Turkey Advances Crypto Regulation: Parliament to Review New Bill on Bitcoin (BTC) and Other Cryptocurrencies Today

Turkey is set to introduce its first legal definition of cryptocurrencies as a new bill is presented to the parliament today.

  • The legislation aims to align with international standards and reduce risks associated with digital assets.

  • “Our primary focus is to combat financial crimes,” stated Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek, highlighting the country’s compliance with 39 out of 40 FATF standards.

This article delves into Turkey’s groundbreaking cryptocurrency legislation, exploring its implications for the financial landscape and its alignment with global standards.

Introduction of Cryptocurrency Legislation in Turkey

The ruling party in Turkey, AK Parti, is making significant strides by submitting a proposal for the country’s first legal framework for cryptocurrencies. This move, expected to be presented to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) at 15:30 local time today, marks a pivotal moment in the regulatory landscape of digital assets within the nation.

Details of the Proposed Cryptocurrency Law

The proposed law, officially named “Amendment to the Capital Market Law,” will provide a clear definition of cryptocurrencies, which, according to reports, will be described as “intangible assets created and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technologies, distributed over digital networks, and representing value or rights.” This definition aims to standardize the treatment of digital assets and align Turkey with international regulatory frameworks.

Implications for Turkey’s Financial Market

The enactment of this legislation is expected to significantly impact Turkey’s financial market, particularly in how cryptocurrencies are perceived and utilized. By establishing a legal framework, Turkey aims to minimize the risks associated with digital assets, such as fraud and money laundering, while also potentially removing itself from the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) grey list.

Strategic Benefits and International Alignment

Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek emphasized the strategic importance of this legislation in combating financial crimes and aligning with global standards. Turkey’s compliance with FATF standards demonstrates its commitment to international cooperation in financial regulation. The new law could enhance investor confidence and stabilize the cryptocurrency market in Turkey.


The introduction of cryptocurrency legislation in Turkey represents a significant step towards integrating digital assets into the formal financial system. By providing a clear legal framework, Turkey not only aims to protect investors but also seeks to establish itself as a compliant and attractive market for cryptocurrency investment. The future outlook for cryptocurrencies in Turkey appears promising, with potential for increased stability and growth.

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