Here we have another

Cryptocurrency trading pair that

is exhausted on the bullish side; a

classic irregular correction is now

in the making with the end of wave

b coming in now. As wave b is

completed, the start of wave c opens

the doors for a SHORT.

The signal here comes from the


Notice how trading volume is much

lower now compared to March while

a higher high is being hit.

The massive growth after the

long consolidation phase in late 2023

needs to be balanced out and this

is the correction we are witnessing


Full trade-numbers below.... 100%

original, shared with positive vibes

hoping yhou achieve all of your

financial and personal goals,


Leverage: 3X

Buy-in: $0.000011600-



1) $O.000009750

2) $0.000009050

3) $0.000008400

4) $0.000007450

5) $O.000006750

6) $0.000006200

7) 0.0000005555

8) 0.0000004950

