We would like to alert you to a new scam circulating 🔄. Some users have reported receiving phony phishing emails 📧 that are disguised as communications from the Binance P2P Merchant Team. These fraudsters have attempted to deceive users by claiming that their merchant applications have been approved, further asking them to send a security deposit to their wallet. Please be aware that these emails are NOT from Binance!

To ensure your safety:

1️⃣ **DO NOT** send funds to any wallet address provided in these emails 🚫💸.

2️⃣ Immediately mark these suspicious emails as SPAM to bolster your protection 🗑️.

3️⃣ Confirm the legitimacy of Binance communications! You can verify official Binance emails on our official verification page 🔍

4️⃣ If you have doubts about any information or email, always contact our live chat support for verification.

In case you're unsure what these phishing emails might appear like, we've got you covered. Visit our support section for examples 👀:

Remember, your vigilance is key 🔑. If something doesn’t seem right, it probably isn't!

Stay safe and alert, and together, let's keep our Binance community secure! 💪🛡️