In current judicial practice, the disposal of virtual currency has become a focus of attention. According to the "2022 China Virtual Currency Judicial Disposal Report" released by Zero One Finance, as of the end of 2022, the total amount of virtual currency to be disposed of by Chinese judicial organs has reached an astonishing value, involving Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT) and other mainstream virtual currencies, with a total value estimated to exceed billions of US dollars. According to statistics from the SAFEIS Security Research Institute, my country has cracked down on a total of 428 virtual currency crime cases in 2023, a decrease of 88.9% from 2022, but the overall amount involved has increased sharply to 430.719 billion yuan, about 12.36 times that of 2022. Virtual currency has gradually become one of the main virtual property involved in criminal cases in my country. These data only cover known virtual currencies that have officially entered the judicial process. The actual number may be even larger, because many cases are still in the investigation stage and have not yet been fully counted.

The judicial disposal of virtual currencies involved in the case is a rather thorny and practical problem for judicial organs at present. On the one hand, the successive release of the "Announcement on Preventing the Risks of Token Issuance and Financing" in 2017 and the "Notice on Further Preventing and Dealing with the Risks of Virtual Currency Trading Speculation" in 2021 further clarified the strict restrictions on virtual currency transactions. The policy adjustment not only reshaped the legal position of virtual currencies, turning them from potential currency alternatives to the focus of illegal financial activities, but also had a profound impact on judicial practice, especially in the legal identification of the nature of virtual currencies and their judicial disposal process, which put forward new challenges and requirements. On the other hand, judicial organs have a practical need to dispose of virtual currencies. In cases related to fund-raising fraud, telecommunications network fraud, opening casinos, organizing and leading pyramid schemes, money laundering, etc., judicial organs need to realize the purpose of cashing out the seized virtual currencies in order to determine the amount of the crime or pay them to the state treasury. In addition, it also includes virtual currencies that are the objects of property preservation in civil cases, as well as those confiscated in administrative illegal activities. Since traditional disposal methods such as auctioning and selling are difficult to implement due to violations of current laws and regulations, a large amount of virtual currency has been sealed and cannot be converted into liquid funds, affecting the normal operation of economic activities. Therefore, legal regulation of the judicial disposal of virtual currency is imminent.

In the face of the judicial disposal of virtual currencies, the public security organs have actively explored. For example, Shandong Province and Fujian Province have proposed different disposal methods, including negotiation with the issuer for recovery, auction priority, and entrusting a third-party agency to dispose of them. However, these attempts still face challenges in terms of compliance, regulatory gaps, and risk control at the operational level. The current disposal methods, whether through third-party company transactions or entrusted to overseas companies for cash realization, have compliance risks, including but not limited to duty crimes, violations of the policy prohibiting virtual currency speculation, and foreign exchange management regulations. Although the public security organs have tried a variety of disposal methods, due to the lack of unified standards, the implementation varies greatly from place to place, and some disposal methods, such as domestic OTC transactions, have been reduced in use.

The following legal issues are usually faced in the judicial disposal of virtual currency: First, the issue of ownership identification. In terms of evidence collection, the main difficulty faced by judicial organs is how to accurately track and confirm ownership in the anonymous trading environment of virtual currency. To this end, they need to rely on a series of complex evidence collection methods, including analysis of transaction records obtained from virtual currency exchanges, smart contract codes, and tracking of IP addresses and geographic location data, which form the basis for building a complete chain of evidence in virtual currency cases. In addition, expert testimony also plays a key role in explaining the complexity of blockchain technology and virtual currency transactions, helping the court understand and evaluate the ownership and value of virtual currency. The ownership identification of virtual currency faces the dual challenges of anonymity and decentralization. Its ownership is based on private key control rather than traditional real-name accounts or third-party registration, which brings great difficulties to the confirmation of ownership in judicial practice. Judicial organs need to build a diversified chain of evidence, including electronic data, transaction records, network logs, witness testimony, etc., to ensure the integrity and reliability of the chain of evidence. At the same time, with the help of professional technical means of third-party institutions, ensure the authenticity and legitimacy of private keys, strengthen confidentiality and security measures, and maintain the fairness of judicial procedures and the security of virtual currency.

The second is the issue of virtual currency valuation. Market volatility and the choice of valuation time are crucial to the valuation of virtual currency. The price of virtual currency is affected by many factors, and the choice of valuation time directly affects its value. How to determine the valuation time to reflect the true value of virtual currency has become a major problem. The determination of the valuation standard and the authenticity of the data are directly related to the valuation of virtual currency. There are price differences between different trading platforms, and it is crucial to choose the appropriate valuation standard. At the same time, how to prevent conflicts of interest and data manipulation in the evaluation process and ensure the authenticity and credibility of the evaluation results are also important challenges faced by judicial organs. Judicial organs need to strengthen dynamic evaluation strategies, adjust the evaluation time in a timely manner in combination with market analysis and case progress, and use multi-platform data integration and the services of professional evaluation agencies to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the evaluation results, enhance the transparency of the evaluation process, and accept multi-party supervision to ensure the fairness of the evaluation process and the acceptability of the results.

The third issue is the legal realization of virtual currency. In terms of grasping the timing of realization and market risks, the price of virtual currency fluctuates, and choosing the best time to realize the currency to maximize value recovery has become a major challenge for judicial organs. At the same time, how to find a balance between legal channels and efficient transactions to ensure that the realization process complies with laws and regulations is also a difficult problem. In terms of the clarity and complexity of fund allocation and ownership, the proceeds from realization should be reasonably allocated to ensure that the rights and interests of all stakeholders are properly handled. This involves legal, economic and social considerations, and its complexity should not be underestimated. The legal realization of virtual currency involves the choice of realization timing and the control of market risks. Judicial organs need to carefully choose the best time to realize the currency, establish and improve risk management mechanisms, and ensure the compliance and security of the realization process. By selecting well-known domestic and foreign trading platforms or judicial auction platforms, a sound compliance review mechanism is established to ensure that all operations comply with the requirements of laws and regulations, achieve transparency and fairness in fund allocation, protect the legitimate rights and interests of all stakeholders, and maintain the country's financial order and social welfare.

The dilemma in the judicial disposal of virtual currencies involved in the case is that while the property attributes of virtual currencies are denied in cognition, the property value presented by virtual currencies cannot be avoided in the process of handling the property involved in the case. In view of the complexity and challenges of virtual currency disposal, my country's judicial practice must issue a comprehensive set of guidelines for the judicial disposal of virtual currencies as soon as possible to provide a clear legal basis and operational norms for this emerging field. This guideline should cover multiple dimensions such as the legal status, compliance requirements, asset disposal procedures, and legal responsibilities of virtual currencies, so as to build a more fair, transparent, and secure market environment and promote the healthy development of the virtual currency industry.

Clarifying the legal status of virtual currencies is the cornerstone of building a compliance framework. The guidelines should define the attributes of different types of virtual currencies, such as cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and functional tokens, clarify their position in the legal system, and whether they are considered property, commodities, or other forms of assets. At the same time, the compliance requirements for virtual currencies should be established, including registration and filing, information disclosure, anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing measures, etc., to ensure that the business activities of market participants are legal and compliant.

The standardization of asset disposal procedures is the key to ensuring the smooth judicial disposal of virtual currencies. The guidelines should specify in detail the legal procedures for freezing, sealing, seizing, auctioning, and selling virtual currencies, and clarify the responsibilities and powers of judicial organs, financial institutions, and third-party institutions in the disposal process. At the same time, the legal responsibilities for violations of regulations, including administrative penalties and criminal responsibilities, should be defined to form a strong legal deterrent and ensure the fairness and legality of disposal activities.

Protecting the rights and interests of the parties is the core of building a fair market environment. The guidelines should ensure that in the process of virtual currency disposal, the parties' rights to know, participate and seek relief are fully respected, and every step of the disposal process should be open and transparent and subject to social supervision. In addition, the selection and supervision of third-party institutions should be standardized, and the professionalism and fairness of third-party institutions should be ensured through public bidding or competitive negotiations to avoid secret operations and conflicts of interest.

In order to improve the transparency and security of virtual currency disposal, the guidelines should also emphasize the importance of process traceability and strengthened supervision. When third-party institutions dispose of virtual currency, they need to record the details of the operation throughout the process to ensure that every step is traceable for subsequent audits and reviews. At the same time, a sound cross-departmental supervision mechanism should be established, including judicial organs, financial regulatory agencies, etc., to monitor the entire disposal process, promptly discover and correct violations, and maintain market order.

The cross-border nature of virtual currency determines that its supervision and disposal require international cooperation. my country should actively participate in the formulation of international rules, share experiences with regulators of various countries, coordinate policies, jointly combat transnational virtual currency crimes, and prevent financial risks. At the same time, building a vibrant, safe and controllable virtual currency judicial disposal ecosystem will not only help promote the healthy development of the digital economy, but also contribute Chinese wisdom to global virtual currency governance.

In summary, the exploration and optimization of compliance paths for the judicial disposal of virtual currencies are of great significance for maintaining financial stability and promoting the healthy development of the market. The supervision and judicial disposal of virtual currencies is a systematic project that requires the coordinated efforts of legislation, judicial and regulatory agencies, as well as international cooperation. The judicial disposal of virtual currencies not only tests the adaptability and innovation awareness of the legal systems of various countries, but also puts forward higher requirements for global regulatory cooperation. In the face of the challenges of this emerging field, how to find a balance between maintaining financial security and promoting technological innovation has become a key issue that needs to be answered urgently worldwide. In the face of the opportunities and challenges brought by virtual currencies, my country should continue to uphold the principle of prudence, provide a clear legal framework for the judicial disposal of virtual currencies by issuing comprehensive guidelines, build a healthy, transparent and efficient financial market environment, and lay a solid legal foundation for the prosperity and development of the digital economy and digital finance.$BNB