On April 14th, Fallout 76 broke its own record for the number of concurrent players on Steam. This occurred immediately after the release of the Fallout series by Amazon.
In light of the premiere of the online game's television adaptation, player numbers on PC surged by 300%, reaching a peak of 39,455 concurrent players on Steam.
The highest peak was reached over the weekend, with tens of thousands of players flocking to Fallout 76. The last and only time the multiplayer RPG saw more than 20,000 concurrent players on Steam was in May 2020, whereas recently, peak online numbers had been around 10,000.
Moreover, Fallout 76 wasn't the only installment in the series to see a massive return of players. Since the release of the Amazon show, the number of concurrent players in Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout: Shelter has tripled.
Currently, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout: New Vegas, and Fallout 3 are also among the top 15 best-selling games on Steam.
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