Unlocking Ichimoku Charts: Navigating New Horizons in Technical Analysis! 📊🌐

Embarking on the journey of creating Ichimoku charts unveils a unique approach to technical analysis, where daily data and mid prices take center stage. Let's dive into this distinctive realm, breaking down the nuances that set Ichimoku charts apart from their Western counterparts.

Daily Data Dominance:

In the Ichimoku world, daily charts reign supreme. Unlike traditional candle theory that explores various timeframes, Ichimoku charts exclusively focus on daily data. Some trailblazers may experiment with monthly, weekly, or even hourly units of time, emphasizing the importance of flexibility and innovation in charting practices.

Medium to Long-Term Strategies:

The reliance on daily candlesticks signals that Ichimoku charts are tailored for medium to long-term strategies. This makes them less suitable for day traders or jobbers, emphasizing a strategic approach that unfolds over a more extended time horizon.

Mid-Point Prices Unveiled:

Here's where Ichimoku charts truly deviate from Western conventions. Instead of using daily closing prices, Ichimoku charts employ 'mid-prices.' This involves calculating the average of the high and low prices of the day, a simple yet effective method (high + low / 2). Notably, this mid-price calculation remains untouched by volume considerations.

A Global Perspective with FX:

In the world of Ichimoku, where global markets operate around the clock, the use of mid-prices finds its significance. This method is particularly advantageous for markets like foreign exchange (FX), characterized by a continuous 24-hour cycle. The absence of reliance on daily closing prices accommodates the inherent dynamics of these markets.

Adaptability and Innovation:

While adhering to certain principles, Ichimoku charts encourage experimentation. The flexibility to explore different timeframes and adapt to market peculiarities sets a tone of innovation in charting practices. 🌐✹

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