What is the quantum internet?

It is a network of quantum computers that will send, compute, and receive information encoded in quantum states such as the qubit. Currently, this network is still in theoretical phase. In the quantum world, data can be encoded in the state of qubits, which can be created in quantum devices like a quantum computer or a quantum processor. And the quantum internet, in simple terms, will involve sending qubits across a network of multiple quantum devices that are physically separated by distance.

Will the quantum internet close down the Internet?

I can safely say no, the “traditional internet”, as the regular internet is sometimes called, will continue to exist. So, two online realms for you to continue to advance and available for you to understand and master.

Who are the contributors to quantum internet?

The largest at this point is the US Dept of Energy (AKA DOE) recently they releases their blueprint for quantum internet. You can read it here https://www.energy.gov/articles/us-department-energy-unveils-blueprint-quantum-internet-launch-future-quantum-internet

How far until we reach quantum internet era?

Currently, the quantum internet is in the nascent stage and there is no consensus as to when that timeframe will arrive. My belief is it will arrive incrementally. On the short end we have physics world saying 10-years and on the long-end we have others saying 20 to 30-years off due to the complications around secrecy. Either way its coming in bits and pieces; nah it will be in qubits. Sorry for the dorky humor!