com capacidade de programação e composição. O Bacen prevĂȘ um futuro em que os balanços dos #bancos possam ser completamente t#okenizados, oferecendo maior eficiĂȘncia e #acessibilidade. O Brasil se prepara para lançar a DREX e junta-se ao grupo de paĂ­ses que abraçam o potencial das CBDCs. A realidade digital tem o potencial de revolucionar a economia brasileira, promovendo a inclusĂŁo financeira, melhorando as soluçÔes de pagamento e fomentando novas oportunidades de negĂłcios. Com a DREX, o Brasil estĂĄ a dar um passo significativo em direção a um futuro mais digital e conectado. AplicaçÔes Diferentemente das #criptomoedas, cujo preço estĂĄ atrelado Ă  demanda e oferta e tem muita volatilidade, a Drex terĂĄ o mesmo valor do real. Cada R$ 1 valerĂĄ 1 Drex, sendo que a moeda digital Ă© #garantida pelo Banco Central, enquanto as criptomoedas nĂŁo sĂŁo garantidas por nenhuma autoridade monetĂĄria. R$1 = 1DREX Na prĂĄtica, o Drex funcionarĂĄ de forma semelhante ao Pix, mas com finalidades e escalas de valores diferentes. Enquanto o Pix Ă© usado principalmente para transaçÔes comerciais e obedece a limites de segurança, a Drex pode ser usada para comprar imĂłveis, veĂ­culos e atĂ© tĂ­tulos pĂșblicos. As #stablecoins, como a Drex, tĂȘm o potencial de rivalizar com as moedas fiduciĂĄrias como forma dominante de pagamento. O valor das stablecoins Ă© relativamente estĂĄvel e podem ser enviadas instantaneamente sem as taxas de transação associadas aos cartĂ”es de crĂ©dito ou aos serviços de remessas internacionais, como a Western Union. AlĂ©m disso, como as stablecoins podem ser utilizadas por qualquer pessoa com um #smartphone, representam uma oportunidade para trazer para o sistema financeiro milhĂ”es de pessoas que nĂŁo tĂȘm contas bancĂĄrias tradicionais. PrĂłximos passos O Banco Central tem trabalhado diligentemente para atingir este objetivo e, em março, selecionou a plataforma que facilitarĂĄ as transaçÔes com esta moeda digital, que deverĂĄ estar disponĂ­vel ao pĂșblico atĂ© ao final de 2024. Para lançar as bases desta inovação, o Banco Central concedeu autorização a 16 #consĂłrcios para desenvolverem ferramentas e instrumentos financeiros avançados. Estas inovaçÔes serĂŁo postas Ă  prova numa sĂ©rie de operaçÔes simuladas, que terĂŁo inĂ­cio em setembro. Esses testes tĂȘm como objetivo avaliar a segurança e a eficiĂȘncia das interaçÔes entre o Real digital e os depĂłsitos tokenizados, que sĂŁo representaçÔes digitais de ativos reais mantidos por instituiçÔes financeiras. O projeto piloto abrangerĂĄ uma sĂ©rie de ativos de valor, incluindo depĂłsitos de reservas bancĂĄrias, contas de liquidação, conta Ășnica do Tesouro Nacional, depĂłsitos Ă  vista de bancos, contas de pagamento de instituiçÔes de pagamento e atĂ© tĂ­tulos pĂșblicos federais. Os testes serĂŁo realizados em fases, incorporando gradualmente esses ativos nas transaçÔes simuladas. Destaca-se que a simulação com tĂ­tulos do Tesouro Nacional estĂĄ prevista para fevereiro do prĂłximo ano. Na sua essĂȘncia, esta iniciativa marca um passo significativo em direção a um futuro em que o real digital melhorarĂĄ a forma como as transaçÔes financeiras sĂŁo conduzidas, oferecendo maior segurança e facilidade de utilização. Com o arranque dos testes, Ă© de esperar um salto transformador na forma como interagimos com a nossa moeda e os nossos ativos. #RWA #BitcoinHalvingDrama #BinanceRiskteam #Ethena! Written by Guihcneves

Hathor Network the CBDC developed by the Brazilian Central Bank." EVM bridge that enables..

"Hathor developed a bridge that enables compatibility with EVM and DREX, the CBDC developed by the Brazilian Central Bank."

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is a tokenized form of the money we are familiar with, such as fiat money. The concept of CBDC aims to streamline transactions and enhance financial inclusion. Brazil is one of the countries exploring the development of a CBDC called the Digital Brazilian Real. The Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) has been working on developing the CBDC and has selected 14 institutions, including major local private banks, the largest public Brazilian bank, and multinational companies, to participate in the pilot of the CBDC.
CBDC technology can potentially improve financial infrastructure, programmability, and encryption. It serves as a public infrastructure for exchange and contract execution, enabling the creation of new applications. Example use cases highlight the potential of CBDC technology, such as how CBDC can improve existing subsidized credit policies, how decentralized finance tools can match small and medium enterprise borrowers with foreign investors, and how to improve real assets ownership transfers.
Digital currencies like CBDC can potentially reduce the use of cash and increase welfare. A sufficiently attractive digital currency reduces holdings of both cash and bank deposits. Since cash use is costly, digital currency may increase welfare.
CBDCs can create greater resilience for domestic payment systems and foster more competition, which may lead to better access to money, increase payment efficiency, and lower transaction costs. CBDCs can also improve transparency in money flows and help reduce currency substitution (when a country uses a foreign currency instead of its own).
The banking system in Brazil operates with three forms of money: fiat money, bank deposits, and bank reserves. These forms are convertible to each other. The central bank buys bonds from commercial banks and issues bank reserves, which go to the commercial bank's balance sheet. The commercial bank can issue bank deposits based on the amount of bank reserves. For example, when Joãozinho takes a loan to buy a bakery, the bank deposit is transferred to Joãozinho’s bank account and can be converted into currency at any time.
The proposal for CBDC is to “tokenize” these bank reserves directly, allowing individuals to have accounts at the central bank and transact bank reserves directly. This would make it easier for the central bank to track peer-to-peer transactions and reduce the possibility of money laundering. Transactions would be fast, simple, and secure. However, it is important to note that with CBDC, the government would access individuals’ consumption patterns and assets, raising privacy concerns.
CBDC technology can potentially revolutionize how we transact and interact with money. Brazil is one of the countries that have been exploring the development of a CBDC, and the potential benefits of CBDC technology in Brazil include improving financial infrastructure, programmability, and encryption. While there are concerns about privacy and government access to individuals’ consumption patterns and assets, the potential benefits of CBDC technology cannot be ignored.
In an exciting development, Brazil’s Central Bank (BC) has officially announced the name of its forthcoming digital currency. The virtual currency, equivalent to money in circulation, will be called DREX. The BC economist Fabio Araujo, the initiative's coordinator, confirmed the name during the monetary authority’s weekly live session on YouTube.
The name “DREX” holds significant meaning, with each letter representing a key aspect of the digital currency. The “D” stands for digital, highlighting the currency’s digital nature. The “R” represents the real, official currency of Brazil. The “E” signifies electronic, emphasizing the electronic nature of the currency. Lastly, the “X” conveys the idea of modernity and connection while paying homage to Pix, Brazil’s instant transfer system launched in 2020.
The introduction of DREX is expected to bring about numerous benefits for Brazilians. The BC stated that the digital currency, previously referred to as Real Digital, will provide a safe and regulated environment for the generation of new businesses. It aims to offer more democratic access to the benefits of the digitalization of the economy for both citizens and entrepreneurs.
The BC has been diligently developing DREX, with plans for a scheduled launch in 2024. The digital real is designed as a wholesale form of central bank money, primarily intended for settling interbank transactions. Banks' involvement in the solution's development is a key aspect of Bacen’s strategy, ensuring that lenders play a significant role in implementing the digital currency.
To facilitate the pilot version of DREX, the BC has selected 14 financial institutions to participate in the program. These institutions include major local private banks such as Bradesco, Nubank, ItaĂș Unibanco, Banco do Brasil, and the local stock exchange B3. Multinational companies like Visa and Microsoft have also been chosen to participate in the pilot program.
The introduction of DREX aligns with the global trend of exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). CBDCs have gained significant attention worldwide, with each project taking a unique approach. In Brazil, the BC aims to achieve what Pix did for retail payments, commoditizing financial services and providing a common infrastructure with programmability and composability. The BC envisions a future where banks’ balance sheets can be completely tokenized, offering enhanced efficiency and accessibility.
As Brazil prepares to launch DREX, it joins the ranks of countries embracing the potential of CBDCs. The digital real has the potential to revolutionize the Brazilian economy, promoting financial inclusion, improving payment solutions, and fostering new business opportunities. With DREX, Brazil is taking a significant step towards a more digital and connected future.
Unlike cryptocurrencies, whose price is tied to demand and supply and has a lot of volatility, Drex will have the same value as the Brazilian real. Each BRL 1 will be worth 1 Drex, with the digital currency guaranteed by the Central Bank, while cryptocurrencies are not guaranteed by any monetary authority.
Drex will function similarly to Pix in practice but with different purposes and value scales. While Pix is mainly used for commercial transactions and obeys security limits, Drex can buy real estate, vehicles, and even government bonds.
Stablecoins, such as Drex, have the potential to rival fiat currencies as the dominant form of payment. Stablecoins’ value is relatively stable, and they can be sent instantly without the transaction fees associated with credit cards or international remittance services such as Western Union. Moreover, because stablecoins can be used by anyone with a smartphone, they represent an opportunity to bring millions of people who lack traditional bank accounts into the financial system.
Next Steps
The Central Bank has been diligently working towards this goal, and in March, they selected the platform that will facilitate transactions using this digital currency and is set to become available to the public by the end of 2024.
Laying the groundwork for this innovation, the Central Bank has granted permission to 16 consortia to develop advanced financial tools and instruments. These innovations will be tested in a series of simulated operations starting in September. These tests are designed to assess the security and efficiency of interactions between the digital Real and tokenized deposits, which are digital representations of real assets held by financial institutions.
The pilot project will encompass a range of valuable assets, including deposits from bank reserves, settlement accounts, the National Treasury’s single account, bank demand deposits, payment accounts held by payment institutions, and even federal government securities. The testing will be conducted in phases, gradually incorporating these assets into simulated transactions. Notably, the National Treasury securities simulation is slated to occur in February of the following year.
This initiative marks a significant step towards a future where the digital real will enhance financial transactions, offering enhanced security and ease of use. As the tests kick-off, anticipation is building for a transformative leap in how we interact with our currency and assets.
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O Banco Central do Brasil confirmou que sua moeda digital se chamarĂĄ $DREX
A #CBDC Ă© uma moeda digital emitida pelo banco central de um paĂ­s. É uma forma simbĂłlica do dinheiro com que estamos familiarizados, como a moeda fiduciĂĄria. O conceito de CBDC visa agilizar as transaçÔes e aumentar a inclusĂŁo financeira.
O Brasil Ă© um dos paĂ­ses que tem explorado o desenvolvimento de uma CBDC chamada Real Digital Brasileiro. O Banco Central do Brasil (Bacen) tem trabalhado no desenvolvimento da CBDC e selecionou 14 instituiçÔes, incluindo os principais bancos privados locais, o maior banco pĂșblico brasileiro e empresas transnacionais, para participarem no projeto-piloto da CBDC.
A tecnologia das CBDCs tem o potencial de melhorar a infraestrutura financeira, a programabilidade e a encriptação. Funciona como uma infraestrutura pĂșblica para troca e execução de contratos, permitindo a criação de novas aplicaçÔes. Exemplos de casos de uso destacam o potencial da#tecnologia CBDC, tais como a forma como a CBDC pode melhorar as polĂ­ticas de crĂ©dito subsidiado existentes, como as ferramentas financeiras #descentralizadas podem combinar mutuĂĄrios de pequenas e mĂ©dias empresas com investidores estrangeiros e como melhorar as transferĂȘncias de propriedade de ativos reais.
As CDB podem criar uma maior resiliĂȘncia para os sistemas de pagamento nacionais e promover uma maior concorrĂȘncia, o que pode levar a um melhor acesso ao dinheiro, aumentar a eficiĂȘncia dos pagamentos e, por sua vez, reduzir os custos de transação. As CBDC podem tambĂ©m melhorar a transparĂȘncia dos fluxos monetĂĄrios e ajudar a reduzir a substituição de moeda (quando um paĂ­s utiliza uma moeda estrangeira em vez da sua prĂłpria moeda).
O sistema bancĂĄrio no Brasil opera com trĂȘs formas de moeda: moeda fiduciĂĄria, depĂłsitos bancĂĄrios e reservas bancĂĄrias. Essas formas sĂŁo conversĂ­veis entre si. O banco central compra obrigaçÔes dos bancos comerciais e emite reservas bancĂĄrias, que vĂŁo para o balanço do banco comercial. Com base no montante das reservas bancĂĄrias, o banco comercial pode emitir depĂłsitos bancĂĄrios. Por exemplo, quando o JoĂŁozinho contrai um emprĂ©stimo para comprar uma padaria, o depĂłsito bancĂĄrio Ă© transferido para a conta bancĂĄria do JoĂŁozinho e pode ser convertido em moeda em qualquer altura.
A proposta da CBDC é #tokenizar diretamente estas reservas bancårias, permitindo que os indivíduos tenham contas no Banco Central e transacionem diretamente as reservas bancårias. Desta forma, seria mais fåcil para o #Bacen acompanhar as transaçÔes entre pares e reduzir a possibilidade de branqueamento de capitais. As transaçÔes seriam råpidas, simples e seguras. No entanto, é importante notar que, com a CBDC, o governo teria acesso aos padrÔes de consumo e aos ativos dos indivíduos, o que suscita preocupaçÔes em matéria de privacidade.
A tecnologia CBDC tem o potencial de revolucionar a forma como transacionamos e interagimos com o dinheiro. O Brasil é um dos países que tem vindo a explorar o desenvolvimento de uma CBDC, e os potenciais benefícios da tecnologia CBDC no Brasil incluem a melhoria da infraestrutura financeira, a programabilidade e a encriptação. Embora existam preocupaçÔes sobre a privacidade e o acesso do governo aos padrÔes de consumo e ativos dos indivíduos, os potenciais benefícios da tecnologia CBDC não podem ser ignorados.
O Banco Central do Brasil anunciou oficialmente o nome da sua futura moeda digital. A moeda virtual, que deverå ser equivalente ao dinheiro em circulação, chamar-se-å #DREX. O economista do Bacen, Fabio Araujo, coordenador da iniciativa, confirmou o nome durante a sessão semanal ao vivo da autoridade monetåria no YouTube.
O nome “DREX” tem um significado importante, com cada letra a representar um aspeto fundamental da moeda digital. O “D” significa digital, destacando a natureza digital da moeda. O “R” representa o real, a moeda oficial do Brasil. O “E” significa electronic, enfatizando a natureza eletrĂłnica da moeda. Por fim, o “X” transmite a ideia de modernidade e conexĂŁo, alĂ©m de homenagear o Pix, sistema de transferĂȘncias instantĂąneas lançado no Brasil em 2020.
Espera-se que a introdução do DREX traga inĂșmeros benefĂ­cios para os brasileiros. O Bacen afirmou que a moeda digital, antes chamada de Real Digital, proporcionarĂĄ um ambiente seguro e regulado para a geração de novos negĂłcios. O objetivo Ă© oferecer um acesso mais democrĂĄtico aos benefĂ­cios da digitalização da economia, tanto para os cidadĂŁos quanto para os empreendedores.
O Bacen tem trabalhado diligentemente no desenvolvimento da DREX, com planos para um lançamento previsto para 2024. O real digital serå concebido como uma forma de moeda do banco central por grosso, destinada principalmente à liquidação de transaçÔes interbancårias. O envolvimento dos bancos no desenvolvimento da solução é um aspeto fundamental da estratégia do Bacen, garantindo que os credores desempenhem um papel significativo na implementação da moeda digital.
Para facilitar a versĂŁo #piloto da DREX, o Bacen selecionou 14 instituiçÔes financeiras para participar do programa. Essas instituiçÔes incluem grandes bancos privados locais, como Bradesco, Nubank e ItaĂș Unibanco, bem como o Banco do Brasil e a bolsa de valores local B3. Empresas multinacionais como Visa e Microsoft tambĂ©m foram escolhidas para participar do programa piloto.
A introdução da DREX estĂĄ alinhada com a tendĂȘncia global de explorar as moedas digitais do banco central (CBDCs). As CBDCs ganharam uma atenção significativa em todo o mundo, com cada projeto adotando uma abordagem Ășnica. No Brasil, o Bacen pretende alcançar o que o #Pix fez para os pagamentos de varejo, comoditizando os serviços financeiros e fornecendo uma infraestrutura comum com capacidade de programação e composição. O Bacen prevĂȘ um futuro em que os balanços dos #bancos possam ser completamente t#okenizados, oferecendo maior eficiĂȘncia e #acessibilidade.
O Brasil se prepara para lançar a DREX e junta-se ao grupo de países que abraçam o potencial das CBDCs. A realidade digital tem o potencial de revolucionar a economia brasileira, promovendo a inclusão financeira, melhorando as soluçÔes de pagamento e fomentando novas oportunidades de negócios. Com a DREX, o Brasil estå a dar um passo significativo em direção a um futuro mais digital e conectado.
Diferentemente das #criptomoedas, cujo preço estå atrelado à demanda e oferta e tem muita volatilidade, a Drex terå o mesmo valor do real. Cada R$ 1 valerå 1 Drex, sendo que a moeda digital é #garantida pelo Banco Central, enquanto as criptomoedas não são garantidas por nenhuma autoridade monetåria.
R$1 = 1DREX
Na prĂĄtica, o Drex funcionarĂĄ de forma semelhante ao Pix, mas com finalidades e escalas de valores diferentes. Enquanto o Pix Ă© usado principalmente para transaçÔes comerciais e obedece a limites de segurança, a Drex pode ser usada para comprar imĂłveis, veĂ­culos e atĂ© tĂ­tulos pĂșblicos.
As #stablecoins, como a Drex, tĂȘm o potencial de rivalizar com as moedas fiduciĂĄrias como forma dominante de pagamento. O valor das stablecoins Ă© relativamente estĂĄvel e podem ser enviadas instantaneamente sem as taxas de transação associadas aos cartĂ”es de crĂ©dito ou aos serviços de remessas internacionais, como a Western Union. AlĂ©m disso, como as stablecoins podem ser utilizadas por qualquer pessoa com um #smartphone, representam uma oportunidade para trazer para o sistema financeiro milhĂ”es de pessoas que nĂŁo tĂȘm contas bancĂĄrias tradicionais.
PrĂłximos passos
O Banco Central tem trabalhado diligentemente para atingir este objetivo e, em março, selecionou a plataforma que facilitarĂĄ as transaçÔes com esta moeda digital, que deverĂĄ estar disponĂ­vel ao pĂșblico atĂ© ao final de 2024.
Para lançar as bases desta inovação, o Banco Central concedeu autorização a 16 #consĂłrcios para desenvolverem ferramentas e instrumentos financeiros avançados. Estas inovaçÔes serĂŁo postas Ă  prova numa sĂ©rie de operaçÔes simuladas, que terĂŁo inĂ­cio em setembro. Esses testes tĂȘm como objetivo avaliar a segurança e a eficiĂȘncia das interaçÔes entre o Real digital e os depĂłsitos tokenizados, que sĂŁo representaçÔes digitais de ativos reais mantidos por instituiçÔes financeiras.
O projeto piloto abrangerĂĄ uma sĂ©rie de ativos de valor, incluindo depĂłsitos de reservas bancĂĄrias, contas de liquidação, conta Ășnica do Tesouro Nacional, depĂłsitos Ă  vista de bancos, contas de pagamento de instituiçÔes de pagamento e atĂ© tĂ­tulos pĂșblicos federais. Os testes serĂŁo realizados em fases, incorporando gradualmente esses ativos nas transaçÔes simuladas. Destaca-se que a simulação com tĂ­tulos do Tesouro Nacional estĂĄ prevista para fevereiro do prĂłximo ano.
Na sua essĂȘncia, esta iniciativa marca um passo significativo em direção a um futuro em que o real digital melhorarĂĄ a forma como as transaçÔes financeiras sĂŁo conduzidas, oferecendo maior segurança e facilidade de utilização. Com o arranque dos testes, Ă© de esperar um salto transformador na forma como interagimos com a nossa moeda e os nossos ativos.
#RWA #BitcoinHalvingDrama #BinanceRiskteam #Ethena!
Written by Guihcneves
Hathor, fee-free blockchain used by B3 and within the CVM sandbox, announces compatibility with EVM Central Bank of Brazil confirmed its digital currency will be called $DREX in an interview with Cointelegraph, Diego Guareschi, CMO of Hathor, revealed that the Brazilian blockchain, widely used in RWA tokens in Brazil, has developed a bridge that allows compatibility with EVM (Ethereum) protocols and with Drex, CBDC that the Central Bank do Brasil intends to launch by the end of 2024. In an interview with Cointelegraph, Diego Guareschi, CMO of Hathor, revealed that the Brazilian blockchain , widely used in RWA tokens in Brazil , has developed a bridge that allows compatibility with EVM protocols ( Ethereum ) and with Drex, CBDC that the Central Bank aims to launch by the end of 2024. "Until recently, we didn't have alternatives for interoperability between other protocols. This was based on the idea that most use cases happened within a closed platform. However, we now have the ability to interconnect with other protocols, which is a great advantage for diverse use cases, especially those related to real-world assets (RWA) and applications in traditional businesses and industries", he revealed. Home office and in-person: Brazilian fintechs C6 Bank, Zoop and Will Bank offer several job openings Guareschi also highlighted that through this bridge, applications built on both layer 1 (L1) public networks, layer 2 (L2) networks or even permissioned networks, compatible with EVM, can be executed on Hathor more quickly and efficiently. with less costs as the Brazilian L1 has no transaction fees and processes operations faster than Ethereum. "You can bring applications from other EVM platforms to our network, do everything you normally have to do, which are generally transactions or records, in a much faster, more efficient and more economical way. And eventually, when you need to go back to the mother platform, being able to do this in a faster and more effective way", he highlighted. Bitcoin price today 03/29/2024: BTC drops 2%, returns to US$69 thousand, but bulls do not give up on new historic high According to Guareschi, this bridge takes Hathor to another level in terms of competitiveness against other networks and also increases its use cases, allowing interconnectivity with smart contracts created in Drex. Currently, Hathor is already used by different companies in Brazil in projects that unite the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies with traditional finance. Since last year, the network was chosen to be the native blockchain of B3, the Brazilian Stock Exchange, for its tokenization project and is also used by Vórtx QR Tokenizadora, within the company's applications in the Securities and Exchange Commission's RWA token sandobox. Furniture (CVM). Binance announces new cryptocurrency with distribution of 300,000,000 tokens on day of Bitcoin decline "Hathor is a network that is already 4 years old, which is on the mainnet, so a well-consolidated protocol where we have been through Bull Markets and Bear Markets and our methodology is to always continue developing, improving, improving the network, always thinking in the long term", he states. Diego also revealed other news about Hathor and highlighted the importance of blockhain applications and the strength of RWA tokens, check out the full interview: Follow Cointelegraph Brasil to follow the news in real time: we are on X , on Telegram , on Facebook , on Instagram and on YouTube , with analysis, experts, interviews and breaking news from the crypto and blockchain market in Brazil and America Latin. #RWA #BitcoinHalvingDrama #BinanceRiskteam #Ethena!

Hathor, fee-free blockchain used by B3 and within the CVM sandbox, announces compatibility with EVM
Central Bank of Brazil confirmed its digital currency will be called $DREX

in an interview with Cointelegraph, Diego Guareschi, CMO of Hathor, revealed that the Brazilian blockchain, widely used in RWA tokens in Brazil, has developed a bridge that allows compatibility with EVM (Ethereum) protocols and with Drex, CBDC that the Central Bank do Brasil intends to launch by the end of 2024.

In an interview with Cointelegraph, Diego Guareschi, CMO of Hathor, revealed that the Brazilian blockchain , widely used in RWA tokens in Brazil , has developed a bridge that allows compatibility with EVM protocols ( Ethereum ) and with Drex, CBDC that the Central Bank aims to launch by the end of 2024.
"Until recently, we didn't have alternatives for interoperability between other protocols. This was based on the idea that most use cases happened within a closed platform. However, we now have the ability to interconnect with other protocols, which is a great advantage for diverse use cases, especially those related to real-world assets (RWA) and applications in traditional businesses and industries", he revealed.
Home office and in-person: Brazilian fintechs C6 Bank, Zoop and Will Bank offer several job openings
Guareschi also highlighted that through this bridge, applications built on both layer 1 (L1) public networks, layer 2 (L2) networks or even permissioned networks, compatible with EVM, can be executed on Hathor more quickly and efficiently. with less costs as the Brazilian L1 has no transaction fees and processes operations faster than Ethereum.
"You can bring applications from other EVM platforms to our network, do everything you normally have to do, which are generally transactions or records, in a much faster, more efficient and more economical way. And eventually, when you need to go back to the mother platform, being able to do this in a faster and more effective way", he highlighted.
Bitcoin price today 03/29/2024: BTC drops 2%, returns to US$69 thousand, but bulls do not give up on new historic high
According to Guareschi, this bridge takes Hathor to another level in terms of competitiveness against other networks and also increases its use cases, allowing interconnectivity with smart contracts created in Drex.
Currently, Hathor is already used by different companies in Brazil in projects that unite the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies with traditional finance.
Since last year, the network was chosen to be the native blockchain of B3, the Brazilian Stock Exchange, for its tokenization project and is also used by Vórtx QR Tokenizadora, within the company's applications in the Securities and Exchange Commission's RWA token sandobox. Furniture (CVM).
Binance announces new cryptocurrency with distribution of 300,000,000 tokens on day of Bitcoin decline
"Hathor is a network that is already 4 years old, which is on the mainnet, so a well-consolidated protocol where we have been through Bull Markets and Bear Markets and our methodology is to always continue developing, improving, improving the network, always thinking in the long term", he states.
Diego also revealed other news about Hathor and highlighted the importance of blockhain applications and the strength of RWA tokens, check out the full interview:
Follow Cointelegraph Brasil to follow the news in real time: we are on X , on Telegram , on Facebook , on Instagram and on YouTube , with analysis, experts, interviews and breaking news from the crypto and blockchain market in Brazil and America Latin.

#RWA #BitcoinHalvingDrama #BinanceRiskteam #Ethena!
Hathor’s EVM Bridge — Unlocking a world of possibilities with faster, cheaper cross-chain transactioAs you all know by now, Hathor’s EVM bridge is nearing launch and we wanted to make sure that everyone understands why the bridge is important and the impact we hope it will have on Hathor’s ecosystem. First of all, we’d like to talk about the bridge’s federator role and how you can become a federator! Tldr; If you are building something on Hathor, or considering to do so, you should apply to become a federator here! (If you aren’t building on Hathor, you can still apply) What are federators? The federators in the Hathor EVM Bridge play a crucial role in managing the secure and accurate transfer of tokens between Hathor and an EVM network (this could be Ethereum or any other EVM compatible network). When a token moves from one chain to the other, federators coordinate the locking of the original token on the source chain and the minting of its representation on the destination chain. This ensures the token’s value is preserved across chains. Federators operate on Hathor through a MultiSig (Multiple Signatures) mechanism, requiring a minimum number of federators to approve any transaction, including minting and melting tokens. This MultiSig setup enhances security by distributing the power to authorize transactions among multiple parties. Federators are responsible for verifying all events and transactions before processing them. This includes ensuring that minted tokens on Hathor match the locked tokens on the EVM network in terms of amount and type, and that melt operations on Hathor allow for the corresponding unlock and transfer on Ethereum. In case of transaction failures or rejections, federators coordinate the return of tokens to their original owners. This requires careful examination of the initial transactions to determine the rightful recipients and manage manual or automated return processes. In essence, federators serve as the bridge’s operational core, ensuring that token transfers between Hathor and the EVM network are executed securely, accurately, and in compliance with the rules of both blockchains. They play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and value of tokens as they move across chains. Federators will receive rewards in the form of a percentage of the fees paid by the user bridging a token. The exact numbers here are being discussed. We will arrange a workshop for all federators. Here, the federator role will be explained in full detail and you will get your questions answered. Sounds interesting? Apply to become a federator here. Why should I care? So, why is the bridge important? We believe it’s a game-changer for Hathor, and here are some of the major benefits it will bring: Increased interoperability The primary advantage is the seamless interoperability between Hathor, Ethereum and other EVM networks. This allows for the transfer of assets, information, and smart contract calls across different networks, enabling a more connected and accessible ecosystem. Expanded user base By connecting to the EVM ecosystem, Hathor can tap into Ethereum’s substantial user base and market liquidity. We hope this exposure will help attract new users and developers to Hathor. Enhanced liquidity The bridge facilitates asset transfers between Hathor and other blockchains, which can significantly increase the liquidity of assets on Hathor. We are discussing collaborations with use cases already. Stablecoins We see the bridge as a necessary step towards bringing USD stablecoins to Hathor, and we are having discussions with stablecoin issuers about this. Cross-chain dApps and services Developers can create dApps and services that leverage the strengths of both EVM and Hathor. Maybe you have an idea for a dApp that might use Ethereum for EVM smart contract capabilities while utilizing Hathor for faster and feeless transactions? Access to Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem is one of the most developed and sophisticated in this space. By using the bridge, projects building on Hathor can gain access to Ethereum’s DeFi platforms, tools, and services, expanding their financial service offerings. Innovation and experimentation We hope to see the bridge encourage innovation by allowing developers to experiment with novel, hybrid solutions that utilize the best features of both EVM and Hathor’s ecosystem. Faster, free transactions Transactions are faster and free when processed on Hathor. This should be particularly appealing for applications that require high throughput or lower transaction costs. Those are some of the applications we could think of for the EVM bridge. We’re sure you will come up with other ideas that we didn’t think of yet. If you are planning to build something on Hathor that you think could benefit from the bridge, we’d love to hear from you! Hathor Network is a PoW-based novel distributed ledger architecture that combines DAG and blockchain data structures. Our network’s unique design is built with scalability, usability, and decentralization in mind, and it solves significant bottlenecks that prevent the broad adoption of the technology. Hathor Network has been on mainnet since January 2020, experiencing exponential growth in the number of custom tokens, active wallets, and mining hash rate. Please visit our Website, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram channel for more information. #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #RWA! #ETHENALAUNCHPOOL #HATHOR NETWORK Written by Trond Bjorþy

Hathor’s EVM Bridge — Unlocking a world of possibilities with faster, cheaper cross-chain transactio

As you all know by now, Hathor’s EVM bridge is nearing launch and we wanted to make sure that everyone understands why the bridge is important and the impact we hope it will have on Hathor’s ecosystem.
First of all, we’d like to talk about the bridge’s federator role and how you can become a federator!
Tldr; If you are building something on Hathor, or considering to do so, you should apply to become a federator here!
(If you aren’t building on Hathor, you can still apply)
What are federators?
The federators in the Hathor EVM Bridge play a crucial role in managing the secure and accurate transfer of tokens between Hathor and an EVM network (this could be Ethereum or any other EVM compatible network).
When a token moves from one chain to the other, federators coordinate the locking of the original token on the source chain and the minting of its representation on the destination chain. This ensures the token’s value is preserved across chains.
Federators operate on Hathor through a MultiSig (Multiple Signatures) mechanism, requiring a minimum number of federators to approve any transaction, including minting and melting tokens. This MultiSig setup enhances security by distributing the power to authorize transactions among multiple parties.
Federators are responsible for verifying all events and transactions before processing them. This includes ensuring that minted tokens on Hathor match the locked tokens on the EVM network in terms of amount and type, and that melt operations on Hathor allow for the corresponding unlock and transfer on Ethereum.
In case of transaction failures or rejections, federators coordinate the return of tokens to their original owners. This requires careful examination of the initial transactions to determine the rightful recipients and manage manual or automated return processes.
In essence, federators serve as the bridge’s operational core, ensuring that token transfers between Hathor and the EVM network are executed securely, accurately, and in compliance with the rules of both blockchains. They play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and value of tokens as they move across chains.
Federators will receive rewards in the form of a percentage of the fees paid by the user bridging a token. The exact numbers here are being discussed.
We will arrange a workshop for all federators. Here, the federator role will be explained in full detail and you will get your questions answered.
Sounds interesting? Apply to become a federator here.
Why should I care?
So, why is the bridge important? We believe it’s a game-changer for Hathor, and here are some of the major benefits it will bring:
Increased interoperability
The primary advantage is the seamless interoperability between Hathor, Ethereum and other EVM networks. This allows for the transfer of assets, information, and smart contract calls across different networks, enabling a more connected and accessible ecosystem.
Expanded user base
By connecting to the EVM ecosystem, Hathor can tap into Ethereum’s substantial user base and market liquidity. We hope this exposure will help attract new users and developers to Hathor.
Enhanced liquidity
The bridge facilitates asset transfers between Hathor and other blockchains, which can significantly increase the liquidity of assets on Hathor. We are discussing collaborations with use cases already.
We see the bridge as a necessary step towards bringing USD stablecoins to Hathor, and we are having discussions with stablecoin issuers about this.
Cross-chain dApps and services
Developers can create dApps and services that leverage the strengths of both EVM and Hathor. Maybe you have an idea for a dApp that might use Ethereum for EVM smart contract capabilities while utilizing Hathor for faster and feeless transactions?
Access to Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem
Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem is one of the most developed and sophisticated in this space. By using the bridge, projects building on Hathor can gain access to Ethereum’s DeFi platforms, tools, and services, expanding their financial service offerings.
Innovation and experimentation
We hope to see the bridge encourage innovation by allowing developers to experiment with novel, hybrid solutions that utilize the best features of both EVM and Hathor’s ecosystem.
Faster, free transactions
Transactions are faster and free when processed on Hathor. This should be particularly appealing for applications that require high throughput or lower transaction costs.
Those are some of the applications we could think of for the EVM bridge. We’re sure you will come up with other ideas that we didn’t think of yet. If you are planning to build something on Hathor that you think could benefit from the bridge, we’d love to hear from you!
Hathor Network is a PoW-based novel distributed ledger architecture that combines DAG and blockchain data structures. Our network’s unique design is built with scalability, usability, and decentralization in mind, and it solves significant bottlenecks that prevent the broad adoption of the technology.
Hathor Network has been on mainnet since January 2020, experiencing exponential growth in the number of custom tokens, active wallets, and mining hash rate.
Please visit our Website, Twitter, Discord, and Telegram channel for more information. #BinanceLaunchpool #Memecoins #RWA! #ETHENALAUNCHPOOL #HATHOR NETWORK

Written by Trond BjorÞy
VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora will trade bank securities and non-securities assets on the platformEste trechBig news for Tokenizadora! Hathor Network! Tokenizadora, built on Hathor Network, becomes the first licensed platform authorized to #tokenize a wider range of financial assets including bank securities, trade bills & even carbon credits! VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora will trade bank securities and non-securities assets on the platform Until then, the platform was authorized to trade debentures, closed-end investment fund shares, real estate receivables certificates (CRI) and agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) in tokenized format. Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina. Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo.VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora obtained authorization to become the first organized over-the-counter market with a license to tokenize and trade financial assets considered securities and non-securities, such as bank securities. The tokenizer, which is part of the regulatory “sandbox” of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), had the approval of the Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina. Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo. Until then, the platform was authorized to trade debentures, closed-end investment fund shares, real estate receivables certificates (CRI) and agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) in tokenized format. “Market data demonstrates significant growth in other asset classes, in addition to those we already have authorization to tokenize. This inno Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina. Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo. Article: #BuildOnHathor $HTR

VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora will trade bank securities and non-securities assets on the platformEste trech

Big news for Tokenizadora! Hathor Network!

Tokenizadora, built on Hathor Network, becomes the first licensed platform authorized to #tokenize a wider range of financial assets including bank securities, trade bills & even carbon credits!

VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora will trade bank securities and non-securities assets on the platform
Until then, the platform was authorized to trade debentures, closed-end investment fund shares, real estate receivables certificates (CRI) and agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) in tokenized format.
Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina.
Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo.VĂłrtx QR Tokenizadora obtained authorization to become the first organized over-the-counter market with a license to tokenize and trade financial assets considered securities and non-securities, such as bank securities.
The tokenizer, which is part of the regulatory “sandbox” of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), had the approval of the
Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina.
Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo.

Until then, the platform was authorized to trade debentures, closed-end investment fund shares, real estate receivables certificates (CRI) and agribusiness receivables certificates (CRA) in tokenized format.
“Market data demonstrates significant growth in other asset classes, in addition to those we already have authorization to tokenize. This inno
Este trecho Ă© parte de conteĂșdo que pode ser compartilhado utilizando o link ou as ferramentas oferecidas na pĂĄgina.
Textos, fotos, artes e vĂ­deos do Valor estĂŁo protegidos pela legislação brasileira sobre direito autoral. NĂŁo reproduza o conteĂșdo do jornal em qualquer meio de comunicação, eletrĂŽnico ou impresso, sem autorização do Valor ( Essas regras tĂȘm como objetivo proteger o investimento que o Valor faz na qualidade de seu jornalismo.


#BuildOnHathor $HTR
Asset Tokenization RWA in Brazil: Innovation and Leadership with Hathor Network Blockchain TechnologThe Brazilian financial market is a reference in innovations, enabling new fronts of action in the market and also among the population. Asset tokenization is one way to transform how investments are managed, used, and monetized. According to a survey by Visa, Brazil represents 20% of tokenization operations with company credentials worldwide. The emergence of cryptocurrencies was an essential factor in the popularization of the term, as many companies and projects created their own tokens to raise capital and facilitate transactions on their platforms. In the context of blockchain technology, for example, a token is a digital representation of something of value in a blockchain application. One of the advantages is that it only takes approximately 30 seconds to issue a token for any purpose on the blockchain. It is important to emphasize, however, that the tokenization of assets can be complex and involve legal, technical, and compliance issues, a practical example is the CVM (Real Estate Securities Commission), which legislates on movable assets and restricts the sale of tokens classified as “fixed income” in April 2023. Debenture tokenization by B3 Following this pace, B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, launched a new platform for issuing, registering, and trading assets to keep up with market demand and bring innovation and security to its operations. The initiative was born with the first tokenization of a regulated asset, with debentures digitized and made available in a new B3 environment created in partnership with Hathor. In this way, with the asset kept in the fixed income depository, it was possible to follow and guarantee the solidity of the operation in accordance with the current regulatory framework and replicate it for the new technology. In addition to a complete platform with cutting-edge technology and security, asset trading is facilitated agile and transparently, allowing all types of investors to expand the possibilities of diversifying their portfolios. Furthermore, the company already has plans to expand into similar projects, which should be offered to customers soon. B3 Ecosystem The B3 ecosystem also has its own cryptocurrency exchange, led by its arm B3 Digitas. The service works in the crypto-as-a-service system, in which companies can integrate the Brazilian Stock Exchange exchange services, also allowing direct trading of Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Litecoin, and Ripple. B3 also received authorization from the CVM to establish and approve the investment in L4 Venture Builder. The fund, with a capital of R$600 million, is intended for investments in the entrepreneurship innovation ecosystem. Behind the technology: Hathor Network The technology chosen for B3’s first debenture tokenization was that of Hathor Network. The network promises security and simplification of transactions and negotiations for companies and investors now on B3. By offering an easily integrated blockchain solution with simple interfaces and without the need for technical expertise in a technology as complex as Blockchain, it is possible to guarantee a key factor in the tokenization process: the potential of the technology. With the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, Hathor’s architecture allows for high scalability by offering cost-free, efficient, and uninterrupted operations, even during periods of high transaction volume. #HotTrends #RWA #Meme #BTC.😉.

Asset Tokenization RWA in Brazil: Innovation and Leadership with Hathor Network Blockchain Technolog

The Brazilian financial market is a reference in innovations, enabling new fronts of action in the market and also among the population. Asset tokenization is one way to transform how investments are managed, used, and monetized. According to a survey by Visa, Brazil represents 20% of tokenization operations with company credentials worldwide.
The emergence of cryptocurrencies was an essential factor in the popularization of the term, as many companies and projects created their own tokens to raise capital and facilitate transactions on their platforms. In the context of blockchain technology, for example, a token is a digital representation of something of value in a blockchain application. One of the advantages is that it only takes approximately 30 seconds to issue a token for any purpose on the blockchain.
It is important to emphasize, however, that the tokenization of assets can be complex and involve legal, technical, and compliance issues, a practical example is the CVM (Real Estate Securities Commission), which legislates on movable assets and restricts the sale of tokens classified as “fixed income” in April 2023.

Debenture tokenization by B3
Following this pace, B3, the Brazilian stock exchange, launched a new platform for issuing, registering, and trading assets to keep up with market demand and bring innovation and security to its operations. The initiative was born with the first tokenization of a regulated asset, with debentures digitized and made available in a new B3 environment created in partnership with Hathor. In this way, with the asset kept in the fixed income depository, it was possible to follow and guarantee the solidity of the operation in accordance with the current regulatory framework and replicate it for the new technology.
In addition to a complete platform with cutting-edge technology and security, asset trading is facilitated agile and transparently, allowing all types of investors to expand the possibilities of diversifying their portfolios. Furthermore, the company already has plans to expand into similar projects, which should be offered to customers soon.

B3 Ecosystem
The B3 ecosystem also has its own cryptocurrency exchange, led by its arm B3 Digitas. The service works in the crypto-as-a-service system, in which companies can integrate the Brazilian Stock Exchange exchange services, also allowing direct trading of Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Litecoin, and Ripple. B3 also received authorization from the CVM to establish and approve the investment in L4 Venture Builder. The fund, with a capital of R$600 million, is intended for investments in the entrepreneurship innovation ecosystem.

Behind the technology: Hathor Network
The technology chosen for B3’s first debenture tokenization was that of Hathor Network. The network promises security and simplification of transactions and negotiations for companies and investors now on B3.
By offering an easily integrated blockchain solution with simple interfaces and without the need for technical expertise in a technology as complex as Blockchain, it is possible to guarantee a key factor in the tokenization process: the potential of the technology. With the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, Hathor’s architecture allows for high scalability by offering cost-free, efficient, and uninterrupted operations, even during periods of high transaction volume.

#HotTrends #RWA #Meme #BTC.😉.
Digital transformation for #RWATokens QR Tokenizadora with Hathor Network Anyone who thinks that tokenization, the process of digitizing a physical or financial asset in smaller or fractional shares, is a topic of the moment is mistaken. Although they are trending in the media today, such topics have been discussed in the market for at least 10 years. To make the market even more regulated and transparent, last year, the CVM (Securities Commission) published Guideline No. 40/2022, an opinion that consists of a compilation of guidelines on crypto-assets based on previous understandings. The body also brought new clarifications on concepts, practices, and possible standards applicable to the segment. The document is just one step in the regulation that depends on the approval of PL 4,401/21 in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, known as a milestone for cryptocurrencies. The CVM makes clear some previous understandings and rules, which apply not only to crypto-assets but also to the issue of international offers and the concept of a public offering, which was subject to interpretation when it came to digital assets. Another important point is that the CVM and the Central Bank are increasingly aligned concerning tokenization, cryptoassets, and cryptocurrencies, even though each of the bodies is responsible for its areas of competence. With the CVM regulation, the market understands the body’s more open stance, making the environment more conducive to investments and even more advances. From CRI to CRA In 2022, the receivables certificate (CR) was created, an investment that provides securities issuance based on credit rights from different sectors. The CRI is the real estate receivables certificate, while the CRA is the agribusiness receivables certificate. They are Fixed Income securities issued by securitization companies that represent real estate or agricultural credits, allowing issuers to transform them into negotiable securities in the financial market, generating resources for new investments. Vórtx QR Tokenizadora, for example, was authorized in February 2023 by the CVM to issue and trade tokens for these receivables certificates within the ‘sandbox’, an experimental environment in which participants are able to waive regulatory requirements to test new technologies. The Tokenizadora aims to test the digitalization of these and other debt instruments and bring them to a wider audience of investors. The tokenized version of real estate and agribusiness receivables is expected to make smaller funding viable, which cannot currently be paid using traditional services and intermediaries. Furthermore, debt tokens with competitive rates currently unavailable on platforms will enable expansion to a new audience of issuers and investors. Transactions recorded on the blockchain One of the advantages of investing in digital assets is the security that blockchain networks offer. In the case of Vórtx QR, a network was chosen that uses the proof-of-work (PoW) mechanism and with cost-free transactions from Hathor Network. In this case, all transactions, both in the primary and secondary markets, will be recorded on the blockchain, with the advantage of Hathor’s scalability and ability to process 200 transactions per second, in line with the pioneering spirit of Vórtx’s first regulated financial product. Tokenization of the economy: the use of innovative technologies in the financial sectorAsset Tokenization in Brazil: Innovation and Leadership with Hathor Network Blockchain Technology #HotTrends #RWA #Aevo $HTR

Digital transformation for #RWATokens QR Tokenizadora with Hathor Network

Anyone who thinks that tokenization, the process of digitizing a physical or financial asset in smaller or fractional shares, is a topic of the moment is mistaken. Although they are trending in the media today, such topics have been discussed in the market for at least 10 years.
To make the market even more regulated and transparent, last year, the CVM (Securities Commission) published Guideline No. 40/2022, an opinion that consists of a compilation of guidelines on crypto-assets based on previous understandings. The body also brought new clarifications on concepts, practices, and possible standards applicable to the segment.
The document is just one step in the regulation that depends on the approval of PL 4,401/21 in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies, known as a milestone for cryptocurrencies. The CVM makes clear some previous understandings and rules, which apply not only to crypto-assets but also to the issue of international offers and the concept of a public offering, which was subject to interpretation when it came to digital assets.
Another important point is that the CVM and the Central Bank are increasingly aligned concerning tokenization, cryptoassets, and cryptocurrencies, even though each of the bodies is responsible for its areas of competence. With the CVM regulation, the market understands the body’s more open stance, making the environment more conducive to investments and even more advances.

From CRI to CRA
In 2022, the receivables certificate (CR) was created, an investment that provides securities issuance based on credit rights from different sectors. The CRI is the real estate receivables certificate, while the CRA is the agribusiness receivables certificate. They are Fixed Income securities issued by securitization companies that represent real estate or agricultural credits, allowing issuers to transform them into negotiable securities in the financial market, generating resources for new investments.
Vórtx QR Tokenizadora, for example, was authorized in February 2023 by the CVM to issue and trade tokens for these receivables certificates within the ‘sandbox’, an experimental environment in which participants are able to waive regulatory requirements to test new technologies. The Tokenizadora aims to test the digitalization of these and other debt instruments and bring them to a wider audience of investors.
The tokenized version of real estate and agribusiness receivables is expected to make smaller funding viable, which cannot currently be paid using traditional services and intermediaries. Furthermore, debt tokens with competitive rates currently unavailable on platforms will enable expansion to a new audience of issuers and investors.

Transactions recorded on the blockchain
One of the advantages of investing in digital assets is the security that blockchain networks offer. In the case of Vórtx QR, a network was chosen that uses the proof-of-work (PoW) mechanism and with cost-free transactions from Hathor Network. In this case, all transactions, both in the primary and secondary markets, will be recorded on the blockchain, with the advantage of Hathor’s scalability and ability to process 200 transactions per second, in line with the pioneering spirit of Vórtx’s first regulated financial product.
Tokenization of the economy: the use of innovative technologies in the financial sectorAsset Tokenization in Brazil: Innovation and Leadership with Hathor Network Blockchain Technology

#HotTrends #RWA #Aevo $HTR
Hathor Network for the majority blockchain! Nanocontracts will be $HTR version of regular #smartcontracts, based on blueprints made on the #HathorNetwork #blockchain. Blueprints are a set of opcodes (preprogrammed simplified instructions code). User/dev/project can combine them to build #nanocontracts. #Layer1 #Crypto #Rwa
Hathor Network for the majority blockchain!

Nanocontracts will be $HTR version of regular #smartcontracts, based on blueprints made on the #HathorNetwork #blockchain.
Blueprints are a set of opcodes (preprogrammed simplified instructions code).
User/dev/project can combine them to build #nanocontracts.

#Layer1 #Crypto #Rwa
Tokenizadora is the only #RWA Brazilian platform and is operating on Hathor for over a year. A&M (one of the world's largest consultancy participations) and Brazilian Stock Exchange B3: These institutions will create tokenization platforms on @HathorNetwork $HTR. $BTC $ETH #Web3
Tokenizadora is the only #RWA Brazilian platform and is operating on Hathor for over a year. A&M (one of the world's largest consultancy participations) and Brazilian Stock Exchange B3: These institutions will create tokenization platforms on
$HTR. $BTC $ETH #Web3
See original
Brazilian analysts indicate 6 cryptocurrencies to buy in 2024The year 2024 began with Bitcoin (BTC) rising around 7%, breaking the $45,000 resistance and very close to the approval of the first BTC spot ETF in the US The year 2024 began with Bitcoin (BTC) rising around 7%, breaking the resistance of US$45,000 and very close to the approval of the first BTC spot ETF in the USA, a product that since 2013 has been touted as a major catalyst for a rise in the largest cryptocurrency on the market. Analyzing the current scenario and how the crypto market is expected to behave during the year, Beto Fernandes, cryptocurrency analyst at Foxbit, said that it is impossible to point out that the recent rise in Bitcoin prices does not affect the prospects for the cryptocurrency market this year. .

Brazilian analysts indicate 6 cryptocurrencies to buy in 2024

The year 2024 began with Bitcoin (BTC) rising around 7%, breaking the $45,000 resistance and very close to the approval of the first BTC spot ETF in the US The year 2024 began with Bitcoin (BTC) rising around 7%, breaking the resistance of US$45,000 and very close to the approval of the first BTC spot ETF in the USA, a product that since 2013 has been touted as a major catalyst for a rise in the largest cryptocurrency on the market.
Analyzing the current scenario and how the crypto market is expected to behave during the year, Beto Fernandes, cryptocurrency analyst at Foxbit, said that it is impossible to point out that the recent rise in Bitcoin prices does not affect the prospects for the cryptocurrency market this year. .
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