
The current price of Ethereum continues to fluctuate, and the price on the daily line has not been able to rise, resulting in the current bullish trend not being too strong. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on the suppression of 3730 for short-selling during the day, and the bullish support below is recommended to focus on the 3600 integer mark. In the four-hour chart, Ethereum is running in a downward channel as a whole. The bullish sentiment suppressed by the upward trend of the attached indicator has not been completely released, resulting in the fast and slow lines running below the zero axis. It is recommended to pay more attention to the support strength of 3620 in the four-hour chart. In the one-hour chart, the overall tendency is to fluctuate downward, with short-term suppression of 3680, and the overall downward range is 3720-3640. Based on the above, it is recommended to do more in the subsequent steady correction of Ethereum during the day, and short-selling at high levels can be handled.