I’m giving away thousands of dollars to everyone.

Yeah, you heard it right. I’m giving you thousands of dollars for free. But how? Giving thousands to 2 million people means a lot of money!

Well, my friend, maybe I’m rich, but I’m not fool. I won’t give a single penny from my pocket. But I’ll make sure everyone who reading this post and are serious gets more than thousands of dollars.


You need to follow these 5 steps.

1. Go to my profile by clicking on the profile picture.

2. Click on search button, and search for “HotTrends” on my profile.

3. Copy the posts. There should be 6 posts on 6 different topics. If you see less, that means I’m still writing the remaining one. Post what is available and come back after 2-3 days later.

4. Post the copied content in your square. Do some modifications. You can tag me or not tag be, it’s up to you.

5. Post it with all the hashtags in it. If you miss one, you will lose all the money.

6. Search about HotTrends challenge on Binance to know more about the opportunities.

7. Also add #Write2Earn to all of your post, to earn money. I don’t add, because I don’t need to make money out of content. I make money in other ways.

What is my benefit if you make money?

1. You will copy my posts. That means many more people will get helped from my knowledge.

2. You are getting financially benefited. So you will support me and pray for me.

3. I’m becoming a person with influence. As my message is spreading via blockchain of people. (It’s like crypto).

4. If my account get suspended, the post and knowledge will still be there.

So feel free to copy my contents. Not just these one, any of my content. If you like it, steal it!

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#2EARN #Salid