When my analysis is wrong (even for only once), people will call me a clown. But when my analysis is right, I never get anything.

Wanna know how much I get from writing 5-12 posts a day? It's 0.137 FUSD PER WEEK. Yes, you read it right, PER WEEK! I only get small portion of 5% trading fees if you execute a trade by clicking the chart I provided on each posts.

If you trade 100 USDT from my chart, the Binance trading fee would be around 0.05 USDT, and I only get around 0.0025 FUSD from your trade.

Please understand that I spend 4-7 hours daily analysing the market. I do writing as a part of my hobby, and I'd like to help you in your trading journey too.

I don't ask anything from you, I don't give you my wallet address to beg you for money or anything. I maybe poor, but I still have my dignity. Just please, pretty please, let's be respectful to each other. Let's make the world a better place.