
Mental resistance.

Finally#Bitcoinhas reached the long-awaited 100k.

Will it have the strength to stay above it for a long time or will we have mental resistance.

I've been in this for over 7 years and have been at #binance since day number 1, and I'm very happy about this point, but for me it's just another round number. For those who have been in this for a short time or just because the news says that 100k has been reached, they think it's a great achievement.

It was a great achievement when it reached 1k, 10k and it's nothing more than an achievement.

When it reaches 200k, which will be soon, we'll have more news.

Mental resistance is nothing more than that, mental resistance. I'm more interested in it staying above 100k to become a support, and then it stops being a mental resistance and becomes a simple resistance.

It's a #2024withBinance and it will be a 2025 and a 2026 + n