Have you Ever Observe why Retailers Don’t cash out the High Profitable rallies and keep using as an Exit Liquidity

Because of their Mindset

They are like Sheep following the Herd

They know your lines how to give you 5% and take back 50%

They know How to trap you

Trading is the highest level of mental game

You Need to reanalyse your trading system every week

You Need to be Flexible and Adopt the Mindset that’s work

What we Normally Observe in the Market

When there is time to Pick Quality Setups in Good demand zone we keep waiting for more dips because of fear

It’s Fact

No one Can Catch the Exact Bottom Neither Sell the Top

It’s Game of Probabilities accept this or market will accept it on you

Be Humble or market will make you Humble

This is the most wild Casino


If Everyone is worried in this casino then You Shouldn't Be Worried But If Nobody is Worried then you Should Be Very Worried.