The market value of BTC at 91200 is RMB 130,400, and the total market value of the currency market is RMB 21.6 trillion;
Stablecoins USDT, USDC, DAI, etc. are about 1.4 trillion. Stablecoins are used for purchases and cannot be used as the denominator;
The share is: 13.04 divided by (21.6-1.4) is approximately equal to 0.65
Top price: 91200 divided by 0.65 equals 140307 USD
Through exchange rate prediction: At present, as long as ETH is sideways or fluctuates slightly upward, it is in line with the exchange rate bear market channel. The exchange rate currently has 50% room for decline.
The highest price is: 91200*(1+50%) = 136800 USD
This is just the top price; it is not the needle price. Who knows how many times the price of the antenna is, but it is generally twice the top price.
If the observation group has better ideas, please post them in the comment area! Cut, rub, cut, rub martial arts…