The interest rate cut is imminent, and the highs and falls continue to increase! 9.18 Big Pancake Auntie Market Analysis and Operation Ideas

Yesterday, the price of the currency rose to 61320 directly after the bullish 60000. It's really a dog. Why do you say it's a dog? Friends can compare it with Ethereum. Ethereum didn't even touch 2400, let alone a new high, while the pancake has reached a new high! At 2 o'clock this morning, the Federal Reserve announced the interest rate decision! Will the interest rate be cut by 25 basis points or 50 basis points tonight? Let's wait and see!

From the market point of view, the currency price rebounded strongly, and the downward trend of the general trend has been broken in the evening. The overall trend is biased towards bulls. The daily line closed with a big positive column in the early trading, but with upper and lower leads, the Bollinger band slowly opened, indicating that the bulls are coming. Yesterday's KDJ has been corrected and started to move upward again, and MACD is also upward and the volume is large! The daily line remains bullish!

In the four-hour chart, the Bollinger Bands opened, and the price of the currency stopped falling and rebounded. It rebounded by nearly 40,000 points yesterday. It reached a high of 61,320 in the early morning and began to retreat. It reached a low of 59,618 in the early morning and stopped falling. Therefore, the idea of ​​the day is to retreat and go long. The pressure position of the cake is to pay attention to 61,000 and 61,600, and the support below is 59,600 and 59,000.

9.18 Big cake operation idea: 59,600-60,000 to go long, the target is around 61,000, and break the position to hold There is a view around 61600. If the interest rate is cut by 50 basis points, the mid-term target is 65000

Ether operation ideas: enter the market around 2300 and go long, the target is 2350-2380, break the position and hold around 2400-2440, and the mid-term target is 2550

The interest rate cut is imminent at 2 a.m., which is theoretically good for the crypto market, but large investors and institutions have already ambushed in advance. We must also be careful of market crashes when it is good, and use stop loss to control risks! If you don’t understand the market, you’d better wait and see. If the point is reached, enter. If the point is not reached, wait and see. Only by keeping the principal can you have a chance! Ideas are shared every day, and you can check it by following the ✔️ rate! I hope that the analysis of repeated reviews every day can help more friends! If you don’t understand or can’t do well, you can follow Conan’s ideas and rush together! ! ! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储利率决议公布在即 #美国8月零售销售环比好于预期 #加密市场反弹