The End Of Age & The Financial Markets

We've recently witnessed massive #MarketDownturn involving crypto, stocks, ETFs etc. The cause of this is multifactorial with exports pointing at the political/societal tensions around the world, the impending Israel-Iran war, US jobs data and fear of possible recession, people liquidating positions to afford basic commodities due to rising inflation, massive sell of from governments and institutions, etc.

What I would like to point out is the impact of the transition from the current age(the Church Age) to the Tribulation. The events around Israel can be used as a compass to gauge the closeness to the #Rapture, the return of the Messiah to take the holy Church. What will happen to the financial markets on the day of the Rapture? We could predict a high level of panic followed by a massive crash. Those who will remain will face the ferocity of the 7 years of tribulation and contend with the antichrist who will then be revealed including a new financial system of not being able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast.

The spiritual solution is to repent of all sins and accept Jesus as Lord and saviour, turn away from wickedness and avoid worshiping money. The love of money is the root of all forms of evil. We have seen people taking their own lives once they lose a fortune, but those who depend on God are optimists. They are like a house built on solid rock/foundation that withstands the storms of market crashes. Be strong and courageous. Look at the signs of the end times and prepare in holiness for evacuation during the Rapture. Do not be left here to face the tribulation when there will be more focus on Israel.
