Build balanced portfolio

🟢Crypto trading is still at an evolving stage. While several countries welcome trading in the cryptos, some are still skeptical about it. Central banks across the globe are working on better ways to regulate digital currencies and therefore, trading in cryptos is often a risky affair. However, there are strategies that can help investors steer clear of extreme volatility.

🟢Building a balanced portfolio that includes variety of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Dogecoin and Ethereum could go a long way in beating volatility.

🟢Besides, investors can also maintain a fixed amount of regular investments in different cryptos. This will increase the risk appetite in a systematic manner and will help your portfolio to yield favourable returns in the long term.

Avoid making trading calls based on hype

🟢Relying on social media for news on cryptocurrencies is among the mistakes that new investors tend to make. Investment decisions should never be based on hype created on social media. Since digital currency is a hot topic, false information on this topic tends to travel very quickly.

Primary Research

🟢One of the most important trading strategies is to do primary research. You need not be an expert at trading to conduct primary research on the value of the asset you wish to purchase. This involves being updated with all the news flow regarding the crypto industry. WazirX helps you do that quickly by collating all the news items that you need to read before the start of your day.

Besides, you must evaluate your own finances and set an investment goal well before placing a bet on a volatile asset class such as crypto. You can research Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple, Litecoin, etc. and start investing on binance


🟢Arbitrage refers to the strategy under which a trader buys crypto in one market and sells it in another. The difference between the buy and sell price is known as ‘spread’. Owing to the difference in liquidity and trading volume, traders can find an opportunity to book profit. To adopt this opportunity, you must open accounts on exchanges that show a large difference between prices for the crypto that you are trading at.

Betting on Bitcoin Volatility

🟢It's not news that Crypto is among the most volatile asset classes being traded currently. Recently, Bitcoin prices had fluctuated nearly 30% in a single session. You can bet on volatility by trading in Bitcoin futures. The way to go about it is by buying a call and put option at the same instance. The strike price and expiration date must also be similar. To exit, when crypto prices fall or rise vigorously, you must sell the call and put option at the same time too.

📌This is not for only bitcoin this strategies follow in all Altcoins and Nft



