Many people earn money but can't distinguish whether it's due to their ability or luck, especially with certain cryptocurrencies. The simplest way to distinguish is, if a similar opportunity comes again, would you still be able to seize it?

With the same cryptocurrency, some people grasp it without understanding, while others capture it under confirmed trends and sectors. Although both largely rely on luck, the latter has a much higher probability of success in the same market conditions, making it a vague correctness.

Why is it important to distinguish between luck and skill? Gains and losses originate from the same source; if you earn money but your understanding doesn't keep up, you might eventually lose it back. Most people in the crypto space who have made significant profits have experienced making money, going bankrupt, reflecting on their mistakes, studying diligently, and then making money again, often consistently. At least I, Jiu Ge, have personally gone through this.


If anyone feels confused due to market fluctuations, unsure how to deal with being trapped, or feels misled during their operations, I am Jiu Ge, and I welcome communication.