Is the Pixel leather shoes game sector an opportunity to enter the market? What do you think of the 50-point interest rate cut?

#pixelleather shoes game section market price 0.142

Today's increase is 6%

This coin came out this year

Since its release, the highest price is 1 oil and the lowest is 0.1 oil

Yesterday's interest rate cut was 50 points. It is estimated that there will be a wave of upward spread in the near future. I am looking forward to it

From the daily level, the K-line trend and the MACD trend have formed a bottom divergence action, waiting for the next market reversal action.

If you need to be optimistic about entering the warehouse, this is an opportunity. Leather shoes coin

Leather shoes K-line analysis

The upper pressure position looks at 0.17 US dollars

The lower support level looks at the position of 0.12 US dollars

Contract transactions set a stop loss profit position to prevent plug-in situations

For reference only

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