7.25 Operation Suggestions

Last night, the price of Bitcoin surged above 67,000, but unfortunately it did not stabilize. After midnight, Bitcoin fell by nearly 2,000 points and the lowest point was around 65,050. The current exchange rate is around 65,300.

Judging from the current trend, the shorts are still increasing. If the market continues to break 65,000, it will continue to fall. Otherwise, we can wait for a wave of lows to continue to buy the bottom and go long. The main thing is to see whether the 65,000 mark can be maintained. The exchange rate has bottomed out here many times. Brother Bin believes that this is an opportunity to choose to buy the bottom and go long.

Big pie idea: mostly around 65,000, target 66,000-66,500

Second pie idea: mostly around 3,300, target around 3,360-3,400

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