Pavel Durov, the CEO and founder of Telegram, was recently arrested in France on August 24, 2024, upon landing at Le Bourget airport near Paris. His arrest is connected to a variety of serious allegations, including fraud, drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime linked to activities on Telegram. French authorities acted on an arrest warrant that had been issued as part of an ongoing investigation into these charges.The arrest has garnered significant attention, not only because of the serious nature of the charges but also due to Durov's prominence as a tech figure and his history of clashing with various governments over issues of privacy and freedom of speech. Telegram has been criticized in the past for its lack of content moderation, which has allegedly allowed criminal activities to flourish on the platform.As of the latest updates, Durov is expected to face formal charges, and the potential penalties could be severe, including a lengthy prison sentence. The case is still developing, and more details are likely to emerge as French authorities continue their investigation [❞] [❞].