#Write2Earn‬ #BinanceFutureTrading

Daily Asset Analysis:

$FTM #FTM has updated itself to pre-dump levels of January. There's a 2.2% price spread located around the upper levels. Nice opportunities would become apparent by border testing.

For Long: E 0.466 , TP 0.48 , SL 0.458

For Short: E 0.454 , TP 0.44 , SL 0.462

$QTUM #QTUM has recovered to pre-dump levels of January. In order to update it's high from December 2023, upper mark should be broken. Volatility moves inside a 2.5% spread.

For Long: E 3.6 , TP 3.75 , SL 3.52

For Short: E 3.48 , TP 3.35 , SL 3.56
