Microstrategy accumulates more Bitcoins

The founder of Microstrategy #michaelsaylor , announced yesterday, November 30, the purchase of another 93.3 million dollars on #bitcoin . There were 16,130 Bitcoins at an average price of US$36,785 for each bitcoin, a total value of 93.3 million dollars.

After this additional contribution, #Microstrategy now has the surprising amount of 174,530 Bitcoins. The company now owns 174,530 Bitcoins, purchased for a total of $5.28 billion, at an average cost of just over $30,000 per unit.

Before the approved ETFs, it is important to note that when we see a company like Microstrategy, which is currently the largest holder of Bitcoin in the world, we sometimes think about where so much money comes from and who is financing them, that is, who are the your biggest shareholders?

When we look at the list of its largest shareholders, we immediately see names that catch our attention, such as #BlackRock , #Fidelity and even banking giant Morgan Stanley.

While these giants continue to invest in the crypto market, mainly in Bitcoin, some analysts still insist on predicting catastrophic falls for bitcoin and the entire crypto market in general. It seems they know the same thing we know.

The future is crypto