Why do so many people still play after contract liquidation?

Because making money with contracts is just too fast; it's either liquidation or huge profits, theoretically there is a 50% chance on both sides.

Invest 10,000, open a 100x contract, if successful it’s 1 million, if it fails, 10,000 goes to zero, and continue delivering food to accumulate capital.

During this process, many people make 1 million but can't stop; after earning 100, they want to earn 200; when they reach 200, they aim for 300; and then in an extreme market condition, they get liquidated;

They lose 10,000 but are unwilling to give up, keep going, and even borrow loans and swipe credit cards, continuing to hold the position, resulting in greater and greater losses, getting deeper and deeper. In the end, they cannot extricate themselves.

This is a common script for contract players; no one exits the contract market unscathed; everyone ends up at zero, without exception.

Contracts bring immense thrills, players enjoy the extreme experience during the process, and even though in the end it’s all for nothing, they once had millions, albeit just on paper.

After rational reflection, most people can recognize the problems and don’t want to get further involved, but once caught up in the excitement, all actions are driven by emotions until they reach zero.

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