Always know that human psychology never change. It's always the same only that it's you who hasn't invested time to find out.

In the volatile world of crypto, rumors , regulatory action and macroeconomic factors tend to influence price action and in just a blink of an eye the market prices of different cryptos slide down deeper or sharply rise. The reactions in the market can either cause fear and panic or FOMO depending on people's perception of the scenerio at that time. Positive news đŸ“°đŸ—žïž create greed and FOMO in markets as people rush to buy their favorite cryptos so as to capitalize on the current trend before it dies out. On the other hand negative đŸ“°đŸ—žïž make people sell their cryptos in fear of making losses and wait for the perfect time to get back in the market once the negativity has withered way.

As a crypto investor especially a spot trader and a holder, you should use this time when people are fearful and as the market is bleeding and buy some crypto tokens at a discount and wait for the negativity to die away. Once positive news return to the market you can make some reasonable profits depending on the size of your investment. However much it looks like a simple strategy, the fact is that; people will always behave the same way and a few of them smarter enough can utilize the tough times and load their bags during bleeding market times.

#xrp #etf #bnbgreenfield



Always do your own research.

Crypto investment is highly volatile ...