✍🏿Kamala Harris recently unveiled a sweeping $1.7 trillion economic plan, sparking concern as the U.S. national debt continues to climb past $35 trillion. This ambitious proposal includes government intervention in regulating how much private companies can charge for their products—a move that may have unintended consequences.

It's crucial to understand that rising prices are not the root cause of inflation but rather a symptom. Inflation is fundamentally driven by an increase in the money supply, and attempting to control prices through government mandates often leads to shortages and suppressed inflation rather than solving the underlying issue.

In the context of smart money management, this policy raises alarms. Historically, price controls have led to market distortions and inefficiencies, ultimately harming the economy. Investors and consumers alike should remain vigilant and consider the broader implications of such interventions as the 2024 election approaches. 🌱