Those who know the $NOT coin know that they won by digging on Telegram. New and updated similar projects have been released. Those who want to participate should come to their Telegram account and win immediately. telegram name Coin mining come and earn
Those who know#notcoin know that they won by digging on telegram. New and updated similar projects have been released. Those who want to participate should come to their telegram account and let's win immediately. telegram name Coin mining come and earn
Those who know #not coin know that they won by digging on Telegram. New and updated similar projects have been released. Those who want to participate should come to their Telegram account and win immediately. telegram name Coin mining come and earn
#PEPE How Many Dollars Was It? Things went very well for PEPE, one of the main actors of the meme coin rise, and during the meme coin rise, the process progressed until PEPE deleted 0. At this point today, while the meme coin craze was moving to another dimension, it did not go unnoticed that the interest in PEPE was decreasing.
As of writing time, the price of PEPE was 0.000006744 dollars after a 17% decrease, while the decrease in the last 7 days reached 21%. Despite this, PEPE's gains were so large that a monthly review showed the price growing by over 400%.
On the other hand, PEPE's market volume is just over 2.8 billion dollars, which places it 44th in the market volume ranking. PEPE's 24-hour trading volume is just over 1 billion dollars after the 35.50% decrease. This sharp decline can be interpreted as investor interest shifting to other cryptocurrencies.
Don't panic, it's coming to its senses right now, it won't rise slowly, it won't fall, it won't rise, Bitcoin will rise in 1-2 days, altcoins will also come out with it, and even started to rise. The bottom one will be profitable for me. #bone #SOLANO. #PEPE #ship What do you have? stays low, fed announced today, market recovers
5 COINs that will give a good expected return #PEPE #DOGE #ship #FLOKI. and lastly #BOME be careful about these, the ship is already burning coins, this means that there will be a rise, if doge will give a forward rise thanks to Elon Musk's Tesla conversation, pepe and his jib are not clear, lastly bome currently all It is a high volume coin on the platforms, there are small ups and downs, if you buy and sell for yourself while it is going up and down, you will get a daily income. If you make any long-term comments, those who make a mistake may be cooperating, but since it has a lot of income, I put less in the basket, just in case.
Why do people who have no knowledge about #BOME waste and dirty information? I personally think it will be popular everywhere. It seems like there is a possibility that a whale will come to it.