➡️ $BTC - According to @AxelAdlerJr, $BTC's RSI has dropped to its lowest level since July and was similarly low in September last year. Since September last year, BTC was at 26k, but 6 months later it reached 73k.

➡️ $BTC - Arthur Hayes opened a SHORT position on $BTC, noting that $BTC could correct below $50,000 over the weekend, but quickly closed the position 😅. Hayes argues that more US dollar liquidity is flowing into the market this week and bitcoin price “could go up.”

➡️ $FB - Fractal Bitcoin launches Mainnet. 80% of all tokens are allocated to the community, with only 20% for the team and contributors. This 80% includes Proof of Work mining, which accounts for 50% of the total supply.

➡️ Tether has acquired a 9.8% stake in Adecoagro, a large Latin American agricultural conglomerate.

➡️ $USDC - USDC has just minted another 50 million $USDC.

➡️ $AMB - AirDao has announced the upcoming launch of its liquid staking product, HARBOR. The liquid staking product will be launched in September, and 3 tokens - $AST $HRB $HBR - will undergo TGE in October.