According to Cointelegraph, cryptocurrency-friendly messaging platform Telegram is experiencing significant outages, with numerous users reporting difficulties accessing content on the app. Data from Downdetector indicates that hundreds of users began reporting server connection issues around 10:30 am UTC on October 3. The most common problems included sending and receiving messages and other connection-related issues within the app.

Source: Outage.Report

Outage.Report noted on X that Telegram has been down since 10:22 am UTC, affecting users in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia, Netherlands, and Germany. This recent outage follows a smaller disruption detected on October 2, as per Downdetector's information.

The outages coincide with Telegram CEO Pavel Durov's recent disclosure that the platform has been sharing the IP addresses of criminals with authorities since 2018. Durov is currently under investigation in France, facing six charges related to illicit activities on the messaging platform, with French prosecutors indicting him on August 28.

This is a developing story, and further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.