Do you feel like you are joining the crypto world late?

This is not financial advice.!!!

This is a question asked by many who are just starting out and see that the prices a year ago were much lower than today, for example, at the beginning of January 2023 the price of bitcoin was approximately $16,000 USD and today the price is $52,000 USD. The “Bitcoin Halving” is coming soon and that may make prices go up for bitcoin and others crypto currencies.

If you do not have money to invest in crypto currencies, there are projects that are in development that have the option of generating coins without investing money.

Grass Project is one of them. Grass is the underlying infrastructure that powers AI models. By installing the Grass web extension, the application will automatically sell your unused internet to AI companies, who use it to scrape the internet and train their models. The result? You share in the growth of AI, earning a stake in the network for selling a resource you didn’t even know you had.

By participating in Grass, you’re directly contributing to the growth of artificial intelligence. Networks like these are required to train AI models, and AI labs are some of our biggest customers.

Grass is a network for exchanging bandwidth and bandwidth only. There is no possible way for buyers to see your data or view your activity. Security and privacy are 100% guaranteed.

Here’s a referral link, if you use it, you will get an extra 5,000 coin when you completely sell at least 100 hours of internet bandwidth.

You never know if a crypto currency will rise in value and perhaps could be a great opportunity in the future.

#GrassAI #grass