Recommended 100x coins that have fallen recently. The market has been bad recently, and many coins have fallen a lot. This is often the best time to buy. Now I recommend several absolutely undervalued projects on EOS, which are safe and reliable, with huge potential returns. EOS coin, a former star project, has a market value of 1.1 billion US dollars. You can use EOS as a stable currency and invest in other projects with higher returns; RAM, I won’t introduce it much. It is a limited and precious resource on EOS. It has risen 50 times in 6 months. It is likely to be one of the hot spots in this bull market, with a market value of 22 million US dollars; RAMS coin, which is very similar to RAM, is rich and powerful, with community assets of 16 million US dollars = market value, and you will earn money if you buy it; BOX, the largest and only decentralized exchange on EOS, a top DeFi platform for 4 years, has locked 70 million EOS, and may replicate the 100x market of RAM. It is currently at the absolute bottom, with a market value of 2.2 million US dollars, and its tokens are almost fully circulated; NOAH, a very good DeFi platform, but trapped in the EVM chain, so the market value is only 540,000 US dollars, you can buy it and try.

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