Breaking news! 83480385677 and 65720318350 are deleting zeros?
There are rumors online that "SHIB will rise to 1 dollar" and "PEPE will explode", making people eager to jump in and follow the trend. But we need to stay calm and think carefully about whether this is reliable.
To be honest, up until now, the teams of SHIB and PEPE haven't even hinted at deleting zeros. This means that these claims are just wild guesses with no real evidence. Rumors fly in the crypto space, and we need to have composure; it's better to wait for official statements before taking action.
If deleting zeros could actually happen, what kind of logic would support it?
First, a large amount of tokens would need to be burned, which is the most direct method. But this is not something that can be done overnight; it requires time and planning. Moreover, even if this is done, the price may not immediately rise, as the market supply and demand are what they are.
Secondly, tokens need to have utility; simply reducing supply is not enough; there must be usage and market demand. If SHIB and PEPE do not have widespread applications, their prices will eventually fall. Relying solely on hype can only sustain interest for a short period.
Finally, for MEME coins like SHIB and PEPE, community support is crucial. If the people in the community are passionate, the price can soar. But if there is only enthusiasm without substantive backing, that excitement won’t last long.
So, when we hear rumors, although we may feel excited, we need to be more rational. Because deleting zeros is not a simple task; it requires multiple factors to work together to achieve it. We must not let temporary emotions cloud our judgment.
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