Crypto community comes for Jupiter over budget proposal

Jupiter’s budget proposal offers $85k salaries plus 4.5m JUP tokens to four individuals, sparking community outrage.The total budget exceeds $7 million, with tokens vesting over just two years.Critics argue the CWG members lack experience and have not demonstrated value to JUP holders, viewing the proposal as self-enrichment.
Well, here we are, staring down one of those moments in the crypto universe where the gloves come off and everyone has something to say. Jupiter, a name that’s been making rounds for a multitude of reasons, is under the spotlight yet again. This time, it’s not for launching a new feature or hitting a milestone. Nope. It’s about their latest budget proposal, and let’s just say, it’s caused more than a little uproar.
A Proposal That Raises Eyebrows
So, what’s got everyone’s keyboards clacking and social media buzzing? Jupiter’s proposition to fund its first Working Group, known as the CWG, has certainly turned heads—and not in the good way. We’re talking about a budget that’s north of $7 million, earmarked for a quartet of folks. These individuals are poised to bag around $85,000 each in salaries, plus a hefty side of tokens—4.5 million JUP, to be exact, translating to a cool $6.75 million with today’s rates.
The kicker? These tokens come with a mere two-year vesting period.
Just let that sink in.
We’ve got a group that’s about to potentially sit on a multimillion-dollar pile for what? Hosting AMAs, brainstorming ideas, and evaluating applicants for the LFG. No prior wins to show for, no tangible value addition to JUP holders in sight. It screams, “How can we fill our pockets?” and frankly, it’s got the community in a tizzy.
Community’s Reaction: A Spectrum of Discontent
The feedback loop from the crypto sphere has been, for lack of a better word, explosive. Some folks are flat-out rejecting the proposal, calling it an “egregious attempted robbery” under