Everyday millions are earned in short positions and Millions are lost in long positions.
In the rumors of bull season 90% people go long on every dip hoping to catch the bottom, but they fell in their trap, because it keep falling and falling.
When their is a rise it is sudden and fast and it does not let enter most of people. when everybody observe big green candles they go long and then again it starts falling till they are run away or get liquidated.
In the start of a months mostly people get salaries and invest more, that is the reason they will keep falling the prices of almost all coins to take all of their money. When after 1st week all of people lose their extra money which they had to invest then they start pumping the coins and majority of people dont have anything to invest and they just keep watching the green candles in regret.
Majority of miilionairs make money in short positions, amd majority of people lose money in long positions.