🔴The time has come to pull back the curtain and expose the shadowy forces orchestrating the global game of dominance. This isn't just a war over land or borders—the stakes are far higher. It's about controlling the world's resources, manipulating a fragile economic system, and ensuring a perpetual cycle of debt that enslaves entire nations. But let's be clear—those writing the rules are the ones who will secure their wealth and power at the expense of ordinary people.

Occasionally, political insiders like Lindsey Graham let hints slip through the cracks. Amid talk of "natural gas reserves," "trillions in value," and the looming "China-Russia alliance," we get a fleeting glimpse of the bigger picture. Yes, there are vast natural gas reserves beneath Crimea. But the real question is, who will control them? Global capital, working hand in hand with American neoconservatives, is gearing up for another "liberation" mission—not unlike Iraq. Only this time, it’s not just about oil; it's about energy dominance that could tilt the geopolitical balance in Eastern Europe.

And then there's the ticking time bomb of the global debt system. People may dismiss the $34 trillion U.S. national debt as a distant, abstract number, but the truth is this debt-driven system is hurtling toward collapse. For now, the world economy keeps churning because we pay debt with more debt. But when China finally stops buying U.S. bonds, it all comes crashing down. Here’s where the real motive for military posturing lies: when the system finally fails, they’ll use war as the ultimate "reset" button.

Meanwhile, NATO—what’s essentially a "retirement home for warmongers"—remains disturbingly active. Feeding the military-industrial complex, global elites are paving the way for a new global conflict. The war in Ukraine isn't enough; next on the agenda are Iran, China, and potentially a march deep into Russia. But this is more than an economic war—it’s a social wrecking ball that threatens to obliterate pensions, Social Security, and the entire safety net that millions rely on.

Behind the scenes, the neocons running the show are willing to sacrifice the future of the public—and the planet—to cement their control. And what's next? Perhaps a "false flag" operation to manipulate the masses, driving the public into another senseless war. With media propaganda and government narratives carefully spun, they’ll manufacture threats to strip away freedom, democracy, and social safety nets.

So, where will you stand in all this? By the time the masses wake up, it might be too late.

#BITCOIN 💰 The hedge against their system.
