

Brothers, don't panic, look at the chart! To put it bluntly, this market is about selling high and buying low. Don't chase high and sell low, you will lose money steadily! If you don't keep up with the rhythm, wait for the key position to open an order, so as to reduce the stop loss and increase the profit opportunity.

Don't think "wait a little longer, the price will rise back", that's the rhythm of waiting for a liquidation or holding an order! Now the market is washing up and down in the consolidation range. The longer the washing, the more fierce the market will be. As for whether it will rise or fall later, it depends on which side breaks through.

The current strategy is very simple. Open a short order when it is close to the upper boundary, and the stop loss is just a little bit; open a long order when it is close to the lower boundary. Don't think about the pattern or not, draw a Fibonacci by yourself, and stop profit in batches. If you don't understand, then use a moving stop loss. For example, if it rises by 30%, move the stop loss up by 10%. At least this way you can preserve your capital, and preserving your capital is the most important thing!