Binance SOL Staking
Optimize your staked SOL & Unlock liquidity
Reference APR
1 BNSOL ≈ 1.00212135 SOL
Conversion Ratio
Next Update Time

Start earning in 3 steps

  • 1
    Stake SOL
    Stake SOL and get BNSOL as the tokenized representation on your staked SOL
  • 2
    Get more on your staked SOL
    Earn SOL staking rewards by holding BNSOL
  • 3
    Flexibility to Redeem SOL
    Redeem BNSOL for SOL

What is BNSOL?

BNSOL unlocks your staked Solana (SOL) liquidity, it accumulates SOL staking rewards by growing in value in relation to SOL, even when it is used in Binance products or DeFi projects.

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What is SOL Staking?

SOL Staking involves staking your Solana (SOL) tokens to earn staking rewards.

Binance lowers the barriers for users to stake Solana, by offering a user-friendly liquid staking product that provides liquidity, lower minimum requirements, and enhanced security, making it easier and more convenient to stake SOL.

What is BNSOL and what can I do with it?
Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL) represents your staked SOL plus the staking rewards received, in a tradable and transferable form. Ordinary staking would lock up your staked assets, which means you cannot use them for other purposes – it increases a user's opportunity cost. In contrast, BNSOL provides flexibility to sell, transfer, or use the staked SOL position. You can even move BNSOL to a personal wallet and use it outside the Binance platform whilst still earning rewards. BNSOL accumulates staking rewards through the BNSOL - SOL conversion rate, even when it is used in other Binance products or external DeFi applications for additional yield opportunities.
Why does my APR change and how is the APR calculated?
The SOL staking APR is dynamic and follows the on-chain staking rewards, which update upon each Solana epoch (roughly every 2-3 days) and fluctuate due to various factors including overall network staking participation, the performance of the validator nodes, and the total amount of SOL staked in the entire network. A 25% commission fee on the validator APR is charged to ensure product sustainability and reflected in the staking rewards. Rewards are distributed to Binance Solana staking users on a per Epoch basis (approximately every 2-3 days) after the rewards are generated on-chain. Please note that you will not receive any rewards until the first Solana epoch following your subscription, and that the conversion rate will remain the same for the current epoch until the next epoch update.
Why do I get less BNSOL amount than the SOL amount I staked?

Staking SOL into BNSOL does not diminish your SOL balance. Both your SOL and earned rewards can be reclaimed based on the applicable conversion ratio at redemption.

The BNSOL:SOL ratio is not 1:1 because 1 BNSOL represents 1 staked SOL plus the staking rewards since 2024-08-26 06:04 (UTC). Due to the accumulation of staking rewards, the value of 1 BNSOL progressively exceeds that of 1 SOL. The ratio is updated daily to reflect the rewards earned from the staked SOL.

Example*: On 22 September 2024, the BNSOL:SOL conversion ratio was 1:1.01004105. When a user stakes 10 SOL, they would obtain 9.90058770 BNSOL based on the conversion ratio.

SOL staking rewards accumulate, and the user's BNSOL becomes worth more SOL. Three months later, on 23 December 2024, the BNSOL:SOL conversion ratio had grown to 1:1.01980774.

If the user redeems their BNSOL on that day, they would receive 10.09669596 SOL, which includes both their staked amount and the earned rewards.

*The numbers above are for illustrative purposes only. The actual scenario depends on the conversion rate at stake/redeem, the holding period of BNSOL, and on-chain SOL staking APR, etc.

How often does the BNSOL:SOL conversion rate change/update?

Every Epoch on Solana network (approximately 2-3 days) and that the conversion rate will remain the same for the current epoch until the next epoch update.. You can check the timer for the next Epoch on Binance SOL Staking page.

Please note that staking/redemption feature is paused in the period when the BNSOL:SOL conversion rate is being updated (approximately 10 minutes).

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