Just a quick insight into a life of a trader.

80% people lost their capital within a month.

15% people lost within 3 months.

3% take upto a year .

2% rest on their capital or 10-20% gain/loss in a year.

Only 1% make it to top.

But funny thing is everybody pass through this phase and experience this if any trader tells you he never liquidated, 99% chance they are lying. Give exceptions to 1% hardcore consistent people.

You just need to ask where you are now and where you want to be .

Patience is the key and psychology is the art to master in this race . It’s not a sprint , it’s a marathon.

So be a 🐢 in race of 🐇 .

About me - my results can show you on which level I am #CryptoPreUSElection $BTC $ETH $BNB