BTC stands at the 60,000 mark, is it ready to stabilize⁉️Ethereum continues to be weak, will it rebound and hit 3,000⁉️

Look at tomorrow's key support level to get the answer⚠️There are still 5 days before the interest rate cut is announced

🩸ETH's lower support level is currently only 2310 to 2360, you can try to take more, but you can set a stop loss

Bitcoin is also in the support range of 58,600 to 59,500

⚠️If you want to quickly start a round of violent bull market, then this support, especially Ethereum The support of the square will definitely not fall below, and a round of big rise will start directly from this support. 🩸If it falls below this support, it means that the wash-out has not ended, and the market will enter a wide range of fluctuations. I personally think that the possibility of wide fluctuations is not very high. At present, ETH does not have enough space below. $BTC #灰度将推出首个美国XRP信托 #美国8月核心CPI超预期